Saturday, August 31, 2019
Dickenson’s Hard Times
As I analyze the first character that was presented in the book Hard times by Charles Dickens, Thomas Gradgrind is one of the central figures through whom the author weaves a web of intricately connected characters and plotlines. His character is used with most central feature of his monotone attitude and appearance that is mechanized. Mr. Gradrinds opening speech to a group of young students during the opening scene embodies his dryness and the hard fact that he crams into his student’s heads.Gradrind is best described as â€Å"square coat, square legs, square shoulders,†(Dickens, 1981) by the narrator which merely suggest Gradrind’s unrelenting rigidity. During the first few chapters, he expounds his philosophy of calculating his rational self interest. Human nature can be governed by complete rational rules according to his belief. He is also ready to weight and measure any parcel of human nature and be able to tell what it comes to. By this philosophy he was able to triumph financially and socially. His fortune as a hardware merchant which is a trade that deals in hard material reality.He also became a member of the Parliament and this position allows him to indulge his interest tabulating data about people from England. Though he is not a factory owner, he evinces the spirit of Industrial revolution as he treats people like machines that can be reduced to a number of principles of science. The narrator describes Gradrind ironically but he also undergo significant change in the novel which later catches the narrator’s sympathy. This is when Louisa confessed to him that something really important is missing in her life and that she is unhappy and disappointed with her marriage.This gave a realization to Gradrind that the education system that he has is not perfect. This is proven when he learned that Tom robbed the bank of Bounderby. and since he was faced by these failures, he admits to himself that â€Å"The ground on which I stand has ceased to be solid under my feet. †(Dickens, 1981)The dilemmas of his children made him feel and learn love, compassion and sorrow. He later became a humble man and making his facts and figures in greater connection with the virtues of faith, hope and charity.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Criminal Record Management
CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT TEAM NAME: THE constructorS THE GREAT MIND CHALLENGE 2012 CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, MADHYA PRADESH Team Guide: Dr. Anurag Shrivastava Members: NITIKA IPG-2011-070 HIMANI SHARMA IPG-2011-042 PRIYANKA AGRAWAL IPG-2011-082 Department: Information Technology 1 1 THE constructorS THE constructorS State: Madhya Pradesh CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction: 1. 1 Purpose 1. Scope 1. 3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 1. 4 References 1. 5 Tools to be used 1. 6 Technologies to be used 1. 7 Overview 2. 0 Overall Description 2. 1 Product Perspective 2. 2 Software Interface 2. 3 Hardware Interface 2. 4 Product Function 2. 5 User Characteristics 2. 6 Constraints 2. 7 Architecture Design 2. 8 use Case Model Description 2. 9. 1 Class Diagram 2. 9. 2 Sequence Diagrams 2. 10. 1 ER Diagram 2. 10. 2 Schema 2. 11 Assumptions and Dependencies 3. 0 Specific Requirements 3. 1 Use caTHE constructorS THE constructorS se Reports 2 2 3. 2 Supplementary RequirementsCRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENTCRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT 1 INTRODUCTION Police provides safety to citizens. It always remains steady for arresting any criminal who is a threat for the safety of society. After registering the FIR from any citizen, police starts its work and on that basis it arrests the criminals if proofs are found against them. Once the criminals are arrested, police starts investigation from them. After getting all the proofs against the criminal, it is the duty of the police to present all the proofs honestly to the court so that the right man can get right punishment.The true and right information provided by the people to police helps a lot in arresting the criminals who try to spoil the peaceful environment of society. Along w ith low salary scale, facilities of modern technology such as computerized system of keeping records are not provided to police department which causes low efficiency. As it is the age of computers and all the organizations today use computers to maintain their records, so this facility should also be given to police department in order to increase their efficiency and to save their time. 1. 1 Purpose-Purpose of this Project is to implement a CRM (Criminal Record Management). This is a database system in which police will keep the record of Criminals who have been arrested, to be arrested or escaped. This will help the Police department to manage their records easily. In police system when an incident occurs, a Petitioner reports an FIR (First Information Report). Police starts investigation according to law on this FIR. An investigation Officer supervises the investigation process. The main concerning people in the whole process are Petitioner (The person who files an FIR), Victim, Accused/Criminal, investigation officer. . 2 Scope: The Scope of the criminal record management includes:- The scope of the CRIMINAL RECORD MANGEMENT involves all the prohibitions & record- data under CRM project and since it is a vastly implicated record by the crime related department therefore the scope though limited to be implicated yet. * Meant for 5 different users 1) Jail Superintendent 2) Police Officers 3) CBI officers 4) Administrator 5) Judge * All have their own profiles in CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT(CRM) Administrators maintains database, backup and restore data time to time. Police officer can look for criminal's history, can transfer criminal to another jail. * CBI officer can look for details of any criminal. * Judge can look for criminal's record, decide criminal's punishment. * Police superintendent records all necessary data about a criminal and update databaseTHE constructorS THE constructorS 1. 3 Definitions, Acronyms ; Abbreviations: 1. 3 3 THE constructorS T HE constructorS CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRM: criminal Record management. 2. HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language): It is used to create static web pages. . JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content. 4. J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the Java platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications. 5. WSAD (Web-Sphere Studio Application Developer): It is a designer toolkit which is designed to develop more complex projects by providing a complete dynamic web service. 6. WASCE (Web-Sphere Application Server Community Edition): It is an application server that runs and supports the J2EE and the web service applications. . DB2 (IBM Database 2): It is a database management system that provides a flexible and efficient database platform to raise a strong â€Å"on demand†business applications. 8. HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol between a web browser and a web server. 9. XML (Extensible Mark-up Language): It is a markup language that was designed to transport and store data. 10. Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in java script to create dynamic web pages. 11. Web 2. : It is commonly associated with web applications which facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centred design and collaboration on the World Wide Web. 12. UML: Unified Modelling Language is a standard language for writing software blueprints. The UML may be used to visualize, specify, construct and document. 13. RAD: Rational Application Developer is a development tool that helps to design web pages and also helps to design the diagrams like ER, Database schema diagrams and to generate DDL. 1. 4 References: * IBM TGMC Sample Synopsis * IBM- www. ibm. in/develeporworks * THE constructorSTHE constructorS CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT Java- www . sun. com * Wikipedia- www. wikipedia. com * Complete Reference-J2EE * 4 4 Object Oriented Modelling and Design with UML-Michael Blaha, James Ram Baugh. * Software Engineering, Seventh Edition, Ian Somerville. * IBM Red Books. * Database Management Systems – Nava the. 1. 5 Tools to be used * ROSE/RSA / Web-Sphere Modeler * Eclipse/ RAD / Lotus Forms Designer / Portlet Factory * Web-Sphere Portal/ WAS/ WAS CE / WPS * DB2 Express – ‘C’ or DB2 UDB * Tivoli CDP/TSM / Tivoli Directory Server * Linux as the preferred OS. 1. Technologies To Be Used: * J2EE: (Servlet, JSP, JAXP, Java Beans) Application architecture. * JAVA: Application architecture. * WASCE: (Web-Sphere Application Server Community Edition) Web Server * DB2: IBM Database. * RAD 7. 0: Development tool 1. 7 Overview:- * A professional looking user interface with login IDs for criminals, police officers, superintendents, administrator and judge. * Once recruited all the users access their right to r espected functions or actions as enlisted later. * Another component of this is the reports generated in response to:- a) Registration confirmations. ) Statement of security and privacy. c) Print outs for criminal's history. * Functions/actions of – 1) Jail Superintendent * Register the new Criminal. * Record the Crime type and details of the crime. * Take the information like photo from 3 different view, blood group, finger print, retina scan and DNA information. * THE constructorS THE constructorS CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT Search Criminal with any of the above input. * CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT Update the new crime of existing criminal. * 5 5 Maintain the current location of the criminal (i. . Cell No. , Jail Name etc. ) * Maintain the records of meeting with outsiders. * Record the data of health condition if any. * Assign works. 2) Police Officers * Search the criminal by name/blood group/type of crime/Jail No. /DNA/ Image/Sketch. * Transfer the criminal to another jail. * Access full information of criminals. 3) CBI Officers * Search the criminal by name/blood group/type of crime/Jail No. /DNA/Image/Sketch. * Access full information of criminals. 