Thursday, February 28, 2019
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Justin Goings Debra Dockter English Composition October 12th 2012 The interpretation of venerate whitethorn be unique to the individual, if it erect be delimitate at all The feeling you have when you first look upon your bran-new born child, the radiant warmth in your face when you grade I do at the altar, or the divine feeling in your pectus when you pray. Every maven of these situations could be used to describe be intimatemaking. Its an emotion so richly embedded into our minds, that every single one of us can distinguish theyve experienced it in their lives. Some might even say theyve molded their existence around it.However, while we be all well-known(prenominal) with love, the situations in which we encounter it are so diverse that the definition has go bad unique to the individual person. What We gabble closely When We Talk well-nigh distinguish does an amazing job of forcing the reader to wonder what this feeling really center to them. What starts out as a n ormal conversation between quatern fri break offs most turns into a harsh debate on the elusive spirit of love. Of the four people in the account statement the person that appears to struggle with the idea the most is Mel. The author sees to use a routine of symbolism in his story by making Mel a cardiologist.Almost as if saying because he is a heart doctor, he would have plenty to say about matters of the heart. Mels original position is that real love is nothing slight than spiritual love, but he quickly becomes unsatisfied with his original answer. seeing the affection between Nick and Laura makes him analyze the question even further. He eventually goes into a story about an elderly couple that was naughtily injured in a car accident and it looks like he is going to have a strong aim, yet somehow he cant exactly describe what it is.Despite Mels knowledge though, he still struggles to find a clear answer. My favorite suit in the story is when Mel is trying to explain sentimental love. He explains that he and Terri say that they love each separate, yet they would both say that they have love other people before them. That the saving grace is when one of them dies, the other might grieve for a while, but will eventually love again. All of their love would just be a memory, if it was even that. This helps to beautify that love is such an important part of peoples lives because that we are able to move on nd love again after tying such important emotional feelings with someone. But in sex act to the story it leaves you feeling as if love has no meaning. Regardless of it beingness the saving grace he says it is, the thought fronts to disturb Mel because at this point on he displays obvious aggression towards his wife. Nick, the narrator of the story, doesnt seem to have to m either vocal scenes on what love actually office to him, but its his observations or actions that really seem to give remote his stance. For example throughout the story he is constantly making gestures to his wife.Such as resting his hand on his her thigh, or kissing her hand. He is always show his affection, leading you to believe that love for him and Laura is strictly sentimental. Its the but points in the story where I feel love was actually expressed and felt. It approximately seems like the author is trying to say that even though they may never reach an agreement on what love is, actions are the only thing that matters in the end. The only character that touches on the fact that love is different from person to person is Mels wife, Terri.She explains that her ex- save loved her so much that he tried to kill her. Everyone else seems mortified by her story and they try their best to convince her that abuse is not love. However her opinion is important in explaining the diversity of the emotion, because even though her ex husband expressed it in a very unhealthy manner, all the characteristics of love were there. tied(p) though no one else shares her feelings with the example, shes the only one with a solid idea of what it means.Nick and Laura only show what they feel about love by touching each other gently, or by saying I love you. And Will talks like he has a lot of ideas on what the definition is, but by the end of the story you realize hes just as misidentify as everyone else. Terri is the only person that can actually express a view of love from personal experience. The sun setting in the story, in combination with the drinking seems to bring a loss of clarity on the subject as the friends continue to talk.Nick notes in the beginning that sunlight fill up the kitchen from the big window behind the sink and the general mood of the ships company seems to be pretty happy. However as the conversation becomes a bit more complex and dark, Nick notes that the light in the kitchen is fading. The guests even seem to become more content to letting Will rant on. By the end of the story it is nighttime and no one is left talking. Youre left with an almost hopeless feeling and begin to wonder if any of them actually really love each other. What We Talk about When We Talk about Love was a story that I actually enjoyed adaptation a few times to try and understand. I believe that it illustrates the square diversity of the emotion and is a story to really make you think. Even though by the end you feel like love is almost hopeless, it is after a bit of reflection that you begin to realize the complexity of the word. It might not have an exact definition, and maybe its because of the insufficiency of the human language, but everyone will have a special example of what love really means to them.
Ralph and Jack’s Conflict between Good and Evil in Lord of the Flies
Ralph and fatheads Conflict amidst Good and Evil in Lord of the Flies Over the ages, human behavior has shown that purity of purpose leads to a similar action and crowning(prenominal)ly to an out issue that is consistent with the genuine thought. Conversely, the history of man is tainted with his inherent lust for power and voraciousness ca utilise great scrap. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the writer contrasts the moral thoughts and deeds of his flawed hero Ralph to the self gratifying motives and actions of his rival motherfucker.The ebb and flow of good versus evil on the island is driven by the waves of positive and negative thoughts in the minds of the two main characters. Ralph and Jacks continuous struggle of good versus evil is not only between the two of them, but is deep down their own minds as well. Jack shows his pickpocket towards selfishness and violence while Ralph keeps a caring and positive mind towards the congregations survival.The boys have a meeting on the top of the jam to discuss what to do next concerning their survival, which gives jack the opportunity to bring up run It broke amodal value- Before I could kill it- but- next snip Jack slammed his knife into a trunk and looked round challengingly (31). Already Jack begins to reveal his aggressive and violent nature. Jack has the opinion that being dominant and seen as powerful is more than important to his own survival, while Ralph thinks rough the survival of the group as a whole. Jacks hunting is more about a selfish need than about providing for others.During the low gear hunt, Jack goes to satisfy his craving for meat and power He swung his rightfield arm and hurled the spear with all his strength. From the pig-run came the quick, hard patter of hoofs, a castanet sound, seductive, maddening- the shout of meat (49). Jacks hunt for meat has become an obsessive search for power and a way to demonstrate his strength to the boys. He believes that catching and killing a pig and bringing it back for the others is the ultimate way to show that he is dominant and better than them.Jack is now consciously embodying his evil thoughts into his physical appearance. After realizing his hunting methods are not adequate, Jack paints his face into a mask in put to hunt more successfully Jack planned his new face. He made nonpareil cheek and one eye-socket white, then rubbed red over the other half(prenominal) of his face and slashed a black bar of charcoal crossways from right ear to left jaw (66). He is consciously using the colours black and red to demonstrate the dimness and thirst for crease inside of him. Jack also shows his evil andanger in the way he aggressively slashes the charcoal onto his face.Ralphs deeper level of thinking leads him to hire positive action towards improving conditions on the island. Ralph walks along the beach and come to realization just how noxiously amours have deteriorated on the island With a convulsio n of the mind, Ralph discovered dirt and decay understood how much he disliked perpetually flicking the tangled hair out of his eyes, and at last, when the sun was gone, scroll noisily to rest among dry leaves (82).Ralphs thoughts, while not solely good, have helped him to realize how bad the actually situation is on the island and what he needs to do to stop the situation from getting worse. Ralphs realness of order is pitted against Jacks world of chaos. At the meeting, Ralph tries to reestablish the rules and Jack is openly challenging his authority Ralph summoned his wits. Because the rules are the only thing weve got solely Jack was shouting against him. Bullocks to the rules Were strong- we hunt If theres a beast, well hunt it downWell close in and ram down and beat and beat- (99) Ralph expresses his good thoughts in a way to keep justice and order on the island, while Jack tries to destroy any trace of this with thoughts of disintegration and power over Ralphs law. When Ralph realized that he cannot win, he gives into the bad thoughts that consume the island. Ralph is the last one left who still has a sense of order and is being hunted by the others for not agreeing with their ways But then the fatal unreasoning knowledge came to him again.The breaking of the conch and the deaths of Piggy and Simon gear up over the island like a vapour. These painted savages would go barely and further (204). He experiences bad thoughts regarding his survival and develops a sense of hopelessness and futility. Ralph, easy losing his own sanity and at the loss of Piggy and Simon there to pay back good thoughts, is left to hide and attack the others for his own survival. Ralph is entirely overwhelmed by the thoughts of good and evil. He flees from the savages onto the beach where he finds, standing before him, a naval officer with a ship at his back. Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of mans heart, and the fall though the air of the true, wis e patron called Piggy (225). All of Ralphs thoughts crash down on him at this moment and he is overwhelmed by the truth of mans intragroup evil and by the death of his loyal and good friend Piggy. The conflict between the two characters, Ralph and Jack, is underlined by the good and evil thought patters that at a time lead to the actions they each take. While good thoughts bear good proceeds and bad thoughts bear bad fruit, the potential for good and evil lies within all of mankind.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Marketing Strategies of Li Ning
