Monday, March 11, 2019
Keeping Google Googley
Key factors that were crucial to Googles early success back end be attributed to the following 1. Partnered with right companies such(prenominal)(prenominal) as AOL & Yahoo spring boarded the club in success with more than 100m search enquiries per day paving the way for subsequent successes. 2. Had the right products such as Adwords, which had 4x more click-? through rates than competing products. The company followed up with Google toolbar that advertize penetrated the market and expanded into the right area of search for mobile devices. 3. readily expanded relevant mesh such asGoogle news, finance, book search, gmail, calendar documents etc. It also includes strategic acquisition of YouTube & Picasa that provided users with majority of Internet run and it increased stickiness to users achieving the results of 62. 4% for searches by December 2007. 4. Mesh establishmental mental synthesis markd shares responsibility and teamwork by enabling all parties involved to work un itedly in the case of AdSense. The non-? departmental segregation increased teamwork and primed the organization for success. 5. Fast expansion outside of US enabled he company to operate in a global scale that in turn boosted its revenue enhancement with more than half generated outside US. About 40% of total headcount was outside US indicating aggressive expansion plans. 6. Googleplex promoted community building and was a platform for people from various business units to meet and mingle. This encouraged cross-? pollination of ideas and more importantly fulfilled the purpose of providing social interaction and niggardness that would make working with someone you already knew easier. 7. Operate as market-? found company that listened o the needs of users. This is manifested in the number 1 of Googles Ten things-? Focus on users and all else will follow. beta test versions allowed feedback from public that enhanced features before general release. 8. Decision found on consens us ensured that all opinions are equally respected and taken into comity before a decision is made. A consensus meant everyone understood and agreed with the scoop up decision, which reduces resistance later in the project. 9. New hires provided with training and induction into the company that bolstered their apabilities and reduced their information curves, enabling them to hit the ground running at the shorted possible time. As evidenced by the above, the 5 Words to come upon Googles culture are (1) Fast-? moving purlieu (2) Community environment (3) Innovative spirit (4) Training as a way of endless improvement and (5) Consensus-? based decision making process. To effectively retain the Google culture, I would suggest the following 1. Continue to employ people with the culture and value close to the companys values. Alternatively, take in young graduates s interns to spruce idea generation in the company. 2. In tackling geographical expansion, Google can promote externship s that encourage employee exchange to other locations. This will aid them in meeting colleagues from other parts of the world promote cross-? border learning and import good practices to their local offices. 3. Continuously develop new products and services that perpetuate innovative spirit. Having more products and services gives employees variety of thought that could ensure continuous flow of ideas that can be self-? reinforcing.