4) Administrator * Maintain the database. * Grant/Revoke role to/from other Users. * Backup and restore of data. * Monitor the Jail Administration. ) Judge * Access information of criminals. * THE constructorS THE constructorS Also access information about other Users. * CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT Reduce/Increase the level of punishment. * 6 6 Transfer the criminal to other location. * Constraints – a) The content and graphical user interface is in English. b) Login and password is for identification. c) The allowed person is allowed to access the database only upto a limited extend. d) This system is limited to HTTP/HTTPS. e) This system is working for single server only. 2. 0 Overall Description:- 2. 1 Product Perspe ctive:THE constructorS THE constructorS CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT 2. 2 Software Interface: * Client on Internet Web Browser, Operating System (LINUX preferred) * Web Server WASCE, Operating System (LINUX preferred) * Data Base Server CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT DB2, Operating System (LINUX preferred) * Development End RAD (J2EE, Java, Java Bean, Servlets, HTML, XML, AJAX), DB2, OS (LINUX preferred), Web-Sphere(Web Server) 7 7 2. 3 Hardware Interface: 2. 3. 1 Client Side: * Browser- Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,NN, * Processor- All Intel or AMD- 1 GHZ Ram- 256 MB * Disk space- 100 MB 2. 3. 2 Server Side: * For RAD * Processor- All Intel or AMD- 1 GHZ * Ram- 2 GB * Disk space- 5 GB * For DB 10. 12 * Processor- All Intel or AMD- 1 GHZ * Ram- 512 MB * Disk space- 500 MB 2. 4 Product Function-The SIC client should be running on the client system so as to track the account details of the user. The server will only respond to thos e systems where the client is running THE constructorS THE constructorS 2. 5 User characteristics 1. General Users: They will be in a position to permit access to the users in the Internet and acknowledge their account status. 2.Administrators: They are the core users and are able to add new users to the system and permit them to access the Internet resources. They can also view in real time what a user is performing right now. They can also get the overall report of the user sessions. 3. Client Users: They login at the client level and this is to get access to the Internet at the client level. They can also view their account status in the client system. 2. 6 CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT Constraints – * 8 8 The content and graphical user interface is in English. * Login and password is for identification. The allowed person is allowed to access the database only upto a limited extend. * This system is limited to HTTP/HTTPS. * This system is working f or single server only. 2. 7 CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT Architecture DESIGN- THE constructorS THE constructorS 9 9 2. 8 Use Case Model Description- CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT User – User can log in after registration then look for site , give information like name, Location,& other Information about the criminals. Administrator- Administrator monitors the details of criminals, aggregates feedback, Backup & restore of data.Manager- Works same as administrator and also monitors , and works on input from feedback Public reviews – They query or give reviews on open web based funds listed for utilization, maintaining proper confidentiality 2. 9. 1 Class Diagram- User| Managers| Admin | User-name | User-id() | User-id() | Password| Password() | Password() | Sign-up() | Login() | Login() | Search-criminal() | Feedback() | Criminal()| Contact-details() | Criminal()| View-status()| Feedback() | | Add-new Criminal() | THE cons tructorS THE constructorS Login() | | 10 10 | CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT 2. 9. Sequence Diagram- THE constructorS THE constructorS THE constructorS THE constructorS 11 11 CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT 2. 10. 1 ER DIAGRAM- THE constructorS THE constructorS 12 12 THE constructorS THE constructorS CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT 2. 10. 2 SCHEMA- CRIMINALS| Name| Criminal id| Occupation| Date of Arrest| Date of birth| Crime| Punishment Details| Address| Sex| Finger Print| Blood Group| Photograph| Punishment starts on| Punishment ends on| Bail (if given)| Health report| Unwanted activity during punishment| Jail Details| Site Admin|Name| Email id| Date of birth| Sex| Occupation| Qualification| Contact Number| Password | Country| Expert User| Name| Email id| Date of birth| Sex| Occupation| Qualification| Achievement| Contact_num| Password| City| Country| Registered Profile| Name| Email- Id| Sex| Password| Address| Dat e of birth| Contact Number| Police station| Station Id| Station Name| Station Location| Station In-charge| Lock up room| Lock up Number| Lock up Location| Room size| Maximum Capacity(allowed)| Present status| Criminal In Jail| Jail Id| Criminal id| MEDIA| Media Id| Media Name| Media Type| 13 13 2. 11 Assumptions and Dependencies Initially only two locations are connected to the SIC * Each location is always connected, whether an operator is logged on at the remote location or not * Each User must have a User-ID and password * There is only one Administrator. * Server must always run under Linux system * Internet connection is a must. * Proper browsers should be installed * Text readers should be installed to view the help files. THE constructorS THE constructorS CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT THE constructorS THE constructorS 3. GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE- 3. 0 Specific Requirements – 1) The details within it should be defined as individual specific requi rements, following the guidelines for sound requirements (verifiable, unambiguous, etc. ) (2) Specific requirements should be organized in a logical and readable fashion. (3) Each requirement should be stated such that its achievement can be objectively verified by a prescribed method. (4) Sources of a requirement should be identified where that is useful in understanding the requirement. (5) One way to classify the specific requirements is as follows 14 14 3. 1 Use Case Reports- CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENTUse case| Description| Login| The user has to register for first time then log in| Update Profile| Information like current address, ration card etc. | Give feedback| Giving feedback to the manager| 15 15 THE constructorS 7 THE constructorS 7 Use case| Description| Login| The Administrator has to register for first time then log in| History of criminal| Keeps record and check of criminal| Aggregate feedback| Collect feedback from User| Give feedback| Give personal and collected feedback to manager| Ask query| Ask query to the manager| Use case | Description|Login | The Manager has to register for first time then log in| History of criminal| The Administrator has to register for first time then log in| Aggregate feedback| Collect feedback from user| Efficiency check| Checking the efficiency of database and administrator| Input from feedback| Reviewing feedback and involving concerned action| 16 16 THE constructorS 7 THE constructorS 7 3. 2 External Interface (Supplementary) Requirements-This should specify: (1) The characteristics that the software must support for each human interface to the software product.For example, if the user of the system operates through a display terminal, the following should be specified: * Required screen formats * Page layout and content of any reports or menus * Relative timing of inputs and outputs * Availability of some form of programmable function keys. CRIMINAL RECORD MANAGEMENT CRIMINAL RECORD M ANAGEMENT the use of other required software products (for example, a data management system, an operating system, or a mathematical package), and interfaces with other application systems is specified below:- For each required software product, the following should be provided: * Name Mnemonic * Specification Number * Version number * Source For each interface: * The purpose of the interfacing software should be related to the software product. * It is not necessary to detail any well-documented interface, but a reference to the document defining the interface is required. (1) Safety Requirements-Highly recommend Kaspersky 2013 internet security to been Installed in users Pc to prevent the harm that may occurs by unwanted malicious software’s, phishing URLs and all the types of virus attacks during using this application. 2) Security Requirements-All users should be properly authenticated before allowed entry into the system authentication will be based on an E-mail address, and a password. All activities on the system must be logged. (3) Non-Functional Requirements- Secure access of confidential data (user’s details). SSL can be used. 24 X 7 availability. Better component design to get better performance at peak time. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension. 17 17 THE constructorS 7 THE constructorS 7
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Psychology of aging Essay
As people age, they become vulnerable to various diseases such as diabetes among others. Diabetes is a disease that affects many of individuals all around the world and arises when there is a high level of sugar in the blood for an extended period of time. There exist three known types of diabetes- Type1, which affects mostly the younger population; Type II, that affects population above 40; and gestational diabetes which affects women during the third trimester of their pregnancy. Factors that give rise to diabetes include hereditary factors, being overweight and problem with beta cells located in the pancreas (Jack, 2006, 45). I) Type I This occurs when the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Thus patient of this type of diabetes have to receive daily injections of insulin. The most affected are the children and young adults but can also affect people of other ages. Type I diabetes is caused by destruction of beta cells resulting from malfunctioning of the body’s immune system (Jack, 2006, 71). II)Type II In this case, the beta cells do not produce enough insulin to meet the needs of the body. Moreover, the cells in the body do not react appropriately to the available insulin because they cannot admit glucose through their cell membranes. The type II nature of diabetes is most vulnerable to aging people (Jack, 2006, 71) Though diabetes has no cure it can be controlled through diet, proper medication and exercise. Campaigns on how to best manage the disease is important in avoiding adverse effects on the body. Old and aging people need to take excessive care with their diets and how they exercise their bodies. Care and attention should also be given to the aging people especially those who are diabetic.