incline Language Centre Cover Sheet Draft X racecourse Work Submission Put an X in the box to take the stand whether this is a draft or a credit-bearing coursework assignment Full come to (in pinyin) Yinqin Wang English Name (optional) ID Number 1101133 Class (e. g. Y2_EEE_A1) Y2_BAD_A2 Programme Business b gray-hairedness Module Code EAP105Assignment Title Comp ar and contrast the market strategies of Li Ning internal helpally and externally Submission Deadline 22 October 2012 before 2000 EAP Tutors Name Jacqueline Banki Final Word Count 1057 I certify that * I feature read and understood the Universitys definitions of tacit consent and PLAGIARISM (available on p. 31 of the current schoolman Student handbook of Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University and in the 2011 ELC Student Handbook Appendix 2, 4, and 5).With reference to these definitions, I certify that * I rush non colluded with any other student in the preparation and production of this work * this document ha s been written unaccompanied by me and in my own words except where I have clearly indicated and acknowledged that I have quoted or used figures from promulgated or unpublished sources (including the web) * where appropriate, I have provided an h acest statement of the contributions do to my work by other large(p) number including technical and other fend for staff.I understand that unauthorised collusion and the incorporation of material from other plant life without acknowledgement (plagiarism) be serious disciplinary offences. By uploading my assignment onto ICE, I formally declare that all the above statements are true. Scoring For Teachers engross (teachers may change descriptor labels below as needed) Marker Initials C O G V R Final Mark starting signal red pen Second green pen Third (if needed) For Academic Office Use Other PenaltiesDate Received Days advanced Late Penalty Marker Initials Format (Y/N) Plagiarism Code collusion Code 1. 2. comparability and contrast the marketing strategies of Li Ning domestic helpally and externally With Chinese economy develo criticise rapidly recent years and the coarse success of 2008 capital of Red chinaware exceedings, Chinese sports expect market has emerged a heyday scene. Not completely the mighty impertinent signs such as Nike and Adidas win the favor of Chinese nation, which took 10. 5% and 7. % of mainland sportswear transactions respectively in 2011, the domestic punctuates such as Li Ning and Anta overly occupy bounteous market share ( china Daily, 2012). Li Ning, the Chinese domestic sportswear cross out which bears the come across of renowned Chinese gymnastic athlete Li Ning, acts a leading role in Chinese sportswear market. Only second to Adidas, Li Ning possesses 7. 2% market share and keeps expanding (China Daily, 2012). Not satisfied with its vast domestic getment, Li Ning strives for more than enormous stage and switches its target to world(prenominal) market since 2011.Notably, on the one hand, the domestic marketing strategies of Li Ning, such as opening and streamlining numerous sell stores, are adjoining tohow rather diametrical from the multinational strategies akin using e-commerce approach. On the other hand, the strategies domestically and internationally to a fault share several similarities like attaching importance to brand. The tenseness of this essay is to compare and contrasts the domestic and international marketing strategies of Li Ning. Although to somewhat extent few of these strategies are alike, Li Ning has largely followed diverse approaches domestically and internationally.To begin with, at that place are some similarities between the market strategies of Li Ning domestically and internationally, such as investing more in branding to cultivate its long-term competitiveness. Specifically, both domestic and international strategies take go to supporter famed athletes or sport s team to advertise the high reference and advanced functionality of its products, which aims to practise believe multitude h obsolete a favorable touch of Li Ning. For instance, in 2012 capital of the United Kingdom prodigiouss, various overseas medal candidates like Spains basketball team were signed with Li Ning (Brandchannel, 2012).Also, Li Ning grasped Chinese top gold medal forecasts in multifarious sports horizontalts like ping pong and badminton, which includes Lin Dan and Wu Mingxia who enjoy the high popularity among Chinese people (Brandchannel, 2012). Especially, the athletes who are sponsored by Li Ning are inspired to publicize Li Ning non only by wearing its products. For example, immediately after Lin Dan won the gold though the spectacular final game, the logo of Li Ning at the jersey of Lin was tugged to march a gesture of appreciations, which makes the effect of advertising cracking (Brandchannel, 2012).Furthermore, domestic strategies are also similar t o international strategies in targeting young timess. Domestically, Li Ning replaced old logo and guide word to make the brand more abut to the generation born after 1990s as well as establishes naked sixth-generation stores which attracting young clients (China Daily, 2011). World widely, Li Ning also concentrate ones on young people because they are unbiased to Chinese brands, accustomed to shopping online and generally conk so a lot time surfing the Internet, which opportunely corresponds to the e-commerce strategy of Li Ning (Ad Age, 2011).Although the domestic and international strategies share some similarities, they nevertheless employ fundamentally different approaches in a number of key areas, such as using different channels to sell products. In other words, the strategies domestically direct to sell inventories mainly in solid shops, whereas the international strategies choose using e-commerce, event marketing and digital media. In detail, numerous retail shops spre ad all over China are owned by Li Ning.Also, confronted the cooling Chinese economy in recent times, in order to raise the efficiency of entity gross revenue, the company adopts measures that streamlining the ne twork of the retail stores and submission lower tiers cities to speed eliminating premium brands by merger and acquisition(China Daily, 2012). When it turns to worldwide, to shun retail channels, Li Ning established its appropriative e-commerce sites as the only passageway to its products and released a delicate teaser video heavily on its Facebook page and chitter account (Voight, 2012).Also, microsites and events are relied to induce online buzz (Voight, 2012). In addition, the domestic and international strategies are dissimilar in the motto and the images they are intended to shape. Domestically, Li Ning created a sunrise(prenominal) slogan make the change to indicate that vastness is not undying, only changes can be perpetual, which not only nettles the slogan of Ni ke Live through your greatness, but also remodels the impression of Chinese people on Li Ning as a more high-end brand (Brandchannel, 2012).Internationally, the slogan straight out of new China demonstrates that its products leverage its well-to-do Chinese culture and are diverse from the cheap, rough made-in-China goods as old perception considered (Voight, 2012). Furthermore, with regards to new marketing segments need to be expanded, Li Ning focus on Children garment domestically while women market segment internationally. Cooperated with consequenceal anaesthetic children garment firm Paclantic to design more attractive children sports and leisure clothing, the fit out could be sold in the franchised stores and affiliated shops of Li Ning in China (Wang, 2012).Nevertheless, the market segment of women who do not need intramuscular figures and believe equal positions with men are attached importance to by the international strategies of Li Ning (Warc, 2011). In summary, this essay has made comparisons and contrasts between the marketing strategies of Li Ning domestically and internationally. The domestic strategies, like the international ones, have strong sponsor awareness and also aim to attract younger generations.Despite that the international and domestic strategies have to some degree implemented similar strategies essentially approaches are adopted in crucial areas, such as using different slogans, selling products by different channels and expanding different market segments. Although the e-commerce system ingeniously avoids complex retail channels internationally and the notion to achieve long-term profits domestically seem to be reasonable, Li Ning may ot achieve so many profits as they expected, because its vague brand positioning might cause the confusion and misconstrue of domestic people and its international consumers may despise Li Ning for its imitative logo and slogan which have some resemblance to Nike and Adidas. It is suggested th at Li Ning should slow down its expansion and invest more to raise the quality and make some innovations or else of having large inventories discounted as a resolvent of expanding too fast. Also, to have unambiguous brand positioning is crucial.Nonetheless, as Li Ning keeps adjusting corresponded to the changing situation and creating new products, it is too early to definitively judge whether Li Ning will have a promising future. References list Ad Age (2011). Chinas Li-Ning Takes on Nike, Adidas With U. S. E-Commerce Site. online juvenile York Ad Age. purchasable from http//adage. com/ term/cmo-interviews/china-s-li-ning-takes-nike-u-s-e-commerce-site/231642/. (Accessed 12 October 2012) Brandchannel (2012). London 2012 Success as Li-Ning Makes a Change in Olympics Strategy. online New York brandchannel. unattached from http//www. randchannel. com/home/post/2012/08/13/London-2012-Li-Ning-081312. aspx. (Accessed 12 October 2012) China Daily (2011). Li Ning expects argumentati on to slow. online capital of Red China China Daily. ready(prenominal) from http//www. chinadaily. com. cn/bizchina/2011-01/18/content_11874065. htm. (Accessed 12 October 2012) China Daily (2012). Chinas sportswear brands nurse Olympics hangover. online Beijing China Daily. forthcoming from http//www. chinadaily. com. cn/business/londongames/2012-07/02/content_15542591. htm. (Accessed 12 October 2012) Voight, J. (2012). Video Is Lifeblood of Li-Nings New China canary Launch. online Charlotte ClickZ. Available from http//www. clickz. com/clickz/news/2166538/video-lifeblood-li-nings-china-snea ker-launch. (Accessed 12 October 2012) Warc (2011). Li-Ning plans orbiculate push. online London Warc. Available from http//www. warc. com/ study/News/Li-Ning_plans_global_push. content? ID=e7907838-2cd7-4859-ae44-f1695abdbd52q. ( Accessed 12 October 2012) Wang, W. (2012). Li Ning rejoins race in childrens wear market. online Beijing China Daily. Available from http//www. chinadaily. com. cn/ business/2012-05/12/content_15276320. htm. (Accessed 12 October 2012)Compare and Contrast the Marketing Strategies of Li NingCompare and contrast the marketing strategies of Li Ning domestically and internationally With the development of Chinese economy, sports industry has become one of the new industries in china, which has large market size and high product rate (Qinqin, n. d. ). In Chinese sports area, Li Ning brand, built by historied gymnast Li Ning (Enright, 2012), is the market leader and owns about 8000 hypostatic shops domestically (Zhang,2011). Similar to some international famous brands like Nike and Adidas, Li Ning intends to enhance influence by exploring international market (Sauer, 2012).For this reason, the essay will compare and contrast the marketing strategies of Li Ning domestically and internationally. A close look at the sources available, it seems that the topic could be analyzed from the internal aspect such as gross sales methods, promotion and the exte rnal aspect such as function plan and disceptation. The essay will compare and analyze Li Nings marketing strategies by the internal and external aspects factors. From the internal perspective, there are two main sales strategies should be considered as follows sales methods and promotion.In regard to sales methods, Li Ning implements entity sales and e-commerce sales at home and abroad concurrently (Anon, 2011a, Voight, 2012 and Zhang, 2011). Nevertheless, the focus of sales methods might be different considering the contrasting call reputation domestically and internationally. Li Ning, named after chinas gold-medaling gymnast, is very(prenominal) famous in china, especially after the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing (Enright, 2012). As typical local brand with high name reputation, Li Ning chooses entity sales as its main way of sale domestically and there are almost 8000 hypostatic shops in china (Zhang, 2011).Whereas the name Li Ning perchance unfamiliar in the West. For ins tance, the marketing firm tested the brand with U. S. customers and the result shows that brand awareness was almost 0% (Enright, 2012). Rather than seeing it as a bad thing, Li Ning sees it as a launch bear witness to upgrade the brand image and win recognition from consumers (Zhang, 2011). What is why Li-Ning is supplying to concentrate on the new online portal before opening more brick-and-mortar stores in U. S. market (Anon, 2011a). In order to achieve more name reputation and higher sales, Li Ning fixes much attention n some other(prenominal) sales strategy, promotion, as well. Both foreign and domestic, Li Ning has been paying much attention to Olympic Games and sports super stars (Anon, 2011b and Sauer, 2012). At home, since 1992 in Barcelona, Chinas Olympic terms have chosen Li Ning as a fixture and the brand still counts on gold-medal terms such as Chinese ping pong, shooting gymnastics and badminton teams (Anon, 2011b). Overseas, Li Ning was the 30th Olympic Games spons orship in 2012 (Sauer, 2012) and invited NBA All-Star teams players to speak for it (Anon, 2011b).Moreover, according to different national culture, Li Ning even used different slogans to appeal to the nationalist fervor. For instance, where the word you was used by Nike in America, Li Ning chose the slogan we can domestically and the moment for international audience (Anon, 2011b). On the other hand, in external aspect, Li Ning has taken a series of measures to deal with two social problems target groups and crude competition (Anon, 2011a, Ranasinghe, 2012 and Zhang, 2011). With the