
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Coping With Computers :: essays research papers

Coping With Computers maculation the twentieth deoxycytidine monophosphate has proven to be a technological revolution,there has non been a single development with as much impact on our mean solar day to daylives than that of the data processor. For many, the development of the moderncomputer has provided more widespread affair opportunities, greater productionefficiency, and greater convenience at both dally and home than any otherinnovation has provided us with.Many of the degrees gain today did not exist twenty years ago. Manyof the computer sciences degrees ar based on technologies that were not evendeveloped not so long ago. The resulting situation is a work force that hasbeen caught with their knee breeches d consume. For many of the senior members of thisworkforce, they are at a disadvantage when it comes to competing with newercollege graduates in todays computer world. This article deals with thefeelings of one particular person in this position.Linda Ellerbee, a jo urnalist and author owns a picture productioncompany. She also has her own column in Windows magazine. Her experiences withmodern computer technologies range from the terminals of the 1970s all the with today with the Internet and e-mail.One of her first experiences with a computer tough sending a messageover the AP news wire. As it turns out, she verbalised her candid opinion onsome very sensitive topics at the time, including but not limited to the VietnamWar. Consequently, the AP was not amused with the message and she was fired.At the time, this incident was popular enough to make it into Newsweek magazine.Later on, she moved into television as a reporter, but now owns her ownproduction company, favored Duck Productions. Here, she realized that computersact as the driving force in a technologically based industry. She also realizedthat the younger generations are certainly more comfortable and at home withpersonal computers.While running her production company, she tells of her experience withher favorite contact employee. In her efforts to expose a system administrator,she was referred to Columbia Universitys Center for Telecommunication Research.There, she negotiated a lucre via e-mail, and whenever a system needs to be setup the ghost does it over the Internet. Of course, the bill is sent with e-mailas well. As of yet, she as yet has never seen the system administrator.