The valuation of the National Grid company Assignment
The valuation of the National Grid company - Assignment Example The reason behind the selection of the model can be explained with the help of the following advantages National Grid Company Plc is a multinational company headquartered in London. The primary business includes the supply of electricity and gas utility. The company is listed both in London Stock Exchange and FTSE 100 index. It is categorized under the diversified utilities industry. The company has 20th largest primary listing on London stock exchange. The company also has the secondary listing on NYSE (Hoover, 2011). The market price on October 1st 2012 was  £624.68(closing price of London stock exchange on Oct 1st 2012) (yahoofinance, 2015).Comparing the market price with the intrinsic value calculated using the residual income model above shows that the Stock of National Grid Plc is undervalued as compared to the intrinsic value. The rationale for the stable long term growth rate of 0.05% was that the National Grid is expected to reach the stable level of supply requirement of gas in UK because in the beginning of 2015, which shows minimum shortfall of 15mcm in London, which can be managed easily afterwards through the flows from Norway and Britain with the lingled pipeline. National Grid is in the process to further improve the supply side by the end of 2015, which may lead to the stabilized phase of National Grid Plc (Reuters, 2015). Therefore, after 2015 and onwards the growth in retained earnings are expected to be minimal i.e. around 0.05%. On May 1st 2015, National Grid Stock has reached at the level of 886.30 which is slightly overvalued from the intrinsic value calculated as on 1st October 2012. Therefore, it can be implied that the price of National Grid Stock is mean
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Ethics and Federal Bailouts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics and Federal Bailouts - Essay Example In Savings and Loan (S&L) financial crisis which lasted from 1989 to 1995 resulted in the closure of approximately 50% of the 3,234 S&L institutions (Phillips 2008). The government intervened in order to make good to investors through the creation by Congress of the Resolution Trust Corp (RTC). At the end of the day estimates revealed that it cost the government approximately $124 billion. The greatest bailout in the history of the federal government is the recue of the financial institutions in 2008 which cots $700 billion (Investopedia 2009). This is officially called the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. In describing 2008 as a banner year for bailouts by the government Credit Loan (n.d.) indicates that the government provided funds totaling $29 billion to Bear Stearns and $150 billion to AIG and has promised $100 billion to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (two mortgage finance giants), in order to save the financial sector Investopedia 2009). Ethical Implications Relating to Misuse of Funds It has been reported in the media that these funds have been misused by politicians who give their close associates preferential treatment. According to The Blaze (2011) accusations have been made against Rep.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Public Involvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Public Involvement - Essay Example A good amount of research has gone into exploring how patients can be incorporated into the Health Care Planning process. The underlying principle of shared decision-making is that professionals and patients exchange information about treatment options and preferences, and through negotiation find solutions to the existing problems. The involvement of patients in healthcare service planning and evaluation is thought to increase accountability to tax-payers, better identify and meet their needs, and broaden the value base underlying evaluation (Gagliardi et al. 2007). A recent government policy in the UK, issued in 1999 and reviewed in 2002, under the title of ‘Patient and Public Involvement in the new NHS’, has stressed the need â€Å"to involve patients, users, carers and the public in health and health services, highlighting the opportunities which the Government’s NHS reforms offer to develop effective patient and public partnership†(HSC 1999/210 p. 2). All over the world an awareness campaign has taken birth to understand the implications of public participation and their impacts. (Anderson et al. 2006). Pollitt (2003) used a quotation from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to list some of the motives the governments are trying to employ to enhance the quality of services. It states, â€Å"†¦if service users participate, then surely they will know best what they want?†(Pollitt 2003: p. 100). It is also to escalate the credibility of policy decisions in trying to make the general public feel part of the process. It states, â€Å"This is not just our "political" decision making, it is yours too, because you participated in it†(Pollitt 2003: p. 100). As Farrell (2004) points out, the outcomes of public involvement increases the confidence, understanding and skills of the people who participate. It also
Monday, August 26, 2019
Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 13
Sociology - Essay Example Culture defines the development of relationships between suppliers and customers as well the development of a marketing plan and objectives. The definition of organizational culture is diverse but the focus of the whole organization. Organization culture is defined as â€Å"the values and behaviors that influence the unique social and psychological environment of the organization†. Most organizations operate in a known and established pattern that is known to the long serving workers. Chanel 5 is product from Parisian couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel. It is a French company with global reputation. The company has managed to develop its organization structure and culture over the years of operation leading to creation of organization culture and tradition. The company will be described simply as Chanel as it is widely known. The organization structure of the company has evolved changing its culture and traditions. The success in the development of a unique social and psychological environment is tied to the guiding principles developed by the management. Organizational culture depends on both the past, current ass umptions, philosophy, experience and values. The culture is expressed in its inner image, inner workings, interaction with the outside environment, and future expectation. The basics of the culture are dependent on the beliefs customs attitudes, express and implied contracts, written and unwritten rules that the organization develops over time. It is the way the organization conducts business, treats employees, clients and the community. For Chanel, the culture and focus of the company was determined by traditional market which targeted the women in the society. Fragrance worn by women had two basic categories which have been entrenched into the company culture namely respectable women and sexually provocative fragrance for prostitute. This culture of production via values has been entrenched into
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Child Brides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Child Brides - Essay Example Doll represents the child - dolls are often used as puppets or symbols. Children are very often manipulated like dolls by their parents at a still young age as they are too young to be able to understand what is really happening. The female characters in â€Å"A Dolls House†by the author and playwright Henrik Ibsen project the idea that women are merely self-sacrificing entities of society. A woman can only justify her existence on earth by dedicating herself to others. It is a reality in most societies, where child marriages are still practised, that women practically have no rights whatsoever and are held in a condescending or patronizing manner by the men. The husband in the play â€Å"A Dolls House†treated her wife as a mere object or plaything, that made his wife feel depressed and trapped in the marriage (Ibsen, 2009:50). This â€Å"burka dolls†idea came from my last video project and how women are manipulated. This doll represents Islam although I am looking for a symbol towards my work; however my intention is not against Islam. According to my peers and my audience, its seems this is against Islam because I have been looking at Sara Maples works (haram or forbidden painting) who is against Islam and shown holding a pig, in which it is considered a sin to hold a pig because it is a dirty animal and therefore forbidden to cradle or handle it.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Develop business aptitude skills including communication, Assignment
Develop business aptitude skills including communication, presentation, and leadership abilities - Assignment Example However, the client wonder if another software making company comes out with more efficient and software product that can prove to deliver cut throat competition for the client. Furthermore, the client is extremely concerned that the competitors may develop software or application capable to test the cell phone signal strengths provided by different carriers such as AT & T Sprint and Verizon among others in specific building sites. The client fears that this application which might be developed by the competitors could be efficient enough to determine the need for rooftop antenna and signal re-amplification for the workers inside the building to receive calls in their cell phones. Contextually, the primary problem anticipated by the client is the threat from the competitors in terms of product imitation and innovation that might reduce the market competiveness of the client’s software. It is also feared that the competitors’ application may render more efficient service s to customers which may ultimately reduce the demand for the client’s product. However, the above identified problem can be well rationalized as opportunities for growth for the client, as it will give him the opportunity to compete with his/her rivals with constant innovations in terms of technologies. Q2: Formalize Four Objectives for the Project Based on the level of threats and the problematic issues that are drawn by the client, the primary objectives of the project were to advise him to effectively to manage and deal with these challenges in order to remain competitive at the marketplace. These objectives were also directed towards increasing the competency level and revenue generating capability for the client’s product. The four broad objectives of the project are revealed below. Firstly, the project intended to suggest the effective marketing plan including role of promotion in demand creation to client in order to attract large base of customers towards his/ her software product Secondly, the project aim at emphasizing the importance of monitoring the performance and the marketing activities of competitors for the client in order to outpace the competitors Thirdly, the project envisioned to identify and acquaint the client with the importance of continuous innovation in the technology oriented business Lastly, the project aimed at assisting client with the ways of increasing revenue and market reach (Wickham & Wickham, 2008). Q3: Consider What Problems Might Emerge in Reconciling the Client’s Objectives with Your Own as A Consulting Team From the perspective of a consulting team, there are various issues that may arise while making efforts for accomplishing such broad objectives. It can be affirmed that the accomplishment of these objectives requires considerable planning and effective execution. Accordingly, there may arise numerous issues relating to development of a market plan and involving various marketing and advertisement activities. Contextually, it can be admitted that for carrying out these activities the client may require to make considerable investment. Also, it will prove to be a problematic for the client to monitor the performances and various activities that are undertaken by the competitors. Correspondingly, this will require the client to gather considerable data regarding the competitors which may be time consuming and cumbersome tasks (Pfeffer, 1995). Additionally, creating a competitive
Friday, August 23, 2019
Internation Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Internation Marketing - Assignment Example While retail stores and other associated channels provide arenas where final transactions take place and consumption begin, the impact of retailing activities on customer demand has largely been ignored in the theory of marketing, with few exceptions such as the late Hollander whose research has continuously proved to be of great contribution to market researchers. Hollander argued that the fundamental of market theory was aimed at understanding how retailers have acted (and still act) as consumption modifiers and gatekeepers. Likewise, Hunt noted in 1983 that marketing study involves the study of exchange behavior and institutional frameworks through which exchange occur. Hunt’s view was that the study should be a fundamental marketing explanda. Within the marketing arena, slow knowledge change on retailing has been achieved. This however should be the case considering the numerous technological and socio-cultural advancements the world continues to witness every passing moment. One exception for the slowness is the historic nature of most marketing research activities. Hollander noted that much study was a historical or highly â€Å"anecdotal†. The call for response to Hollanders challenge was echoed by Alexander in 1997. In Alexanda’s perspective, the importance of retailing and marketing to modern business development cannot be underestimated. Much action needs to be taken in ensuring that theories and frameworks that are developed are beneficial to the growing business world. One area that is of great concern is the issue of ethnocentricity in business and especially in international marketing although it has not been incorporated in previously formulated theories. From the facts discussed above, it is noted that marketing managers and market researchers often fail to take into consideration ethnocentrism in their conceptual frameworks, practice and
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Guernica and the Torture of Politics Essay Example for Free