rapid development of internationalization, various views on Chinese goods have been published.In china, instead of praising highly local brand, Chinese customers are upset(a) about the Chinese sports brands store quality is not equal to the brands quantity (Zhang, 2011), preferring internationally famous brands like Nike and Adidas (Ranadinghe, 2012) and transforming the cost from sports to fodder a nd beverage (Ranasinghe, 2012). On abroad, although some older consumers usually think of China-made products as fakes or knockoffs, younger consumers do not see Chinese products as second-class or counterfeits (Enright, 2012).Regarding the situation, in recent years, Li Ning has been trying to make the brand more youthful and upmarket (Anon, 2011b). For the new strategy, Li Ning not only created a new logo and new slogans but also launched many new products with a better outlook and quality, which aimed to appeal to domestic and foreign younger generation (Zhang, 2011). Furthermore, Li Ning has managed to expand to different areas at home and internationally as well (Anon, 2011a, Anon 2011b and Wen, 2012).In view of Chinas family planning policy, Li Ning has rejoined the battle of childrens garments by cooperated with another company in Tianjin (Wen, 2012). In consideration of the case that many foreign customers have great curiosity about eastern culture (Voight, 2012) Li Ning put s brand international feeling over oriental theme (Zhang, 2012). For example, in March 2012, Li Ning promoted a pair of mens basketball shoes with the Chinese dragon pattern which was a limited mutation on Facebook, and then the tremendous crowds to Li Nings website led it to whirl (Voight, 2012).In addition, Women have become another one of the main target groups of Li Ning overseas (Anon, 2011a). Next, the second problem Li Ning is facing is the large-scale competition with local brands and international brands domestically and internationally (Anon, 2011a et al). The fierce competition not only has it been forced to scale back its plans for world domination, but it also now finds itself at risk in its home market against domestic rivals like Peak and 361, but also with global heavy hitters Nike and Adidas (Sauer, 2012).The battle is that language might be the main barrier Li Ning ineluctably to face in international market (Zhang, 2012). With a view to the situation, on the o ne hand, Li Ning decided to slow the pace of new openings and close some inefficient stores to curtail expense and store energy (Ranasinghe, 2012) on the other hand, Li Ning would enter the second-tier cities to achieve next phase of emergence (Anon, 2012). To sum up, in internal aspect, Li Ning chooses both entity sales and e-commerce sales at home and abroad. Different focuses are determined due to large name reputation difference.To achieve more popularity, Li Ning focuses on Olympic Games and sports super stars with different slogans. Furthermore, in external aspect, facing the customers different consumption views on Chinese brands domestically and internationally, Li Ning transforms its attention to younger people and set new different target groups both domestic and foreign. Li Ning has been facing increased competition with global names and local rivals, and what is why Li Ning determines to slow the pace of new openings and enter the second-tier cities.In future, Li Ning c ould make greater breakthrough by implementing brand strategy, constructing international brand image, exploitation technology innovation and improving enterprises core competitiveness (Zhang, 2012). References Anon. (2011a) Li-Ning plans global push online London Warc. Available from http//www. warc. com/Content/News/Li-Ning_plans_global_push. content? ID=e7907838-2cd7-4859-ae44-f1695abdbd52= (Accessed 3 October 2012). Anon. (2011b) Chinas Li-Ning Takes on Nike, Adidas With U.S. E-Commerce Site online New York Ad Age. Available from http//adage. com/article/cmo-interviews/china-s-li-ning-takes-nike-u-s-e-commerce-site/231642/ (Accessed 3 October 2012) Anon. (2012) Chinas sportswear brands nurse Olympics hangover online China Chinadaily. Available from http//www. chinadaily. com. cn/business/londongames/2012-07/02/content_15542591. htm (Accessed 3 October 2012). Enright, A. (2012) Li-Ning makes its U. S. debut online Chicago Internetretailer.Available from http//www. internetretail er. com/2012/01/16/li-ning-makes-its-us-debut (Accessed 3 October 2012). Qinqin, D. (n. d. ) comparative degree analysis of Chinese and Western Sporting Goods Enterprises Growth Pattern. Wuhan, China Dept. of Sports political economy & Management, Wuhan Inst. of P. E. Ranasinghe, D. (2012) No Medals for Chinas Sportswear Firms online US CNBC. Accessed from http//www. cnbc. com/id/48454835/No_Medals_for_China_s_Sportswear_Firms (Accessed 3 October 2012). Sauer, A. 2012) London 2012 Success as Li-Ning Makes a Change in Olympics Strategy online London Brandchannel. Available from http//www. warc. com/Content/News/Li Ning_plans_global_push. content? ID=e7907838-2cd7-4859-ae44-f1695abdbd52= (Accessed 3 October 2012). Voight, J. (2012) Video Is Lifeblood of Li-Nings New China Sneaker Launch online New York Clickz. Available from http//www. clickz. com/clickz/news/2166538/video-lifeblood-li-nings-china-sneaker-launch (Accessed 3 October 2012). Wen, W. 2012) Li Ning rejoins race in children s wear market online China Chinadaily. Available from http//www. chinadaily. com. cn/business/2012-05/12/content_15276320. htm (Accessed 3 October 2012). Zhang, D. (2011) Li-Ning sportswear looks to win overseas online London BBC. Available from http//www. bbc. co. uk/news/business-12665597 (Accessed 3 October 2012). Zhang, X. (2012) Marketing Plan for Li-Ning Product Expansion in UK, Lecture Notes in Information Technology, Vol(14), Wuhan, China Dept. of Sports Economics & Management, Wuhan Inst. of P. E.
Compared Writing Styles of Rowlandson, Bradford, and Byrd
The writing styles of Rowlandson and Bradford are really kindred, while Byrds writing style is antithetic from the other two. Rowlandsons journal is a narraritive of her captivity, and Bradfords journal is a narrative of his excursion to and arrival at his destination in the New World. Byrds journal was was scripted as a satire, to essentially make fun of Rowlandson and Bradfords religious views. bloody shame Rowlandson kept the journal of her captivity to inform future generations of her experiences while being held captive and used as a slave by the Indians whom kidnapped her and her children.Rowlandons main(prenominal) purpose in this passage is to show how her experiences revealed idols purpose. Throughout the passagee Rowlandson makes reference to how divinity fudge helped her through this difficult time. She was very stong in her religion and her views on her confidence in beau ideal. In the passage Rowlandson expressses her gratefulness that her belief in perfectio n kept her from committing suicide. I can non provided take notice of the wondrful mercy of God to me in those afflictions, in sending me a Bible.The above quote is one and only(a) of the numerous times she makes regerence to how appreciative she is of God in her tine of trouble. As Rowlandon writes, she uses twofold strategies throughout her passage. On one many being allegory. Rowlandon uses allegories by placing scriptural quotations to give symbolic meaning to her experiences. William Bradfords writing techniques and purpose are very similar to that of Rowlandson. Bradford writes roughly his voyage to the New World and experiences that take localize once they reached land.Just like Rowlandon, Bradfords writing is to inform future generations of his experiences in the New World. Bradford give account of his voyage to the New World on the Mayflower, landding in the New world, and the hardships that he battled throughout it all. Bradford, much like Rowlandon, talked about how grateful he was for God to provide fot him and bring hin through his trials,. entirely it pleased God before they came half seas over. In many instances, such as the above, Bradford gave God credit, and was very appreciative of it.William Byrd, unlike Bradford and Rowlandon, did not write a captivity nattatiive, but instead just kept an account of events. He did not give God credit for everything, but instead, used satire to make fun of Rowlandon and Bradford. Byrd was not saying that God meant nothing and he did not believe in him, but he did not constantly credit him with everything. As it is implied, Rowlandson and Bradford have very similar writing techniques, while Byrd had a different style than the other two.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Barangay Assenbly Minutes Essay
I. transactions OF THE BARANGAY ASSEMBLYOpening prayer was led by Purok President Charito Sombito. Thus, render of Pambansang Awit was preceded. Punong Barangay Emelda J. Banguanga acknowledged the presence of P/Inps. Robert Dejucos of PS2, Lina Magbanua and party represented the City city managers Office, Barangay 2m Scholars, ALS Learners, Purok Officials of 5 Puroks, concern citizens and Honorable Mona Dia Jardin.First patron was Kagawad Noe M. Romero Sr., Chairman Committee on Peace and Order he report that from whitethorn to October 2012 the number of cases filed in the Barangay is 37 included the VAW-C cases. In dose related cases, nearly 15 persons apprehended from April to October 2012 based on the drug inventory receipt of property seized issued by the PDEA Operatives and CAIDSOTG.Barangay Kagawad Ramon E. Jamelo, Chairman Committee on Education and Infrastructure, account that the Barangay has already had 27 Barangay Scholars enrolled at Bacolod City College which is a continuous course of the Barangay. 55 Preschoolers enrolled at the Barangay Day Care Center, about 50 out-of-school youth catered by the ALS political program of the Barangay, and 10 scholars facilitated by the Barangay through the TESDA skill training program.He said that this program was designed to counter and eliminate one of the problems of the Barangay which is drugs. On the other hand, on the infrastructure and developmental projects, he enumerated some of the projects utilize such as the construction of footwalk at Purok Balinday and Purok Lampirong, declogging of drainage system at Purok Sigay, construction of artesian well at Purok Tahong, distribution of jetmatic pump (replacement) at 5 Puroks, and procural of various electrical supplies distributed to 5 Puroks.Barangay Kagawad Ben Jake C. Barilla, Chairman Committee on pay and Livelihood program reported the financial status of the Barangay from May to October 2012. confabulate attached document for the financia l report. And as for the livelihood program, he informed that about 35 indigent benefited the trisikad rent-to-own program of the Barangay.SK Chairman Lovely May O. Rile, Chairman Committee on Youth and Sports Development, reported the various activities implemented by the SK Council from April to October 2012. Some of them are the SK Socio-Cultural Presentation Search for Miss SK 2012 which held lead March 2012, SK Summer League 2012 last May 2012, Supported the Barangay Scholars for the recompense of their tuition fees and ALS Program of the Barangay. SK Council also sponsors the procurement of t-shirt for the elder Citizens of the Barangay during the celebration of the Barangay Day last March 2012. She also added that for the December activity, the SK Council plotted to have an Inter-Purok Belen Making Contest and a Socio-Cultural Presentation Search for Mr. SK 2012.Barangay Kagawad master D. Aliguin, Chairman Committee on Health, Sanitation and Social Services, reported his execution report such as the conduct of bloodletting activity, nutrition calendar month celebration, anti-rabies vaccination, procurement of medicines intended for indigent families, balik-MMR (9 mos. 8 yrs.) (6 yrs 14 yrs), garantisadong pambata (GP- 6 to 11 mos.) Vit.A (12 to 59 mos), distribution of micro-nutrients powder, weekly feeding program, brigada eskwela together with the Police air 2 Personnel, anti-dengue campaign, pabasa sa nutrisyon program and attendance to various training seminars.Lastly Punong Barangay Emelda J. Banguanga reported some of the programs, projects and activities that had been delivered by the Barangay such as the effective implementation of Barangay cipher for 2012 which already reported by Kgd. Barilla, passage of Barangay Resolution approving the yearbook Investment Plan of Barangay 2 for the year 2013, full support increase to the education program, livelihood program, health and social services program, infrastructure program and diversion program through socio-cultural activities, facilitated the 125 additional household targeted beneficiaries, procurement of various supplies and materials for Barangay.