Guernica and the Torture of Politics Essay When Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) painted Guernica (1) in 1937, the painting was not only a pictorial documentation on the horrors that took place on a small Basque town in northern Spain on April 26th, 1937, but a testament to the tragedy of all war that humankind wages upon itself. Picasso says he created the painting to bring the world’s attention to the Spanish civil war and to General Franco’s unusually cruel tactics to try and win this war. In the case of Guernica, this painting has monumental political significance and is still viewed today as greatest anti-war symbol of our time. This massive, mural- sized painting (11 ft. tall by 25 ft. wide) is painted in oil and currently on exhibit at the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid. Even if we remove the political significance of this nearly monochromatic painting, we are still left with one of Picasso’s masterpieces of cubist composition. The twisted, disjointed figures undulating across the canvas create a tapestry of suffering in sharp contrasts of black, white and blue. The Spanish Republican government commissioned Picasso in 1937 to create a large mural painting to help bring to the light the misery of the Spanish Civil War to an international audience. Rather than seeing this very political commission as a limitation, Picasso embraced this opportunity as a platform to use his mastery of oil painting to affect political and popular opinion. Even those who are Basque or Franco sympathizers can not escape from the deep sadness and despair they are confronted with in this painting. In no way is this painting’s political tie a limitation to its greatness. Picasso’s Guernica has been exhibited throughout the world, viewed by millions, and many would argue that this was Picasso’s greatest achievement. Fast-forward 70 years to 2007; Different artists, different politics, different wars. No longer does the general populous receive its information in newspapers or the radio as they did in 1937. Our access to information is now instant and mainlined. In 2004 accounts of torture, sodomy and rape at the Abu Ghraib army prison in Iraq began to surface. The world, including its artists began to react. Richard Serra (born 1939) created a series of litho-crayon drawings depicting a scene of an Abu Ghraib prisoner being tortured (2), arms outstretched like a Christ figure, with the words â€Å"Stop Bush†on either side of his hooded face. The Whitney Museum of American Art used images of this drawing for posters of their 2006 Whitney Biennial at a time when America was still deeply divided over the continuance of this war. This mass-produced, photographic image had become a symbol of the anti-war movement in the United States. But unlike Picasso’s Guernica, Serra is working directly from a photograph of the actual event, simplifying it into a cartoon like image. Thus, Serra’s anti-war statement does not appear to be a timeless piece of art as Picasso’s did. If we take away the political significance from Serra’s drawings we are left with a compositionally stark subject. The politics must be included in Serra’s drawings for us to have an appreciation (or hatred, depending on your political view) of it. This is, perhaps, intentional on Serra’s part, being a minimalist sculptor, to strip the very concept of torture and war down to its most essential parts. The speed at which Serra created this drawing is parallel to our contemporary, insatiable appetite for news and information. It is possible that Serra wanted this drawing, like the actual photographic image itself, to be ephemeral; viewed and discarded to make way for the next headline. In conclusion, the political art that can align itself with our speed of information will be the political art that is successful in the future. Like it or not, we are all involved in politics in some way and affected by the decisions our governments make. If art is a mirror of our surroundings, then at some point it’s going to cross over into the realm of politics. We can only hope that our contemporary artists will utilize the same care and skills to create political work with mature political significance rather than first-idea, sophomoric vision.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Long and the Short and the Tall Essay Example for Free
The Long and the Short and the Tall Essay In the drama The Long and The Short and The Tall, the playwright Willis Hall convincingly uses the characters and their reactions to their situation to effectively reveal the theme of war. The play centres around seven soldiers in the First World War, who have become separated from their platoon and are stuck in the Malayan Jungle with only weapons, a minimal food supply and each other. The first part of the play concentrates on how the soldiers relate to each other in this isolated and pressurising situation, and we find out what kind of people they are. Later on though, they find a Japanese soldier and have to let him live with them in their hut. However, they must decide how to deal with him in the long run and in the end, after many arguments and changes of heart, an example of the harsh reality of war is demonstrated they kill him, surprising themselves as much as anyone. The play finishes unpredictably, with all of the soldiers but one being killed after leaving the hut. This soldier, Johnston, surrenders to the Japanese, and what is going to happen to him is foreseeable. The first important aspect we see which influences the characters and shows the idea of war is the setting. The setting is described to us before any dialogue takes place: A short burst of heavy gunfire is heard in the distance and then silence. A pause and then we hear the chirruping of crickets in the jungle. This would seem a rather strange setting for a war, and an equally strange place for sounds like gunshots to be heard, as it would seem to contrast to the peaceful setting. However, here Hall is conveying the idea that war affects everything, and that the soldiers are in a very isolated, claustrophobic place. Being confined to a small hut in the jungle makes the soldiers feel tense and causes their emotions to be magnified and brought out on each other, resulting in their arguing and mocking. An example of this occurs quite early in the play, where the soldiers are already starting to feel the effects of isolation and two, Bamforth and Evans, are having an argument. Bamforth is mocking Evans: Get back to Wales, you Cardiff creep. Only good for digging coal and singing hymns, you crummy lot. This helps to reveal the theme of war because individuals do not usually mock people unnecessarily and due to the isolated situation he is in Bamforth may be resorting to this to hide his own fear, or even for want of something better to do. The use of escapism is a second indication that the drama is set while a war is taking place. Earlier on in the play, the soldiers spend a while discussing personal matters like their families and houses: Did you do any gardening, Smudge, before you came into the army? enquires Evans of Smith. Smith answers by describing his garden, ending with: I suppose the kids have racked it up. This seems somewhat strange as a garden appears a bit of an odd thing to be worrying about in the middle of a war. It also feels rather odd to the readers, as we know that it is highly unlikely that Smith will ever see his home and family again. Also, it shows that the war has an effect on peoples feelings, making them think more about their homes and families and appreciate them more. Discussing families serves as distraction to the men, who are just ordinary people needing a way to escape from the horror of their state of affairs. Private Evans has a womens magazine, Ladys Companion and Home. Although at first he is teased about this, the soldiers eventually engage in a debate about one of the topics, again helping to take their minds off things. This leads to a further discussion about families; we learn about the soldiers girlfriends, wives and children. It is noticed, however, that Bamforth mentions nothing at all about his personal life, revealing a nature that does not wish to share individual stories, or is possibly jealous. One further example of escapism comes when Whitaker is seen darning his socks for: kit inspection Saturday morning. This is something that is not expected of the men, revealing a soft side not incorporated in the typical image of a soldier. This again reveals the theme of war by showing it meddles with peoples emotions the men unintentionally show their tender sides whilst doing anything to take their minds of the depressing situation that is war. The soldiers reactions to their radio, which is broken and so consequently useless, helps to take the theme of war further. Bamforth refuses to get excited when Whitaker thinks he hears something during his attempts to contact the rest of the platoon: Bamforth: So whats the use. Whitaker: I got something through, Im telling you. Bamforth: Thats your story, boy. You stick to it. Evans is not convinced either, saying: Perhaps you just imagined it, Sammy boy. This shows that war depresses people, and causes them to have negative attitudes, as they do not want to build their hopes up and be let down. However, when Whitaker tries a second time, both Evans and MacLeish think they have heard something as well, though Bamforth again refuses to let it get his hopes up: Bamforth: Ah, so what. Evans: I heard voices, Bammo! Bamforth: So what does that make you? Joan of Arc? Could have been any of the mobs up the jungle. We can see that he does not wish to get excited about something that may turn out to be unimportant, in order not to disappoint himself. However, when he realises that no one is behind him he resorts to taunts and sarcasm to stop him feeling defeated. This comes back to the theme of war in that it brings out pessimism and negative attitudes in people, and that it causes conflict between the soldiers who are suddenly bundled together in a confined space. Whitaker tries the radio a third time, and finds that although he picks up a small amount of sound, the radio fades due to a dead battery. Johnston gets irritated then, thinking that the dead battery could have prevented something important coming through: Damn duff equipment. Whole damn issues duff. It is the fault of the broken radio, which was issued by the British Army, that the men are in this situation in the first place. This shows that the men are at the mercy of those in control, indicating they have been placed there to do duties in a war that is not theirs, but their governments. Johnston and Mitchem smoke to calm themselves this scene shows the fear and frustration that war causes. Meanwhile, Whitaker is still trying to tune into the radio. After four tries, the radio bursts into life at long last, and a Japanese voice is heard. The soldiers react with sarcastic, forced humour: Bring on the Geisha girls! This again shows the topic of war because it demonstrates the soldiers fear the forced humour is their way of dealing with it. As the Japanese army approach, the soldiers reactions to this reveal further the war theme. At first, Evans acts as though he is not concerned because he feels that they are too far away to pose a threat: Its twenty miles at least! However, he could just be trying to convince himself, and signs of worry and anxiety are certainly showing among the other men: Whitaker: It was as clear as a bell! They could be sitting right on top of us! MacLeish: Ive got my brother posted out there! MacLeish continues this worry over his brother further into the play, and his naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½vety is displayed; he clearly knows nothing about how British prisoners of war are treated, and after they find the Japanese Soldier he goes to question Mitchem on the matter. At the same time he tries to convince himself that his brother will be treated fairly: MacLeish: You hear so many stories you know, on how the Japs treat P.O.Ws. Mitchem: Pretty rough, they reckon. MacLeish: Im not so sure. You hear all kinds of things, as if theyre almostanimals. But this bloke seems a decent sort of bloke. The approach of the Japanese is making him wonder if his brother has been made a prisoner. This shows the theme of war because it shows war makes people think more about their families. Mitchem, rather than comforting MacLeish, adopts a realistic approach and shows good leadership, as he knows his men must be prepared. One further aspect that reveals the theme of war is the soldiers reaction to the Japanese Soldier they have come across. The soldiers struggle to decide whether or not to kill the soldier in a battle of survival versus rules Mitchem reckons the soldier has to be sacrificed in order for them to survive, while the Geneva Convention stands to prevent them doing this. As we can see from the above, MacLeish sympathises with the soldier, and is not hostile towards him, displaying the idea that war is between governments and not individuals (although he changes his opinion later on.) He is kind to the soldier, trying to convince himself that if he treats this one soldier well, the opposing soldiers will be treating his brother well, should he have been made a prisoner of war. However he finds it hard to hold on to his morals this is shown in his changing attitude towards the soldier. When a British cigarette case is found, he thinks again of his brother but in a different way. This quick change of opinion reveals the theme of war by showing that war produces instinctive reactions. Most of the other soldiers react as we would expect from what we know of their personalities Johnston is an aggressive, power-hungry bully who hates the enemy and is eager to kill the soldier, having no doubts from the start: Stick it in! Dont stand there tossing the odds! Just close your eyes and woof it in! He is not really thinking about what he is doing he just sees the soldier as the opposition, not a person, who has to be killed because that is, in his opinion, the way war works. Again this demonstrates the idea that the war is between governments, who tell their soldiers what they expect from them and this has to be carried out. Evans, whom Johnston is addressing at this point, finds himself unable to kill the soldier, which doesnt surprise us because he is quite a soft, kind-hearted person. This highlights the fact that in situations like war ordinary men are put in impossible situations, again helping to reveal this theme. One reaction to the Japanese soldier that comes as a surprise is that of Bamforth. Although he comes across as rather a violent, sarcastic joker without any detectable sensitive side he defends the opposing soldier and is friendly to him, and even goes as far as to make a joke attempt to teach him English: I said, get your fingers up on your head! Like this! See! Flingers on the blonce! All light? At the very end, where all the other soldiers appear to have unanimously decide to kill the soldier Bamforth sticks by him loyally. He raises the question of morality in war, asking himself and the others if it is right to kill someone just because he is wearing the wrong uniform. He sees the soldier as an individual, like them, realising that he too has a family, which would be left without a husband and a father, should he be killed. It sometimes seems that Bamforth does not want to be there, he refusal to kill the soldier may even convey the fact that he is against the war all together. In the end, it is Whitaker the youngest and most vulnerable soldier in the patrol who clumsily shoots the soldier and leads his troop to discovery and death. This is ironic because he has consistently been the most timid member of the group. The incident clearly shows the negative effect of young and badly trained soldiers being placed in horrendous situations like war. The fact that it is Johnston, the most violent member of the patrol, who should survive at the end of the play is also ironic, as after constantly telling his own patrol to kill the enemy that was the opposing soldier, he himself surrenders to the Japanese. In conclusion, I find that Halls message about war is successfully conveyed through the characters. Each character reacts differently to the circumstances, illustrating that war concerns everybody and has many different effects. Through some of the characters, especially Bamforth and his bonding with the Japanese soldier, Hall illustrates one of his most important messages war is between governments, not individuals.