Existential Psychology and Humanistic Approach: Use in Modern Perspective
Extistencail psychology & angstrom humanitarian approach ( genius) handling in modern perspective Focus on how it relates to happiness balance humanist + side of human Est related to sex and aggression. Which statement slightly Freuds theory of personality is FALSE? The most important aspects of personally development are finished by age 6 The swelled head continues to develop as you grow The id is present at birth The swelled headtism must balance the demands of the id and super-ego The id is entirely unconscious. The ego is entirely conscious dissimilitude ego & super ego Ego the eye since of self, intelligence information ore rational Super ego (oer-eye) develop early on contend of your culture, what your culture ( thoroughly boy or girl) should or shouldnt do. Ex near person wont ease up sex In this apology mechanism, an individual acts in a manner opposite to their true desires or motives.Displacement You displace your anger on something or someone else Projection kinda of admitingit to yourself you acc usance everyone else of it Reaction formation Regression Using a queer talk Denial Act as if something isnt happening * defence force machanism do exist. Hes probably wrong near ppl use it by unciounsious * There are many reasons that contribute to our attraction to opposites. integrity of the best predictors in selecting and developing interpersonal and romantic relationships is Mere pic effect Is why proximity is such a good predictor Just seeing them wont influence it as more as the other one Personality characteristics Commonalities in parental deportment Physical proximity How close u sleep to fillher to each other They are there and you get to know them, b/c they live close to you What is familiar is more appealing then what isnt period Defense mechanisms are enated by The id The ego The super-egoBoth the ego and the super ego Both the id and the super-ego In _________love we visit feelings of euphoria, intimacy, and intense sexual attraction, in ________love, we hear affection, trust, and concern, for a partners well- world. Passionate companionate Companionate deals w/ oxitocen Passionate deals w/ dopamine (like w/ drugs) Research has consistently show five core components of personality. Which of the next is not one of the Big fiver personality tratis? Agreeableness Extraversion + to neutral? Openness to experience amour propre to neutral? B&CWhich of the big 5 is associated w/ tutor and work success? (along w/ predicting IQ) Consciousness What do obedience to potential and a tendency to reciprocate others favors bemuse in common? Norms (unwritten standards for behavior or how ppl leave behind react to one other) dissent from culture to culture No one is going to sit u down & tell you Ex you will obey an officer (or ppl in position of authority) When your friend does really well on a test, he says its b/c he is smart. If he fails, he says its b/c the test was really hard. This is an ex of which of the following? Extraversion Denial Sublimation self-serving bias We have a general good look of our self Look at outside reason why we didnt do so well. repression The tendency for ppl to engage in ____________ explains why some ppl prefer negative evaluation over positive ones and excessively anticipate mate who view them poorly. Self-verification Get info from ppl around us Deosnt change a lot over time We seek ppl out who confirm w/ our own thoughts Self denial Self actualization Self serving bias Self report * * _____________ view is a type of persuasion that involves a chang in attitudes or beliefs that is brought just virtually by appeals to habit or emotion.Systematic Heuristic Habbits & emotion Happy, feel Non-systematic Logic & reason (opposite of heuristic) Ppl take their time (ppl are outlay a lot of $) Inferential Residual The Lexical Hypothsis suggested that talking to will have many words for very important personality traits. Language will have few words for the very important personality traits Some cultures do not believe in the idea of invariable personality traits. Some cultures do believe in the idea of stable personality traits. Which of the following statements about personality traits is NOT true?Traits lay off us to predict behavior in specific situations. Only over time, not in situations Intelligence is not a personalilty trait harmonise to the ___________ ppl aggress when their goals are thwarted. Pleasure principle Frustration-agression Drive principle need principle Aggression-motivation hypothesis As cover in class the humanistic perspective on personality and motivation suggests that there are 3 b Automomy relatedness Competence Dominance Milgrams famous obedience study reveals that about ______% of participants delivered the max level of shock. 15% 25% 50% 65% 95% top sooner if they had to touch the apprentice being closer to the learner personality traits matter too a lot ppl who didnt car ab out what ppl thought about them being taught by parents/ even if you are told to do something it wasnt ok to hurt some one ppl who had a salutary need to be approved of they were more likely to continue Researches have discovered a gene associated w/ serotonin availability in th frontal love. This gen is also related to the personality trait of psychoneurosis The Zimbardo prison study has been cited as an example that negative situation pressures often outweigh personality traits.When ppl in angry mobs, they may not be awar of their own standards of behavior. This may be due to Reciprocal altruism altruism Diffusion of responsibility Doesnt have to do w/ being aware of yourself This is in the ex of who is going to come forth to do the work When someone needs help & it isnt net if its a emergency When there is a crowd &ppl act like its fine then u admit its fine too When u are by yourself, u dont have reference of others so u r more likely to help Deindividuation Group polar izationIn _________ an individuals experience of the environment is shaped y unintentional effects of their personality on others. Situation selection Manipulation When we do it intension to manipulate others to get what we want Evocation Unintentional effect ppl respond to b/c of ur personality Passive correlation Spent a lot of ppl who have the same gene as you so its hard to quarter apart Self-serving bias In John Gottmans investigate on predictors of divorce, couples who remained married showed a ratio of ____ positive interactons for every _____negative interactions 51 15 21 12 11 *
Monday, February 25, 2019
Food And Culture Essay
Culture is broadly defined as the beliefs, attitudes, values, customs, and habits accepted by a community of someones. Cultural behavior patterns are reinforced when a group is isolated by geography or segregated by socioeconomic status. Culture is learned, not inherited it is passed from generation to generation. The term fare habits refers to the ways in which humans hold regimen, including how nutrition is obtained and stored, how it is prepared, how it is served and to whom, and how it is consumed. A. H. Maslows supposition of human maturation as applied to intellectual nourishment habits explains how food single-valued function progresses from take in for existence to eating for self-actualization.1.Physical inevitably for survival Daily needs for nutrients must be met before more complex food use plunder occur.2.Social needs for security Once the immediate need for food is convenient, future needs can be and are considered. The storage of food, in a pantry or in a r efrigerator, may pay off security.3.Belongingness This use of food shows that an individual belongs to a group. The need to belong is satisfied by consuming the foods that are eaten by the accessible group as a whole. These foods represent comfort and happiness for many good deal during periods of accent or illness, mint often want the foods they ate during childhood.Sometimes people adopt a special diet to demonstrate belongingness. For example, African Americans who racy outside the South, may choose to eat what is called soul food (such as pork ribs and greens) on certain occasions as an expression of ethnical identity.Etiquette, the appropriate use of food, is also a way of demonstrating belongingness. Entirely unalike manners are required when lunching with business associates at an dear(predicate) restaurant, when attending a tea, when eating in a school cafeteria, when insobriety with friends at a bar, or whenpicnicking with a significant other.4.Status Food can be u sed to define social position. Champagne and caviar think of wealth, beans and potatoes are traditionally associated with the poor. Status foods are used for social interaction. When a man picks up his date, he brings her chocolates, not broccoli. Wine is considered an appropriate devote to the hostess, a gallon of milk is not.In general, eating with someone connotes social equality with that person. Many societies regulate who can dine together as a means of establishing class relationships. Women and children may eat separately from men, or servants may eat in the kitchen, away from their employers. This attempted separation by class was also seen in the U.S. restaurants that excluded African Americans before the civil rights ordinance of the 1960s.5.Self-realization This stage of food use occurs when all previous stages have been achieved to the individuals satisfaction. Personal preference takes precedence, and the individual may experiment with the foods of contrastive ethn ic or economic groups.Food and Culture in America. A Nutrition Handbook, 2nd Edition. Pamela Kittler & Kathryn P. Sucher. Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1998.Cultural PaperComplete a three to five page paper on the nutritional habits/customs, wellness beliefs and practices of a specific culture. As you prepare this paper, think about the issues address in the previous pages and how these influences shape a cultures eating habits. As your paper takes shape, you may want to include some of the interest points History of the specific cultureCommon food ritualsFood beliefs is food used symbolically, spiritually or does the culture use specific food/foods for therapeutic purposes? Are there any traditional or raw material foods used regularly in their diet. What is the meaning of this food? Do the people of the culture follow a specific daily pattern relate to diet and meals? Does the culture change their nutritional beliefs or have diametrical food customs throughout the lifecycle, fr om infancy to adult years, during pregnancy and nursling or during sickness and health? What did you learn about this culture? go through free to include personal experiences and any recipes to share with the class from this culture. divert include a minimum of two references published within the knightly five years from a reputable health/nutrition tie in journal and/or book. Suggestions include journal of the American Dietetic Association, diary of Nutrition Education, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition or Journal of the American Medical Association.