Construction of Recombinant DNA in E Coli
Construction of Recombinant DNA in E Coli In 1973 Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer pioneered the use of recombinant DNA technology for cloning and expression of genes in foreign organisms. They cloned DNA from the Salmonella typhimurium streptomycin resistance plasmid RSF1010 into the Escherichia coli plasmid pSC101 and observed tolerance to streptomycin among the transformants (Cohen et al., 1973). The first reported production of a human recombinant protein took place a few years later when the then newly started biotech company Genentech announced that they had managed to express the gene encoding human somatostatin in E. coli (Itakura et al., 1977). The value of the resulting bioactive substance was similar to that of somatostatin extracted from the brains of 500.000 sheep. In 1982 Genentech followed up this success with the product humulin, a recombinant insulin produced in E.coli and the first recombinant biotech drug to be accepted for market by the Food and Drug Administration. Today the production of recombinant prot eins has become a huge global industry with an annual market volume exceeding $50 billion (Schmidt, 2004). At the start of the recombinant protein expression era the bacteria Escherichia coli and Bacillus spp. dominated as hosts for recombinant expression, but the realization that a protein may require a specific host physiology and biochemistry for optimal production stimulated a search for new hosts, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Parallel to this quest, recombinant DNA technology advanced tremendously thereby opening up possibilities for the use of novel organisms. As a consequence, many different expression systems for use in many different hosts are now available, including systems for use in yeasts (Gellissen et al., 2005), filamentous fungi (Nevalainen et al., 2005), insect and animal cell cultures (Wurm, 2004; Kost et al., 2005), gram-positive bacteria like Bacillus (Westers et al., 2004) and Streptomyces (Binnie et al., 1997), and gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia c oli Bacterial expression systems are the preferred choice for production of many prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins. The reasons for this lie in the cost-effectiveness of bacteria, their well-characterized genetics, and the availability of many different bacterial expression systems. Among the hosts available for recombinant expression, Escherichia coli is in an exceptional position. This stems from the many decades of intense researchon its genetics as well as the broad scope of biotechnological tools available for genetic engineering of this organism. As a host for recombinant expression, E.coli is especially valued because of its rapid growth rate, capacity for continuous fermentation, low media costs and achievable high expression levels (Yin et al., 2007). One consequence of this popularity is that about 80% of all proteins used to solve three-dimensional structures submitted to the protein data bank (PDB) in 2003 were prepared in E.coli (SÃ ¸rensen and Mortensen, 2005) and during 2003 and 2006, nine out of 31 approved therapeutic proteins were produced in E.coli (Walsh, 2006), among them important growth factors, insulins and interferons (Schmidt, 2004). Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) was isolated from the jellyfish Aequorea aequorea in 1962 (Shimomura et al., 1962) where it was found as a companion protein to aequorin, the well-known chemiluminescent protein of the same species. It was noticed that living A. aequorea tissue had an emission spectrum peaking at 508nm and looking green but pure aequorin peaked in the blue range, at 470nm (Tsien, 1998). This then led Shimomuras group to discover GFP and suggest radiation-less energy transfer as the mechanism for exciting the protein. Its structure has been determined to consist of an 11 stranded ÃŽÂ ²-barrel containing the chromophore made up of a single ÃŽÂ ± helix as shown in Figure1. Its use as a tool in molecular biology was not realised until 1992 when Prasher reported the cloning and sequence of GFP (Prasher et al., 1992). Since 1994 GFP has been used as a reporter protein (Chalfie et al., 1994) flagging its own presence and therefore also proteins under the same control, by emitting green light (ÃŽÂ »em = 508 nm) upon excitation with near ultraviolet light (around 395 nm) or blue light (around 470 nm) (Ito et al, 1999). Since then many mutations have been developed looking to improve the emission or to focus it to a single wavelength (Heim et al., 1995) or to change the color of the emitted light itself. Recombinant DNA molecules usually contain a DNA fragment inserted into a bacterial vector. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a specific gene or DNA region of interest is isolated and amplified by DNA polymerase extracted from a heat-tolerant bacteria. PCR finds the DNA region of interest (called the target DNA) by the complementary binding of specific short primers to the ends of that sequence. The long chromosome-size DNA molecules of genomic DNA must be cut into fragments of a much smaller size before they can be inserted into a vector. Most cutting is done with the use of bacterial restriction enzymes. These enzymes cut at specific DNA sequences, called restriction sites, and this property is one of the key features that make restriction enzymes suitable for DNA manipulation. These enzymes are examples of endonucleases that cleave a phosphodiester bond (Anthony, 2012). The key property of some restriction enzymes is that they make sticky ends. The restriction enzyme EcoRI (from E.coli) recognizes the following sequence of six nucleotide pairs in the DNA of any organism: 5-GAATTC-3 3-CTTAAG-5 The enzyme EcoRI makes cuts only between the G and the A nucleotides on each strand of the palindrome (Figure.2). The recombinant DNA molecules are transferred into bacterial cells, and, generally, only one recombinant molecule is taken up by each cell. The recombinant molecule is amplified along with the vector during the division of the bacterial cell. This process results in a clone of identical cells, each containing the recombinant DNA molecule, and so this technique of amplification is called DNA cloning. The next stage is to find the rare clone containing the DNA of interest. Bacterial plasmids (vectors) are small circular DNA molecules that replicate their DNA independent of the bacterial chromosome. The plasmids routinely used as vectors carry a gene for drug resistance and a gene to distinguish plasmids with and without DNA inserts. These drug-resistance genes provide a convenient way to select for bacterial cells transformed by plasmids: those cells still alive after exposure to the drug must carry the plasmid vectors. However, not all the plasmids in these transformed cells will contain DNA inserts. For this reason, it is desirable to be able to identify bacterial colonies with plasmids containing DNA inserts. Such a feature is part of the pUC18 (or pUC19) plasmid vector shown in Figure 2; DNA inserts disrupt a gene (lacZ) in the plasmid that encodes an enzyme (-galactosidase) necessary to cleave a compound added to the agar (X-gal) so that it produces a blue pigment. Thus, the colonies that contain the plasmids with the DNA insert will be white rath er than blue (they cannot cleave X-gal because they do not produce -galactosidase). The following experiment outlines the construction of recombinant protein production in E.coli strain BL21 by using a bacterial plasmid vector pUC18/19 expressing Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) to act as a recombinant protein product with the benefits of being easy to visualise and measure. Materials and Methods Materials: The experiment was carried out using the following materials and Equipments: 2Â µl EcoRI/HindIII cut and cleaned PUC19 vector, 5Â µl EcoRI/HindIII cut and cleaned GFP insert, 2Â µl 10xT4 ligase buffer, 2Â µl T4 ligase(0.5 U ml-1) , and 9Â µl sterile water (H2O) ]to make up to 20Â µl volume[ . 100Â µl of competent BL21 E.coli cells on ice, 42Â °C water bath, Ice bucket with ice, selective media plates (1.5% Luria broth (LB) Agar, 40Â µg mL-1 X-gal, .1 mM IPTG, 50Â µg mL-1 ampicillin), sterile tubes, shaking incubator, Spectrophotometer or similar device to measure optical density of the bacterial cultures, flasks, Microcentrifuge. Methods: It can be divided into three stages: Ligation Reaction stage: in this stage 2Â µl EcoRI/HindIII cut and cleaned PUC19 vector, 5Â µl EcoRI/HindIII cut and cleaned GFP insert, 2Â µl 10xT4 ligase buffer, 2Â µl T4 ligase (0.5 U ml-1) , and 9Â µl sterile water (H2O) are mixed and kept at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. Transformation of ligation into cloning host stage: this stage conducted by deforesting 100Â µl of competent BL21 E.coli cells on ice (with caution do not allow to warm to room temperature), then adding 10Â µl of the ligation reaction from the first stage to BL21 E.coli cells. They are then incubated for up to 30 minutes on ice. Next step, is done by taking out the transformation mixture out of the ice and heated in water bath at 42 Â °C for almost 75 seconds, then followed by return immediately into ice for a minimum of 2 mins. Then the cells were plated out on selective media plates (1.5% Luria broth (LB) Agar, 40Â µg mL-1 X-gal, .1 mM IPTG, 50Â µg mL-1 ampicillin). Lastly, the transformation mixture is incubated at 37 Â °C for 12-18 hours afterdriedd. Picking of colonies for the protein expression stage: 2x5ml LB +50Â µg ml-1 ampicillin in 30ml sterile tubes were prepared, then 1xBlue individual colony and 1x white individual colony selected and inoculated in separate tubes. Then the tubes were incubated with shaking incubator throughout the night at 37Â °C , speed: 220rpm. Subculture and Growth of Recombinant E.coli for Protein expression: At the beginning, 2x60ml sterile Luria-Bertani (LB), in 250ml conical flask were warmed , (1 per inoculums ) at 37 Â °C, Then aseptically the ampicillin was added to a last concentration of 50Â µg ml-1 ampicillin. Next 1 ml of media was removed and was put in a cuvette to act as blank (one blank is enough for both ouh), followed by addition of 600Â µl overnight to calture of each individual colony to separate flask (1:100 inoculum), the flasks were put back to the shaking incubator and incubated at 37Â °C, speed: 200rpm , after that blank spectrophotometer was placed against media at 600nm , after 45 minutes the samples were removed aseptically from flasks, then from every flask 1x 1mL was removed and added to a fresh clean cuvette (take to next step 8) and 1x1ml was added to clean Eppendrof (take to step 9) . The OD600nm of culture in cuvette was Measured and the result of growth curve was recorded (once the cul ture has reached an OD 600nm of 0.5, IPTG was added to final concentration 1Mm stock solution. Then samples were spun down in the Eeppendrof tube at max speed in Microcentrifuge for 5 minutes , ensure centrifuge is balanced before spinning , the supernatant was removed and pellet ,then the pellet was suspended in 200Â µl Cell lysis buffer (10mMl Tris PH8.0, 300Mm Nacl , 10mg ml-1 Lysozyme). Resuspended cells were frozen at -20 c to the next day. Lastly, sampling was continued until OD600nm is no longer rising for two successive samples or until 16:30 pm. Results and discussion Although it is supposed to harvest between 30-300 colonies per plate (210- 2100 colonies for all groups), just three blue colonies were observed in plates between all groups, which mean that protein of interest (GFP protein ) was not expressed (inefficient) in BL21 E.coli cells due to some factors influenced the expression level or to some technical problems during the experiment which will be discussed. The most popular strain, BL21 and its derivatives, which are good producing protein, are descended from E.coli B and thus is deficient in the Lon protease. Additionally, the BL21 background lacks the OmpT outer membrane protease. For expression work, BL21 cells should be taken from stock cultures that performed from fresh transforms. This step is crucial to insure that the clone does not change and that each expression run gives optimal performance. Transformation frequency is affected by the purity of the DNA, how the cells are handled, and how the transformation was actually performed. In the impurities in the DNA usually spin columns can be used to purify DNA from PCR reactions, ligations, endonuclease digestions, or other treatments. In addition, the most common mistake when transforming E.coli is to put a lot of ligation mixture in the transformation. Other factors that effect transformation with BL21 are the handling and the storage of the competent cells. Competent cells need to be reserved at -70Â °C to keep them at the peak .It is worthy of noting that 5-10-fold of efficiency usually lost if tube put back in the box and place in the freezer. Moreover, Cells must be thawed on ice, and the transformation should be started immediately after the cells are thawed. Incubating on ice is necessary for chemically competent cells. If you heat shock right away, the efficiencies will be down 10-fold. If incubate for only 15 minutes, it will be down 3-fold. In addition, time of heat shock (75 second) could be not enough , thus, affect the efficiency enough to transformation of E.coli. Moreover, water bath temperature may be not equilibrated (less than 42Â °C or a higher which decrease in transformation efficiency ( Smith, et al, 1992). Also, the concentration of DNA has significant effect on the transformation efficiency , usually less amount of DNA is used. If using more, the result is fewer colonies because the impurities in the DNA will inhibit some of the cells from being transformed. There are main factors to consider during induction conditions: Vector, Host Strain, and Growth Conditions. These three factors have the biggest impact on the expression of the protein of interest. First on the list of considerations is the vector that is used to express GFP protein. The first thing should be considered after cloning, the protein of interest is still in frame. It is recommended that before any experiment is carried out the first thing is should be done is cloned plasmid (or a few different clones) sequenced. This will show if the sequence you inserted into the expression vector is still correct and is still in frame. This is especially important if the construct contains any PCR fragments. If there are any point mutations or the sequence gets out of frame by even a few bases it can have dramatic effects on the protein that expressed. Another thing to check before expressing is if the GFP protein sequence contains long stretches of rare codons. This can cause the prot ein that is expressed to be truncated or non-functional. A few rare cordons spread around the protein are OK in most cases, but if there are a number of rare codons in a row, then it can have a big effect. The third sequence related step to optimize the protein production is to make sure there is not a high GC concentration at the 5 end of GFP protein. This could potentially cause problems with the mRNAs stability, and could prevent it from being translated correctly, which would also lead to truncated or non-functional proteins. If your sequence is GC heavy at this end, you can try to make a few silent mutations to break up long stretches to try and help stability. After the plasmid is sequence verified, the next factor is the bacterial host that is used. There are almost as may hosts as there are expression vectors, with certain hosts excelling in producing different types of proteins. For example if you have a toxic protein, or a protein that could potentially cause genomic rearrangement, you will want a vector that gives you very tight control over the induction of your protein. There can be leaky expression (i.e. expression of your protein without the addition of your inducer) that can potentially have adverse effects on the cells growth or even prevent your cells from over-expressing your protein in the first place. If youre utilizing the T7 polymerase system, then look for a host containing the pLysS plasmid, as this will code for T7 lysozyme, which will suppress the T7 polymerase and can greatly reduce the level of background expression. If as stated before you have a protein that contains a large number of rare codons, then look for a h ost with the genes for the necessary tRNAs already present, which should allow your protein to express correctly. Sometimes simply changing hosts can have a dramatic effect on the amount of protein produced and the stability of the protein that is made, so if one host isnt giving you the results you need, then feel free to switch your host up. The third and final factor to consider when expressing a protein is growth conditions. When first starting out with the protein induction it is very important to run an expression time course, where you take a fresh colony from a streaked plate, and grow the culture to stationary phase. Next, dilute the overnight culture 1/100 and grow to mid log phase, then add the inducer and induce your protein for a number of hours, taking 1mL samples every hour or so. Once these samples are lysed, you can run an SDS-PAGE gel to determine your protein production levels. You might get great induction the first time, or you may have to tweak your conditions in order to get really good expression levels. Other factors that may need to be controlled for are the bacterial growth rate (determined by taking OD measurements during the induction process), and the temperature during induction. Some constructs will express perfectly fine at 37Â °C, while others need to be bumped down to 30Â °C to induce c orrectly. The concentration of the inducer too will have an effect, as many inducers (IPTG) can be toxic to the cells that they are inducing. Using freshly made inducer is good step to making sure you always have consistent results. Only through experimentation can you determine what will be best for your construct, and give you the most robust expression levels. Transformation efficiency: Transformation efficiency is a measure of the ability of cells to be transformed. Transformation efficiency is expressed as the number of transforms per microgram of pUC19. By using the following formula: Colonies on plate / ng of control DNA X 1000ng/Â µg = (transformation (T) / Â µg plasmid DNA) 100 ÃŽÂ ¼L equivalent to 0.01 ng DNA in the plate. Growth curve In general growth curve shows the S- shaped when plotted in log linear format as shown in figure 4, that separated into four phases: Lag phase; the initial period when no increase in cell number is seen. Log phase; when cells are growing at the maximumm rate. Stationary phase; growth decreases as a nutrient are depleted and waste products accumulate. Death phase; this is the result of prolonged starvation and toxicity. Conclusion The main goal for the experiment was to express the protein of interest (GFP). However, factors influencing transformation efficiency include technique errors, the temperature and length of the incubation period, the growth stage of the cells, and using the correct mass of plasmid DNA. Escherichia coli is one of the most important hosts in modern day recombinant protein production. Throughout academia and industry its uses are widespread and with sequence data available for some of the most common strains of the bacteria it has been a favourite organism for many metabolic engineering and metabolic modelling projects in the past (Berry, 1996; Koffas et al., 1999).
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Karl Marx: History as Explicable Human Activity Essay -- Philosophy Hi
History as Explicable Human Activity as Seen by Karl Marx Using phrases such as" innocent and childlike fantasies," Karl Marx unambiguously attacks the Hegelian philosophy preponderant during his time, citing in its concept of history an irrevocable divorce with reality. For Marx, history is exactly what it seems to be: a succession of human events in which ideas such as the division of labor, production, and revolution replace their immaterial Hegelian counterparts, if even such counterparts exist. In fact, Marx accuses the token historian of ignoring the fundamental aspects of actual human activity while instead concentrating upon non-actualized ideas at best and imaginary metaphysical concepts at worst. "History is nothing but the succession of separate generations, each of which exploits the materials, capital, and productive forces handed down to it by all preceding generations." Marx resists any abstraction from this idea, believing that his materialistic ideas alone stand supported by empirical evidence which seems impossible to the Hegelian. His history then begin... Karl Marx: History as Explicable Human Activity Essay -- Philosophy Hi History as Explicable Human Activity as Seen by Karl Marx Using phrases such as" innocent and childlike fantasies," Karl Marx unambiguously attacks the Hegelian philosophy preponderant during his time, citing in its concept of history an irrevocable divorce with reality. For Marx, history is exactly what it seems to be: a succession of human events in which ideas such as the division of labor, production, and revolution replace their immaterial Hegelian counterparts, if even such counterparts exist. In fact, Marx accuses the token historian of ignoring the fundamental aspects of actual human activity while instead concentrating upon non-actualized ideas at best and imaginary metaphysical concepts at worst. "History is nothing but the succession of separate generations, each of which exploits the materials, capital, and productive forces handed down to it by all preceding generations." Marx resists any abstraction from this idea, believing that his materialistic ideas alone stand supported by empirical evidence which seems impossible to the Hegelian. His history then begin...