Drinking Age Essay
The deglutitioning sequence was moved from 18 to 21 for a reason. The higher bever historic period age of 21 has saved many lives, helped restrict the amount of belowage swallowing, and therefore should not be lowered. Many studies from a large variety of sources strike proven higher drinkable ages rescue a positive effect on society. Alcohol is harmful to the ontogeny of younger people. look has shown that an adult is less desirely to binge drink (have five or more drinks in a row). correspond to statistics from the guinea pig Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, teens become drunk in two ways as fast as adults. Because the teens get drunk faster they argon less likely to know when to stop and to go past their limit, do harm to themselves and others. The Human brain continues to develop after adolescence and into our 20s. According to a study on the neurocognitive effects of alcohol on adolescents and college students, drinking is harmful to the brain. Since the brains of all people under 21 are fluent developing, and most are in college, alcohol can prove rattling detrimental to the development of their brain and can harm their studies, and thus their futures. pocket-size drinking too largely contributes to many social problems include those such(prenominal) as impaired driving, fighting, sexual activity, and smoking (pediatric medicine 2006 11976-85). People have proposed that a 40 hour educational course should entitle people under 21 to drink.Research shows that educating youth drivers does not preserve youth crashes, tho restrictions such as a limitation on the amount of passengers a youth driver can have, and curfews do help restrict the amount of youth crashes. The same philosophy applies to drinking. Educating young people about drinking responsibly, and the damage that drinking can do will not prevent alcohol related incidents, or small binge drinking, but restrictions like the current laws will help prevent these ( nat ional Institutes of Health , Fact public opinion poll underage deglutition). Alcohol has a direct effect on the amount of car crashes and crime levels around the world. Studies show that since the heavy age was change from 18 to 21 the number of vehicle related accidents hasdropped 16 percent (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Other studies have shown that since the legal drinking age was raised over 25,000 live were saved (European work Survey proposal on Alcohol and Other Drugs).Many European countries have lower drinking ages, and many people say that their transcription is better. Since alcohol is more readily available in these nations there are more underage drinkers than other countries where alcohol is more limited. Studies have also shown that alcohol cause more problems in Europe than America (DiClemente, Ralph J.Pediatrics 107). These issues include underage drunkenness, injury, rape, and school problems. The concept that a soul becomes a full adult a t age 21 dates back centuries in English common law 21 was the age at which a person could, among other things, vote and become a knight. Since a person was an official adult at age 21, it seemed to make sense that they could drink then, too (Ethan Trex http// /article/19437/why-drinking-age-21). Certain European nations and states allow drinking with a put ups consent or drinking in the retirement of the home. Many people claim that this helps reduce underage binge drinking by introducing youths to alcohol at an earlier age in a controlled environment.Research has shown that this is not true (Fell, James Debating Reform), because the youths feel they have their parents permission to drink they are more likely to believe it is okay for them to drink in situations outside the home, which can lead to intoxicated driving, and other harmful acts. Some argument for lowering the drinking age claim that alcohol is more enticing to youths when they cant have it, and if the legal age was lowered there would be less underage drinking problems. Studies and history have proven this wrong (Fell, James Debating Reform). to begin with the drinking age was raised in the U.S. there was a big underage drinking problem, and over twice as many deadly alcohol related accidents as today.SourcesEuropean School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs. DiClemente, Ralph J. et al Parental Monitoring stand WithAdolescents Risk Behaviors Pediatrics 107 6 June 2001, 1363-1368 Fell, James. From Chapter 2 Federalism Resolved, the Federal Government should limit each States freedom to set its drinking age. in Ellis, Richard and Nelson, Michael (eds.) Debating Reform. CQPress Publishers, Fall 2009. Fell, J. negligible Legal drinking mount polity companionship Asset, website created by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundations Substance Abuse Policy Research Program March 2009. Fell, James C. National Highway calling Safety Administration, Oct. 2008 An Examination of the Criticisms of the Minimum Legal Drinking Age 21 Laws in the United States from a business-Safety Perspective National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Center for Statistics and Analysis Lives Saved in 2007 by Restraint Use and Minimum Drinking Age Laws DOT HS 811 049 A Brief Statistical Summary November 2008. National Institutes of Health, Fact Sheet Underage Drinking National Institutes of Health, Fact Sheet Alcohol-related Traffic Deaths National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statistics on Underage Drinking National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Research Findings on Underage Drinking and the Minimum Legal Drinking Age National Institutes of Health, Alcohol Policy Information System The 1984 National Minimum Drinking Age Act Shults, Ruth A., Elder, Randy W., Sleet, David A., Nichols, James L., Alao, bloody shame O. Carande-Kulis, Vilma G., Zaza, Stephanie, Sosin, Daniel M. , Thompson, Robert S., and the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Reviews of Evidence Regarding Interventions to pull down Alcohol-Impaired Driving. Am J Prev Med 200121(4S). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Surgeon frequents Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking 2007. Zeigler DW, Wang CC, Yoast RA, Dickinson BD, Mccaffree MA, Robinowitz CB, et al. The Neurocognitive Effects of Alcohol on Adolescents and College Students. Prev Med 2005 Jan40(1)23-32. http//
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Netflix Case Analysis
Case Analysis Netflix. com, Inc k JAVK Consulting Company 6/14/2011 600 Civic Center Dr Detroit, MI 48226 Dear Mr. Hastings, Our familiarity JAVK Consulting has examined the Netflix guest flummox and looked into the familys louvre yr financial upcoming. We consent analyzed Netflix with a scope of entering a rocky profits establish companion marketplace and seeing success in the future. The company menstruationly is pumping lots of money into trade strategy in bless to growth their client stem and is in turn facing financial troubles while they approach their initial public offering stage.As you read by means of our analysis of Netflix you pull up stakes find our companys thought on your financial performance so far, look into a filmr fabric and correlated notes flows, and develop an idea of financing solutions to manage growth. sequence more(prenominal) substance abusers are using mainstream technology such as telecastingdisc turners, video game consoles, la ptops, combined along with high-speed meshwork the creates a growing environment for a consumers wanting entertainment at their joysticks and fingertips. Our in weigh is for Netflix to have a successful run at an IPO if elect and manage their customer growth along the way for long precondition success.Thank you for the chance to divine service your business thrive. We hope you agree with our financial medical prognosis of Netflix and make a decision that catapults your company into financial success. Sincerely, JAVK Consulting Group occupation Statement Based on Initial discussion and evaluation, we understand that the effectuate of Initial Public Offering (IPO) is searing and urgencys to be estimated if the company should go forward with the offering, as a result of follow of internet companies have been forced to withdraw their IPOs due to market start turn.Secondly the need to show convinced(p) money flows within a twelve calendar month horizon in order to have a suc cessful offering. trio to suggest modifications that would improve the companys projected exchange flows granted the fact that the tax revenues were stunt woman every cardinal months. One of the most critical points of success for Netflix depended on the companys ability to manage and prevail their triple-digit growth into the foreseeable future. Analysis Technology is continuously facing quick change which gives a company such as Netflix an exclusive probability for a first mover advantage in a saucy market.The Netflix product is one that ignore ship easily and constitute in effect or be received directly to internet connections worldwide. The definite emergence in internet and console users is creating a consumer demand for entertainment that Netflix flock fill. This versatile product paired with emerging technology has led to rapid growth for the Netflix Company. The basal elements of Netflix core products give them an advantage over brick and p outlaster stores such as Blockbuster as Netflix offers a more personalise movie catch, the same unsanded titles, totally along with no date restrictions or late fees.As part of this long term objective Netflixs goal is to grow its customer base and retain users of fall by the wayside effort software. The goal of the free software is to have a positive encyclopaedism rate of free trial users later on a month of free service and retain them into the long run future. After retention, the goal of Netflix is to derive those customers into the long term future by tailoring the Netflix product in a rum way to each customer. Netflix does this by adapting their website interactions for each customer found off of their viewing history and preferences using a unique personal movie finder service.By offering this individualize service video users can buoy find movies they would enjoy and possibly use the Netflix mail service. theoretically speaking, Netflix performance to date has been positive (a lthough the company has been incurring loss category over year) considering the high operating expenses for the initial years of a recent business is common as most businesses make it or cut off it in their first 2-3 years which seems to be a normal arch considering this industry where the fixed assets increase year over year and the revenue generated on the fixed assets could drastically diminish base on user preference.Netflix has an extremely high growth rate for their revenues as they are doubling every sestet months. While revenues are doubling in the last year sales and marketing expenses have gone up more than three times. The main objective now is to make sure that by and by(prenominal) an initial public offering Netflix volition continue to create positive cash flows. We believe that Netflix has chosen the subscriber model to forecast its cash flow requirements because it is the most precise representation of how the company receives cash on a monthly basis.Netflix at its core is in the movie rental industry, the only cash inflows received are from subscribers that pay monthly subscription fees. The basic elements of the subscriber model are monthly subscribers, subscription fees, and movie usage including movies rented and exile exist. Based on these elements costs and revenues can be narrowed down and correlated to individual aspects of the model and accurate cash flows can be formed in order to predict future profitability. The subscriber model is fitting for Netflix for these reasons as subscribers are essentially their only cash inflows. demo A, illustrates the subscribe model premise. In our analysis, we used the subscriber model to forecast future cash flows. This allows us to see authority revenues month to month based on the initial subscriber rate and percentage, while incorporating the cost to your company for each additional subscriber. We have forecasted potential cash flows as easily as revenues for the next five years ( re nder D & stage E). This gives us an idea of where we are going and how we will get in that location. Currently it costs your company $106. 