Monday, August 19, 2019
An Awareness through Chaos :: Free Essays Online
An Awareness through Chaos Through careful observation the past can be drawn into proper perspective when compared to the present. By looking back at a series of events that I experienced, I see them in a complete different light than when I actually experienced them. Visions are much clearer when you are able to take a step back to view the entire picture. That is what I am now doing in my life. My education has been my main way of life for the last 14 years or so. Even though we are constantly learning and will for our lifetimes, our childhood education has a big impact on our development into mature beings. Each segment of our education process; elementary school, junior high, etc., is built on each other, building progressive knowledge, helping us forge our way into an abyss of desired wisdom. Throughout those years as I experienced my education, my vision of its purpose and meaning was distorted. I viewed the entire process of learning as one required of us by the government and our parents. I never cared to know the real reasoning. I never saw the importance of knowledge, nor the significance of the preparation for life to come in the "real world". I can remember a day in 8th grade mathematics, when my teacher paused for a brief moment during his sweatening lecture. He turned to the class and posed for us this question, "Why are we here? " Everyone immediately looked at each other, puzzled, not sure what he was asking. He elaborated, " Why are we learning mathematics? " Glancing around the room again, we finally replied, "We have no idea". We all laughed and the teacher turned back to the chalkboard. There, was an example of how as young students we never realized the importance of mathematics, nor any of our other classes. Where did our meaning of education lie? Yet among the clouds of ignorance during my high school days, there was a time that a powerful beacon shown on my life and illuminated the meaning of my education. This sudden awareness occurred when I switched schools from junior to senior high school. Before the beginning of tenth grade my family lived on Long Island. My father was layed off from his job, and we were forced to move in with my Grandmother in upstate New York due to financial circumstances.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Murdstones in Charles Dickens Great Expectations :: Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essays
Murdstones in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations I think the Murdstones are the two main villains in the story. Mr.Murdstone, step dad of David, he is evil, cruel and treats David harshly. He hates David and wants him out of the way. Mrs Murdstone, sister of Mr.Murstone also vicious and self-centred. Both of them together ruin the early childhood of David and have control of the Copperfield family. The sheer evilness of the Murdstones resulted in the death of David's mother-Clara, although at one point he did love Clara, but her pretty house and her income probably added to her attractions in his eye. I think worst of all the Murdstones tormented David both physically and psychologically. Dickens is very clever in describing the appearance of the Murdstones, it very much relates to their ruthlessness. He describes the eyes of Mr.Murdstones as "à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. with his ill-omened black eyesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦." Already we are given a warning of impending disaster from the looks of his eyes. ". Shallow black eyeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦an eye that has no depth in it to be looked into" This just shows the wretched character he is. As much as I hate the character, I noticed that Dickens have put a touch of gentleness to the character of Mr.Murdstone. This is stated when David notices his 'handsomer' side. "à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦In spite of my misgivings, a very handsome man." I think this description is very cleverly done. It makes the character more real and life like so we can relate to. It emphasizes "never judge the book by its cover". Miss.Murdstone, sister of Mr.Murstone, doesn't perform well either, description wise. ". Gloomy-looking lady she was: dark, like her brotherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦" This shows the similarities of the characters, not only connected by blood, but also by appearance and by heart. Jane Murdstone is stronger, colder, and more heartless than her brother. Dickens makes her seem inhuman by comparing her to metallic objects, especially locks, chains, and prisons. In a society where a spinster is a dependent creature, she uses her power over her brother to secure a home for herself. "à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Hard lack boxesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦" "Hard brass nail." ". Hard steel purseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦" ". Jail of a bagà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦." ". Heavy chain." ". Metallic lady." All the above quotes describe the 'characters' of the things she carry and how they resemble her. The word "hard" have come up several times and so has anything that has got to do with it. This just shows how much wickedness she posses only in her belongings. I think the main feature in which Dickens expresses that really brings out the villainous of the characters are the things they do. Ever since entering the Copperfield household they have been controlling
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Othello Language
In Shakespeare’s Othello there is an immediate contrast between Iago and Othello’s language. In â€Å"Act1 scene 1†Iago’s first speech to Roderigo is of a revengeful nature and evil tone. â€Å"Despise me if I do not. Three great ones of the city (In personal suit to make me his lieutenant). †Iago is infuriated with Othello’s neglect of him, Shakespeare creates this foreshadow of a tragic outcome early on, but he misleads the audience into thinking that Iago’s language is justified. Furthering Iago’s support from the Elizabethans is that Othello is seen as an outsider.In Aristotle theory of poetics one of the main themes of tragedy are the aspect of awe and pity, and that the protagonist is not introduced straight away. The audience automatically feels pity for poor Iago, as he has to beg Roderigo for money and has been deprived a promotion and because Othello is not primarily introduced he has no way of proving his justificat ion for appointing Cassio. This in the eyes of the Elizabethans makes Othello the antagonist. In â€Å"Act 1 scene 1†. Othello's mind is poetic but simple, he is not observant.His nature tends outward. He is quite free from self examination, and is not given to reflection. Emotion gives him his imagination, but it confuses and dulls his intellect. In â€Å"Act 1 Scene 2†Shakespeare’s use of poetical linguistics limits Othello’s views on other characters â€Å"honest Iago†. One of the main contrasts of language in Othello is â€Å"Act 1 Scene 2†. This is when the audience became aware of Iago’s duplicitous nature, at the beginning of the play he speaks of his resentment filled hate â€Å"I know my price, I am worth no worse a place.But he (as loving his own pride and purposes)†but he warns Othello of Brabantio’s â€Å"bad intentions†. Shakespeare showed the transformation in Iago’s language when he was int eracting with other characters. This presented the audiences growing distrust. However articulate Othello is commanding, but arrogant â€Å"Keep up your bright swords for the dew will rust them†confident in his speech, he wooed â€Å"virtuous†Desdemona with his â€Å"enchanting†war stories.Shakespeare wanted the audience to be in awe of Othello and pity evoked for Iago in â€Å"Act 1 Scene 2†allowing the audience to empathise. At this point of the play, dramatic irony sets the scene as the audience know of Iago’s â€Å"villainous†plans, but engrossed Othello has fallen under the hypnotism of love. Shakespeare’s use of language presents his obsession with â€Å"sweet†Desdemona as thereâ€Å"love is Olympus high†. â€Å"Act 1 Scene 3â€
Friday, August 16, 2019
Mine Essay
The following are the lists of groups who are classified as cult. The group are divided into 2 groups namely, the Local and the Foreign Cults LOCAL CULTS Local Cults otherwise known as indigenous cults. This refers to the cults of Christianity that are home grown (in the Philippines. They may have similar doctrines with the major cults but managed to formulate their own style of unsound theology. Examples are as follows: * Iglesia ni Cristo (I. N. C. ) – Felix Y. Manalo. Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministries – Wilde Almeda. * Jesus the Name Above Every Name – Apollo Quiboloy. * Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (Fourth Watch) – Arsenio Ferriol. * Members Church of God International (â€Å"Ang Dating Daan†) – Eli Soriano. * Shepherd’s Message – Joey Guerrero. * Jesus Christ To God Be the Glory or â€Å"Friends Again†(â€Å"Oneness†) – Louie R. Santos. * Philippine Benevolent Missionary A ssociation (P. B. M. A. ) – Ruben Ecleo * Tres Persona Solo Dios * Ako Nga – Casiano Nazaire FOREIGN CULTS This refers to the cults of Christianity that came from outside the Philippine Islands and was brought here by their emissaries to spread their false teachings. Examples are as follows: 1. Alamo Christian Foundation 2. Anthroposophical Society 3. Astara 4. Children of God 5. Christadelphianism 6. Christian Family Fellowship 7. Christian Identity Movement 8. Christian Science 9. Church of Armageddon 10. Divine Light Mission 11. Eckankar 12. Est 13. Foundation of Human Understanding (Roy Masters) 14. Jehovah’s Witnesses 15. Krishna 16. Life Spring 17. Mormonism 18. Oneness Pentecostal 19. Rosicrucianism 20. Scientology 21. Self Realization Fellowship 22. Silva Mind Control 23. Swedenborgianism 24. The Farm 25. The Unification Church 26. The Way International 27. Theosophy 28. Two by Two’s 29. Transcendental Meditation 30. Unitarian Universalist 31. Unity School of Christianity 32. Urantia 33. Wicca â€Å"The Kingdom will start small, but don’t despise small things, for it will soon infect and affect the whole world. And behold, this is happening today. â€Å"| – Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy|
Representation of Interests Matrix and Paper Essay
Within Public Policy there are different interests that are affected once the issue has been brought forward to the government by citizens who are sending e-mails, or telephone calls advising of the issues that are affecting society, what the citizens do not know is that with every issue within public policy that has to be passed by the government and attempted to get resolved has a significant affect or groups and organizations. The identified groups and organizations represent my interests in a significant manner because due to my profession I am aware that crime has been a problem for society for quite a long time, I am aware that there has been multiple attempts to reduce crime, such as the hiring of more police officers, programs that protect victims and witnesses of a crime. Therefore I believe crime is a significant interest. As for education experiencing affects by public policy, I think this is by far the most important. I have a child and am extremely aware of the problems that have affected our education systems significantly due to the lack of financial support from the government and also the increase in college education, books, etc. I am aware of the government attempting to clear the tax deficit and financial problem that our country is currently facing, but education is not the way to do it. As for the other remaining identified groups such as Foreign policy, Health care, and Social Welfare, they also represent my interests in a significant manner. For example Health care, has affected me significant due to our president passed the new reform my employer checks have significantly dropped from what I used to gross monthly, due to the fact that we are taking a hit because we are assisting those with no medical health care and those who are receiving assistance from the government, such as parolees and prior drug addicts, or convicts. The groups represent my interest by all means, ultimately besides us taxpayers who are affected based off the government trying to accommodate all the citizens who continue to write emails requesting assistance for the interests that are affected by public policy. As for any instanc es in which my interests compete with one another, Yes they are significant. For example, Health care and Social Welfare go hand in hand for me. The reason that these two interests go hand in hand for me is because once gain based on my work and what I have been exposed to during the military and also being familiar with the cost of healthcare, I take it as an offense to provide for those who personally do not deserve Healthcare. I strongly believe that if your not physically incapable of working, or able to care for yourself, or gravely disabled I will be the first one to help these citizens. As for Social Welfare, I also believe that the government is to lenient on how they assist the needed. Some of the interest that I chose are significant to me and my family and loved ones, but I think that the most interest affected by public policy that is in conflict with those of the general public will have to be healthcare. I remember i was working the day when our president passed the new Healthcare reform, and how citizens were running outside the streets celebrating that they will now have medical assistance. At first I did not think anything of it until the following morning during Roll Call when we were advised by our lieutenant that it will affect us significantly especially financially. As the months went by I started to notice my checks to get smaller and smaller. I am aware that the general public’s thinking is different than mine, but do not get me wrong I will be the first one to help someone I have been doing it for 13 years of my life, but when citizens take advantage that is when I have a problem. In conclusion I have provided my own personal opinions of how my identified groups represent my own personal interests, I also provided examples on what means do my groups use to represent my interests. I also debated on instances in that my interests compete with one another. Finally I was precise and straight forward on my interests and how some of them conflict with those of the general public. References
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Psychotherapy and Group Essay
The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy†. Moreno developed a specific and highly structured form of group therapy known as Psychodrama. Another recent development is the theory and method of group psychotherapy based on an integration of systems thinking is Yvonne Agazarian’s â€Å"systems-Centered†approach (SCT), which sees groups functioning within the principles of system dynamics. Her method of â€Å"functional subgrouping†introduces a method of organizing group communication so it is less likely to react counterproductively to differences. SCT also emphasizes the need to recognize the phases of group development and the defenses related to each phase in order to best make sense and influence group dynamics. Furthermore the psychoanalytic concept of the unconscious was extended with a recognition of a group unconscious, in which the unconscious processes of group members could be acted out in the form of irrational processes in group sessions. Foulkes developed the model known as Group Analysis and the Institute of Group Analysis, while Bion was influential in the development of group therapy at the Tavistock Clinic. Bion has been criticised, by Yalom, for his technical approach which had an exclusive focus on analysis of whole-group processes to the exclusion of any exploration of individual group members’ issues. Despite this, his recognition of group defences in the â€Å"Basic Assumption Group†, has been highly influential. Universality The recognition of shared experiences and feelings among group members and that these may be widespread or universal human concerns, serves to remove a group member’s sense of isolation, validate their experiences, and raise self-esteem Altruism The group is a place where members can help each other, and the experience of being able to give something to another person can lift the member’s self esteem and help develop more adaptive coping styles and interpersonal skills. Instillation of hope In a mixed group that has members at various stages of development or recovery, a member can be inspired and encouraged by another member who has overcome the problems with which they are still struggling. Imparting information While this is not strictly speaking a psychotherapeutic process, members often report that it has been very helpful to learn factual information from other members in the group. For example, about their treatment or about access to services. Corrective recapitulation of the primary family experience Members often unconsciously identify the group therapist and other group members with their own parents and siblings in a process that is a form of transference specific to group psychotherapy. The therapist’s interpretations can help group members gain understanding of the impact of childhood experiences on their personality, and they may learn to avoid unconsciously repeating unhelpful past interactive patterns in present-day relationships. Development of socializing techniques The group setting provides a safe and supportive environment for members to take risks by extending their repertoire of interpersonal behaviour and improving their social skills Imitative behaviour One way in which group members can develop social skills is through a modeling process, observing and imitating the therapist and other group members. For example, sharing personal feelings, showing concern, and supporting others. Cohesiveness It has been suggested that this is the primary therapeutic factor from which all others flow. A cohesive group is one in which all members feel a sense of belonging, acceptance, and validation. Existential factors Learning that one has to take responsibility for one’s own life and the consequences of one’s decisions. Catharsis Experience of relief from emotional distress through the free and uninhibited expression of emotion. When members tell their story to a supportive audience, they can obtain relief from chronic feelings of shame and guilt. Interpersonal learning Group members achieve a greater level of self-awareness through the process of interacting with others in the group, who give feedback on the member’s behaviour and impact on others. Self-understanding This factor overlaps with interpersonal learning but refers to the achievement of greater levels of insight into the genesis of one’s problems and the unconscious motivations that underlie one’s behaviour. Settings Group therapy can form part of the therapeutic milieu of a psychiatric in-patient unit or ambulatory psychiatric Partial hospitalization (also known as Day Hospital treatment) In addition to classical â€Å"talking†therapy, group therapy in an institutional setting can also include group-based expressive therapies such as drama therapy, psychodrama, art therapy, and non-verbal types of therapy such as music therapy. Group psychotherapy is a key component of Milieu Therapy in a Therapeutic Community. The total environment or milieu is regarded as the medium of therapy, all interactions and activities regarded as potentially therapeutic and are subject to exploration and interpretation, and are explored in daily or weekly community meetings A form of group therapy has been reported to be effective in psychotic adolescents and recovering addicts. Projective psychotherapy uses an outside text such as a novel or motion picture to provide a â€Å"stable delusion†for the former cohort and a safe focus for repressed and suppressed emotions or thoughts in the latter. Patient groups read a novel or collectively view a film. They then participate collectively in the discussion of plot, character motivation and author motivation. In the case of films, sound track, cinematography and background are also discussed and processed. Under the guidance of the therapist, defense mechanisms are bypassed by the use of signifiers and semiotic processes. The focus remains on the text rather than on personal issues. [16] It was popularized in the science fiction novel, Red Orc’s Rage. Group therapy is now often utilized in private practice settings (Gardenswartz, 2009, Los Angeles, CA). Good outcomes have also been demonstrated for this form of group therapy.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Patriotism and Loyalty
After reading various examples of the word patriotism and its use in that context it seems that patriotism mostly refers to the love or emotional attachment that a person can have to their country or to where they are from or simply to the place that they were born in. While researching online for various examples of patriotism I came to find out that there are different levels of patriotism. One such example of patriotism is that practiced by those that have unconditional love for their country and will blindly follow the countries policies without opposition and will see others that opposed a certain idea as a traitor or being unpatriotic.Other groups of people demonstrate their patriotism by demonstrating it in form of certain symbols like wearing and displaying the flag, singing patriotic songs or the national anthem. There are others that show their patriotism by protesting and criticizing the unjust policies of a nation in order to help keep the nation in check and not blindly follow unjust policies. Accord to the dictionary defines loyalty as â€Å"the quality of being loyal to someone or something. †and loyal as â€Å"giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. However many times a person’s loyalty can be in a conflict. For example if a person is loyal to the United States but the new government starts making decisions that the individual does not agree with now he can keep on following without speaking up because of his loyalty to the government as well or he can protest against poor policies because those decisions made by those in power are hurting the United States. In his mind he is still being loyal to the United States by protesting and help shape better policies but by others he may be seen as a traitor.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Barnsieydale Sales-Related Data for 2004 and 2005 Report Research Paper
Barnsieydale Sales-Related Data for 2004 and 2005 Report - Research Paper Example There are various ways of adding and counting data (Microsoft Corporation 2006), the most appropriate are a simple addition and addition with one or more criteria. Subtotals by quarter for all persons are shown in the Sales Summary for 2005 in(000's) in Table 1. For example, Subtotal 815 means that all salespersons together have sold office furniture on 815,000 in the first quarter in the Commercial sector. Then, Sector subtotals (sales volumes by sector) are added. For example, Sector subtotal 3429 means that all salespersons together have sold office furniture on 3,429,000 in the Commercial sector in 2005. Then, 6,555,000 is annual sales result in 2005. Then formatting should be applied to the report to make it easy to read and understand. There are many basic formatting options available at the cell and worksheet level. Most are available on the Format Menu located on the Standard Excel toolbar. (Sandhills Publishing Company 2005) Pie charts and bar charts are very useful for analysis and easy to interpret. Peltier (2006) concludes that pie charts are good when you are showing the relative proportion of numbers that add up to a total, for a single series of data and when there are not too many wedges, particularly too many small ones. They show a good qualitative view of the data. Bar charts are good for quantitative displays, at showing progress toward a goal, especially if you've exceeded that goal (for this you should use a bar chart with a horizontal line at the goal). Sales by sector chart (Figure 1) shows the dynamic of sales of office furniture by a quarter in each sector. It shows that sales in Commercial sector are  £815 ,000 in the 1st quarter, then they grow to  £849,000 in the 2nd quarter, then they decline to  £799,000 in the 3rd quarter, and then they grow again to  £966,000 in the 4th quarter. Sales in the Commercial sector are higher than sales in other sectors in each quarter.
Monday, August 12, 2019
The nature of leadership Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The nature of leadership - Dissertation Example The optimism character and the confidence help to attain goals for the leader and develop the skills and expertise in his behaviour. The leader need to understand the attribution of the followers and motivate them and allocate resources to accomplish a goal by designing formal structures and systems. Mutual involvement and with trust and co-operation with the members are an essential element the leader should take care of to support the values of the fellow members. Without followers there are no leaders. What is known about followers? The followers are the makers of the leader. Leaders influence a group but it’s the followers who help to reach the goal through their skills and efforts. The training and development attribute along with the vision of the leader clubbed with the followers’ skills completes the causal chain of effect. Figure 1: Causal Chain of effects from two types of leaders’ behaviour (Source: Yukl, 2007, p. 27) The leaders enhance the skills and confidence of the people and attract them to follow in his own ideologies. The followers are needed to be trustworthy towards the leader and should be committed towards the work assigned to them. The people working under should be satisfied with their job and with the leader for an efficient implication of the assigned task in accordance with environment and external dependencies. Reference Yukl, G.
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