58(Exhibit B) for the first month of a free trial customer.This cost is offset by paid subscribers and can be considered a marketing expense. Every month each paid subscriber earns you on average $5. 82 (Exhibit B) in revenue. Netflix should continue trying to obtain new subscribers since there is a positive cash inflow for those customers after a burden average is formed. Based on the weighted average of customers who stay with Netflix and those that start there is a positive NPV based on the retention percentages. in that location are three basic types of customers for Netflix, one month trail exiting users, six month exiting users, and over five year users.Based off the retention ratios after one month 70% of customers from the free trail stay with Netflix, after that first month 42% of the original 70% stay for six months and 28% stay lo nger than six months (we have assumed it to be of at least 5 years and above). If a customer leaves after one month of free service your company would suffer a loss of $19. 26 (Exhibit B) given the fact that the initial purchase ($98. 28) of videodisc(s) can be reused ($88. 45) for the other new subscribers by purchasing an incremental of 2 videodisk(s) which move to the back catalogue as they become obsolete.Netflix can alter and retain those customers for six months they generate $1. 21(Exhibit B) of cash inflow for each customer. If the cash flow from acquiring new subscribers was negative we would advise your company to take an alternate route for generating cash flows. If your company continues with current business, retaining 28% of initial customers at least 5 years and above, the net present honour of your corporation will be $65,851,642 (Exhibit E) based on certain guess listed in Exhibit E.This NPV of your company after 5 years is based on the weighted average NPV perc entages that we determined for each of the three customer categories one month subscribers, six month subscribers and five year subscribers. everywhere sixty five million as a NPV is a glamorous number to project but it requires your company to retain the current customer retention ratios over the three timeline increments (Exhibit C). If these retention ratios are held strong and then we have determined the weighted NPV per subscriber would be $34. 34 (Exhibit C).While this number is far from over sixty five million dollars over the five year time retention span it grows to be exactly that. demonstration/Recommendation Based on our analysis we have come up with some solutions to improve your overall cash flows and strengthen the financial wellness of your company. These solutions are not far from the product that Netflix currently offers so do the changes would not place a large burden on costs. Also, the changes will offer a more customer focused and interactional experience with the Netflix product.Initially your first goal should be to increase the retention rate of potential new trial subscribers. Given that internet users are increasing year over year, we recommend that your company consider online video streaming (video on demand) which will be an out of the box approach. Using the online media streaming can help your company to cut down on sales and denote cost. Secondly with introduction of online streaming reduce the membership fees to 75% of the current rates which will help you increase customer retention rates.Third, assist revenue sharing which can help increase you marketing base while cutting your expenses. Forth is to promote referral bonus (can vary based on number of referrals provided) which can help you boost your sales through you existing customer base and in return reduce your operating(a) expenses. Lastly to reduce the trial period to 2 weeks (if done by Mail only) and this will result in increase of NPV of Netflix by $25. 8 mi llion (increase of NPV/subscriber from 34. 34 to 44. 10). Netflix is becoming even more personalized and may cut undesired costs such as surplus shipping costs.By doing this you will increase your profitability and decrease your cost to postulate a new customer. Another recommendation is to continue to encourage all online subscribers to rate films. This will encourage other subscribers to rent more movies and help with the automatic marquee queue available to online subscribers. By encouraging this interactive use with the Netflix website the company will have an idea of which DVDs to spend money purchasing and will be able to pull through an updated DVD library that meets the growing demand of new subscribers.To conclude, your company should survive the IPO until the economic condition improves and use this additional time to evaluate some of our recommendation to attain positive cash flows which can play in your favor. Appendix Exhibit A Subscriber Model set forth live/New DVD $ 17. 55 transportation system Cost/DVD $ 1. 00 Number of DVD Initial Marque Queue $ 4. 00 Number of DVD Shipped /calendar month $ 4. 30 New DVD 1st Month $ 5. 60 Number of new DVD(s) subsequent Month $ 0. 56 Revenue /Month $ 19. 95 Free trial $ 1. 00 Discount Rate 20% Exhibit B -New Subscriber Model Free give give Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 Revenue $19. 95 $19. 95 $19. 95 $19. 95 $19. 95 $19. 95 $19. 95 $19. 95 $19. 95 $19. 95 $19. 95 Cost of DVD/ initial (one time) $ (98. 28) Cost of DVD/ releases $ (9. 83) $ (9. 83) $ (9. 83) $ (9. 83) $ (9. 83) $ (9. 83) $ (9. 83) $ (9. 83) $ (9. 83) $ (9. 83) $ (9. 83) Shipping initial DVDs $ (4. 0) Shipping new DVDs $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) $ (4. 30) Net Revenue $(106. 58) $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 Exhibit C Calculation of Net Present Value per new subscriber *assumes that if a subscriber stays with Netflix longer than 6 months will stay 5 years Subscribers 1 Mon 6 Mon 5 Yrs. * chance 30% 42% 28% Weighted NPV per Subscriber ($19. 26) $1. 21 $141. 46 $34. 34 C1 $ (106. 58) $ (106. 58) $ (106. 58) C2 $ 88. 45 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 C3 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 C4 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 C5 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 C6 $ 5. 82 $ 5. 82 C7 $ 88. 45 $ 5. 82 C8 $ 5. 82 C60 $ 5. 82 C61 $ 88. 45 CF By Month Exhibit D Projection of new subscribers 2000 Revenue result rate 1998 1999 274% lively subscribers 110,724 New Subscribers paid status 303,231 30% free 90,969 New Subscribers 2000 394,201 Exhibit E Value of Netflix 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 NPV per Subscriber $34. 34 Discounted Rate 20% Growth rate per new subscriber 49% 49% 49% 49% live subscribers 110,724 Value of existing subscribers 3,802,27 3 New Subscribers 394,201 587,359 875,165 1,303,995 1,942,953 Value of new subscribers 13,536,829 20,169,875 30,053,114 44,779,140 66,720,918 do subscriber value 17,339,102 20,169,875 30,053,114 44,779,140 66,720,918 Product development 7,413,000 7,413,000 7,413,000 7,413,000 7,413,000 General and administrative 2,085,000 2,085,000 2,085,000 2,085,000 2,085,000 thorough Cost 9,498,000 9,498,000 9,498,000 9,498,000 9,498,000 Total Subscriber value minus cost 7,841,102 10,671,875 20,555,114 35,281,140 57,222,918 NPV of Netflix 65,851,642 Assumptions Existing customers pay 19. 95 per month (same as new customers) Additional cost projected at the same level as 1999NPV of Netflix only includes cash inflow and outflows and have not considered any liquidation value
How does Miller use the character of Alfieri to manipulate the audience? Essay
How does moth miller use the shell of Alfieri to manipulate the audience? What is his emplacement to the events of the cultivate?milling machine portrays Alfieri as the symbolic bridge betwixt the Italian and Ameri dope cultures. Alfieri is seen to appreciate the traditional Italian customs yet he excessively behaves by and respects Ameri post lawfulness. This causes munificence for him as he is caught between the dickens paths and has to choose between them. This brings up a estimation of the present choosing between doing the mighty thing or being trustworthy to your feelings. Alfieri can sympathise with Eddie except he can non do anything about the situation that Eddie is in, as the law can not t sufficient service him and he is not in a position where he is able to serve up.Miller uses Alfieri as a narrator in A chance from the Bridge Miller has based Alfieris role in the play on the idea of a Greek choir. The main purpose of the Chorus was to begin and end th e action that takes place in the play, as tumesce as to link the polar parts of the play together so it runs smoothly. This is one of the purposes Miller gives Alfieri in the play.Miller establishes a relationship between Alfieri and the audience, by having Alfieri speak directly to the audience. As he is the except character who addresses the audience directly, they feel closer to him than to any other character. Through Alfieri, Miller is able to influence what the audience think of certain characters at different points throughout the play. For precedent in reference to Eddie, Alfieri says that He was as safe a man as he had to be in a life that was hard and even. This description of Eddie directly influences the audiences opinion of Eddie. Miller can also manipulate the audience into feeling different things for characters, for instance creating sympathy for Eddie at the end of the play, I confess that something perversely utter(a) calls to me so I mourn him Alfieri also influences the audience by the commission he explains certain events in the play. Alfieri provides commentary on what is happening in the play as well as providing his own opinion. The audience is influenced by his words as they have a close relationship with him. When Alfieri dialogue to the audience he is much more relaxed and talks about his sequestered life as if he was talking to a close recall dose or relative. He is much more open as he is not being consulted as a professional, I no long keep a pistol in my filing cabinet.This is not a subject that would come up when talking to somebody who you have plainly met. This adds to the closeness the audience feel with Alfieri. However during his talks with Eddie he tries to be un-biased and give sound advice but he can not assistant but to like Eddie. This is because something about Eddies character and his actions appeal to him, not taking into account how self-centred or selfish theses actions are, Give me the reckon of th e Immigration Bureau. Eddie reporting on Marco and Rodolfo is done for selfish reasons, but Alfieri admires it as he acted without hiding behind a superficial fa fruit drink due to his simplistic nature.Miller gives Eddie a psyche to confide in, someone he can look to for sound advice a fatherly figure, when he created Alfieri. Alfieri serves multiple purposes throughout the play. During the play most of what Alfieri says is directed towards the audience or towards Eddie, this shows the audience that Alfieri is detached from the actual action happening in the play and can not directly influence what is going to take place. He is seen to omniscient, Alfieri can be seen as the person looking down from a vantage point on top of the bridge from where he can see everything but affect nothing.When Eddie goes to Alfieri for advice various times throughout the play, we can see that he feels he can express his feelings a chip shot expose, but he is almost always disappointed as Alfieri o nly gives him advice that he feels is not right and there must be better solutions. In the end even this helpful advice is not enough to displace the events that befall Eddie. However this is subjective as, if Eddie had followed this advice it is unlikely that he would have had such(prenominal) a tragic dying. Events followed a tragic path because only Eddie holds the trustworthy power to stop things from happening the way they did. This is his fatal flaw.Alfieris unfitness to change the events, affects him deeply and he feels powerless and desperate as he can see how events will turn out and the one person who could change this Eddie, is too set in his ways and does not anxiety his advice. When Eddie comes to Alfieri in Act Two he is described as having look like tunnels, the effect of the state of his eyes on Alfieri is that he earnestly contemplates calling the police. This also shows Alfieris desperation as he is willing to turn to drastic measure to stop events, however he does not call the police and therefore events carry on as they were. in that respect are some similarities between the advice Alfieri gives to Eddie and Marco even though they are two very different people with different temperaments and personalities. The gist of the advice he gives them, is that the law can not help them in the situation they are in, and it is better to let it go. The advice he gives them is what they should follow if they want to do the right thing, but it is not what each of them want to hear so they do not heed it.At the end of the play Miller, through Alfieri causes sympathy for Eddie and shows the audience Eddies redeeming quality, his love for his family and being himself purely in his actions even if his actions are not purely good. Alfieri can not help but to be drawn to Eddie and this causes internal conflict within him because he is torn between being true to his roots or to abide by the laws of the country in which he resides in. Alfieri whilst being omniscient is also impotent this is a major contributing factor to the tragic demise of Eddie and the tragic ending of the play.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
External Influence on Ayam Brand
Reference groups assimilate a high shape to the primary tar shell earreach, which be the ho drillwives. The closest groups of people to housewives be the husbands and the children. Since housewives be the mothers for the children, they subscribe to decide on which product of food or result to demoralize for their children for consumption. According to Gourmet Retailer (2008), mothers ar c virtuoso timerned with aliment their little unitary the near nutritious diet possible. Thus, they sake the finis to purchase Maya Brand toilet tennered fruits because it contains no preservatives and MS (Maya brand, 2009). Maya Brand alike provides a large variety of fruits, which are mainly pineapple fruits, garland of fruit cocktails like peach, pears, grapes, cherries and fruits snacks as well. Children are usually very well-disposed of all these, because w don children want Is different products throughout the time of consumption, and non the equivalent or similar product everyplace and over again. well-disposed break up is the hierarchical categorization of people into distinct status splites, so hat members of each syllabus share similar values, Interest and behavior (Chaffinch, et al. , 2008). Social class Is divided into upper class, center field class and spurn class.It Is refr thespiany by a Byzantine set of variables household Income level, occupational prestigiousness and educational achievement. Income directly affects iodins perspective towards a particular purchase. For upper class people, they usually work in a big compevery, meaning they go forth deport a busy working hours for more or less everyday. Due to their occupation, they go away not have time to shop for fresh fruits in the market. With once of wellness at the same time, they require out purchase Maya Brand scum bagned fruits as Its a very popular brand, with no preservatives and MS, and Is available In almost all convenient store or embitterment, Tort composi tors case, Gallant Hypermarket.Meanwhile, for the fit class people, they usually have a lower household income level. As Maya Brand placened fruits are cheap in price and it is value for money, they pull up stakes choose to purchase it to satisfy basic demand. For instance, Gap, Ralph Lauren and United Colors of Benton examine how parents reflect the brand selections in the childrens market (Koala, 2007). Parents especially are powerful in apparel purchases because children are unable to pay for their own expenses of a purchase due to high approach. In addition, social group and associate influences are considered as the signifi female genital organt reference groups.Research shows as the age of a child increases, peers begin more influential on apparel termination- reservation and not their parents anymore (Bridges & Burgess, 2010). Teens nowadays, make the purchase decision on their outfit, ground on the interaction within the peer group. They enjoy making decision on themselves, while taking consideration into there friends opinion (Grant and Stephan, 2006). 2. 2. 2 Social class that members of each class share similar values, bet and behavior (Coffman, et al. , 2008). Social class is determined by a complex set of variables household income level, occupational prestige and educational achievement.Income directly affects of ones attitude towards a particular purchase. Thus, the motivation of people in upper class is knock-down(prenominal)er in owning the latest fashion trends compared to the motivation of people in middle and lower social class (Peter & Olson, 1999), Upper lass people are concern on the body substitution class and self-image whereas middle or lower class people tend to evaluate products in terms of functionality quite an than the style of the garments. Higher social class associates article of c toilething as wealthiness and luxury thus, they tend to dress in expensive and high in quality of apparels (See & Lee, 2008).Suc h high fashion retail store includes, Gucci and Airman Ex tack. In the contrary, people in the lower class go away consider whether the clothing is comfortable, reasonable in price whereas fashion trend is the least master(prenominal) aspect (Kennel, 1976). It) Message framing ii) advertizement appeal advertise can help companies develop consumers awareness to an unmet need or introduce a product that consumers whitethorn set as valuable. This influence is often express when new products enter the market. Customer awareness is often low for these items until companies conjure them and attempt to drive customer demand through advertizement.Companies may overly need to use ad to stave off the popularity of a competitors products in the economic market. This will result in advertisements that will influence consumers to transfer their buying behavior and witch products for specific reasons, such as cost or quality. (Vitae, 2010) Maya Brand advertise its company on Faceable t o enhance its fame to the cosmos as well as the people around the world. As Faceable is a social networking service. It allows Maya Brand to market Its prattle Ana products to lots AT net work . En AT ten advertizing appealed utilise by Maya Brand is by organizing a Community Care Campaign 201 1, which one isolated canned food is move overn with except one like push (Diagram 5. 1). Their mission is to provide donation of canned food to 40 philanthropy home in 2 months. They have successfully supplied 3663 cans for the moment. In this case, its kindness will result in its brand name sinking in consumers mind. As housewives are mothers of the children, they tend to be attracted to this brand as the movement is helping the children who need significant support in terms of food.They say how children will be without care. Besides, if Maya Brand can sponsor its products to so many another(prenominal) charity homes, meaning its products have trusted quality. This is because if it does not have the required quality, it might spoil its own image by doing so. Thus, housewives or mothers will feel that Maya Brand is more trusted in terms of its quality. Www. Oho. Com For example, publicizing on faceable. Read more The Influence of Advertising on Consumer purchasing Behavior I oho. Com http//www. Oho. Com/facts_6948058_influence-advertising-consumer-buying- behavior. HTMLsizzle Alfonzo behavior. HTMLsizzle Ladings v) temper in advertising. Www. allaboutmedicalsales. Com approximately Definition of Humor in Advertising Humor in the dictionary means a quality creation amusing or comic but in advertising it is honest business. In advertising, conception is more than Just making a munch of people put-on. Some of the best brands in India have leveraged indulge to such an extent that the vie arrive atg audience look forward for newness in pique each time they see a new commercial from that brand. To illustrate, Officio has been one of those brands which have employ humour so intelligently and subtly that it remains in peoples minds.Here again one needs to closely view the product and the category before applying caprice to change your product. According to David Googol 30 per cent of advertising is ground on mode. Humor sells if used creatively with a strong idea and swell execution. Claude Hopkins, the father of modern advertising had a different view on this. He was of the opinion that people dont buy from clowns. just in India over the last two decades modality has been drawing lot of attention for communicating a product. Also the conventional wisdom of thinking among our people is that when you buy products it should furnish nearly value and benefits.These could be nutritious for a health beverage, labor saving for a washing machine or a dishwasher. Humor in the dictionary means a quality of creation amusing or comic but in advertising it is serious business. In advertising, imagination is more than lust making a Duncan AT people laugh. Humor tenant a strong idea and coarse execution. (.NET. COM) Using Humor In Advertising Advertising Is Not A Funny Business s uses creatively Walt First, a warning. Professional Advertising does not recommend that you use humor in your advertising. A lot of people simply dont have a sense of humor.You lose them immediately, and the authorisation size of your market shrinks. And humor is in the eye of the beholder. It is commonly misinterpreted. many an(prenominal) people will not encounter the Joke. Your market size Just shrunk again. And humor often insults someone. They may simply get angry because they dont get the Joke. This is fire we are playing with. Your market Just shrunk again. Is it worth the take a chance? Laugh Out Loud Advertising Humor Yes, humor in advertising is risky. It can overly be devastatingly stampive. When through right, humor works really, really well. Advertising is about getting attention.The best ways to get attention wi th advertising are with strong visuals, sex, powerful headlines, and humor. Lets look at how to use or not use humor in advertising. Advertising humor is marvelous for getting attention. As you look at some of our ample ads, we accept you get a good idea of what we mean. Advertising humor can be extraordinarily effective when it is used correctly. People will very look for your ads, and talk about them if they are good. But there are rules about using humor in advertising to represent your company, and following them is probably a good idea. First, people like funny things.They slake and pay attention when they know you have a sense of humor. It puts them in a good mood, and it shapes a more comfortable atmosphere and a more positive image for your company. It makes you easy to approach, and easy to remember. Advertising humor works best with established and commonly purchased products. Humor in advertising works for business services, familiar items, and products we all know. But corporate image and industrial advertising are serious business. Unknown, KY, expensive, or sensitive products are not normally salute to ten lighter toucan AT advertising humor.Advertising humor also needs to be well suited to its audience. If your customers dont get the Joke, because the Joke will be on you. A civilize audience will under birth your irony, satire, and puns, but a young audience may only understand lipstick comedy or a silly cartoon caricature. Inside Jokes can be effective if the liquidator understands that it was done for them, but nobody else will get it. And advertising humor can backfire. If you make a Joke at the expense of any one group, you will surely alienate them.Everyone loved the Wheres the Beef commercials done by Wendy everyone, that is, except the senior citizens who did not like being envisioned as grumpy old people. Advertising humor also needs to be product specific. We have all seen funny ads we liked so much that we forgot what was bei ng sold. Advertising humor must relate erectly to your business or products if you want to be remembered. And advertising humor has a relatively short life. The first time we see it we may laugh out loud. But after a while, although we still may smiling at the Joke, its not so funny any more. Funny ads need to be replaced periodically.Will advertising humor work in your ads? Absolutely if you can make it appropriate to your products and customers, if they understand it, if it is related to your business or message, and if you change your ads frequently enough so that they dont wear out. K, heres the punch line. Advertising humor definitely gets attention. And if your ads dont get attention first, they will be anything but funny. But when done right, advertising humor can send your ads light historic period ahead of the competition, and thats what Professional Advertising is all about. Www. myprofessionaladvertising . Mom Power of humor in advertising V Sympathy, GM 2020 Media Th e government agency of humor dates back to many years when all of us used to view films like the Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy. These actors and characters really made all of us laugh when we sat and watched their movies. Even all our Hindi and regional ivies in India always had a comedian to play a very in-chief(postnominal) determination and provide the movie a touch of humor to give the audience some fun and Joy. Every Hindi movie had an actor like Method, Seepage, Devon Versa or an Saran who played a very important role in making the movie entertaining and thrilling.The same strategy is used by many advertisers in India into their advertising to get noticed and stand out in the clutter with memorable humor which remains gummed in ten blowers Milan. In Tact news papers homogeneous ten Limes AT IANAL nave made every reader smile too soon morning with R. K. Legmans cartoon. Even individual personality or celebrities try and use humor to position themselves differently in the peoples minds. One such example that is top of mind is our Railway Minister Aloe Parkas Hydra. His witty and funny speeches and replies have positioned him differently amongst other politicians.So humor as a tool has been a strong weapon for many brands to draw the customers attention. Different view on this. He was of the opinion that people dont buy from clowns. But or a dishwasher. Role of Humor With more and more channels mushrooming, clutter has become a significant problem for most brands. Hence to beat the clutter and break the ice, humor has been used by many brands to answer the problem. oer a period of time humor has been proved to be one of the best techniques to keep the customer laughing and grab his attention with some sticky and creative idea.The proof of the pudding for any humor based on advertising remains in forcing the audience watch, laugh and most importantly is able to recall the brand easily. Brands must ensure that if they are using humor to sell a prod uct then the charge and the equity of the brand should not be diluted. According to some query humorous ads are recalled fast ND easily and it also elevates the consumers enjoyment and mood. Finally humor captures the viewers attention, cuts through the ad clutter and enhances recall. If not crafted right on humor can also backfire at times.Product and Brand consort It sometimes so happens that a Joke in an advertisement is so powerful that the consumer tends to forget the brand. Hence it is important that there should be a strong connect between the product and the humor that you are toilsome to convey. The Pizza world ad showing a hosepipe being used to cool off someone who Just had a spunky plaza Is a good Ana relevant example wanly connects Walt ten Drain Ana really communicates that when you ask for a spicy pizza we deliver it with full pride. Understanding the nuances of the brand and the audience is very important.Overindulgence of humor can put down the audience and t he brand if not executed in the right taste. The mutilate undergarments ads which tried to use humor and sex to sell their brand never went off well with many consumers. The brand did get some publicity due to controversy but did not win the hearts of the target audience. Hence it is important to base your Joke on the load values of the product and the service proposition the brand is offering. No product connect means no effectiveness. All these results in broad wastage of the marketing budget.Types of Humor in advertising Using a comedian Here instead of building humor in the advertising one can use a comedian actor to promote the brand. Ones choice of comedian has to match the values of the brand. One of the most memorable advertisements that have used a comedian well has been Charlie Chaplin for Cherry Blossom brake shoe polish. The most recent one in this space using an Indian comedian which has been noticeable and successful is Dominos Pizza which has plugged in Parses be very cleverly. Capitalizing on the topical subjects Use the current hot topic in all walks of life which is funny, sticky, memorable and controversial.Maul Butter has been doing these for several years. The advertising deployed has been very humorous and are always based on the current topics with a tongue-in-cheek approach. People never get fatigued watch the Maul ads. People eagerly wait for what Maul Butter alfresco campaigns by constantly looking at the prime hoarding points where Maul butter is visible. Strong idea based humor Here the strong creative idea is carefully blended with subtle humor. The case in example is Officio. The powerful idea with humor helps in beating the clutter.Centre lash electric gum is another good example where a strong advertising idea (Idea sprung up from the product) with the help of humor helped in translating into a great piece of campaign. Saint Goblin glass is another grand example of how humor has been used subtly. The restaurant advert isement (where the water is thrown) created by the company is so refreshing that one never gets bored of conceive it. Using the right type humor in advertising will be determined by clearly defining your objectives and positioning of your product.This, back up with a strong idea ill further help you to create good advertising which can be sticky and memorable for a long time. Humor will help if it is relevant Mostly humor is used in products which is low in investment and which has high heart rate purchase. (Candy, beer and mosquito repellents). One cannot totally generalize this, as consumer durable products have also used humor effectively. Humor may not work in category like condoms, sanitary napkins as tense products need to exempt ten Detentes AT ten product more clearly. Similarly cars and diamonds may also not use humor as the decision offset to purchase is long.Finally we need to remember that humorous campaigns are difficult to designing and create. Over exaggeration of humor may have negative effect on the brand. People may remember the Joke but not the message and the brand. It can upset individuals if not done tastefully. Products can also flop and brand equity may erode. While humor is a strong and interesting route to create a great advertising campaign, one must also keep in mind that the imagery, core values of the brand and the positioning does not deviate. If your positioning is perfect then humor with a great idea can do wonders for the brand. Www. .NET. Com
Chinese Modernist fiction Essay
Chinese Modernist fiction is very complicated in terms of resourcefulness and literary expression used by the author, as well as in terms of dual or multiple meanings of the works, but in ecumenic they express the mood of the epoch. Mus stories atomic number 18 to great extent experimental and vary between purely proletarian fiction and dialect writings that express re t turn up ensembley deep thoughts by means of internal monologues and the use of confabulation as a tool of changing the characters self- information or their impressions about their environment (MacDonald, 2004).Mu Shiyings prose is often c exclusivelyed New Sensationist (Xin ganjuepai) style of writing goldbrick stories whose maculation often develops rapidly, whereas the picture the author has drawn at first trunk unchengeable(MacDonald, 2004). The name New Sensationist was derived from the Shinkankahu ha, a group of Japanese avant-garde writers from the mid-twenties and 1930s. However, the evidence is a gainst the actual existence of a group of writers who called themselves New Sensationist in China (MacDonald, 2004, p. 797).Nevertheless, Mus bypass story entitled Five in a Nightclub gives a number of sensational experiences, which this essay is knowing to discuss. The first scene of the short story describes the intrinsic human necessitate for material resources, the main drive of the business world Men with blood-shot look milled about the gold exchange. The speculators devolved into brutes.The wind blew the reason from their minds and the steel from their poise (Shiying, 1992, p. 5), so that the first perception of Shanghai refers to the psychological tension between the people, who meet suffered a lot from the adversities, brought about by life. The first out suffer represents the pace of Shanghai life a mortal piece of ass lose their fortune or become rich in one moment, so the description of instability and nervousness refers to the lack of control over the situati on, as if the participants were obedient marionettes in the hands of the powerful and malicious force.The second base scene, limning a young man, scornfully rejected by the girl he loves, also refers to the whims of fortune and more precisely explains the sensation of hope this tinge appears hovering or hanging over the place where Zheng Ping is waiting for his darling. The talking to he sent to the girl yesterday are, as he trus 2rthyizes, written to describe his todays situation Stranger, O extraterrestrial / yesterday I was your slave. Today you say Im a stranger (Shiying, 1992, p. 6).Importantly, there is a notable contrast between the first paragraphs, in which the author describes the characters romantic thought, his illusionary closeness to the object lens of his strong feeling, and his disappointment and sorrow at the end, when Zheng Pings hairs-breadth acetifyed unobjectionable (Shiying, 1992, p. 7). Fragments rapidly change one some other. The short passageway about a young woman, who has lose her beauty over the juvenile years, points to the perception of human body as machine that pile be used Youth A Isnt it Daisy Huang? She was the toast of the town tailfin years ago Youth B Amen.She was quite a base (Shiying, 1992, p. 8). Accordingly, human beings do not belong completely to themselves, as they should eternally try hard to meet the requirements, imposed by society, especially those tie in to appearance and beauty. Ji Jie, the character, described in the next episode, is also lost in his self-identity and self-perception, so that he even fails to comprehend his real record and the sense of his being in this world. Another character, battered cruelly by life, is Miao Zongdan, a clerk, who has been working hard for his career development and who receives a letter of dismissal.This episode is very similar to the first one, in which the sudden turning-point can ultimately change the individuals life, destroy their desires, as pirations, ambitions just ilk a high wave of tsunami that covers the persons life. The first chapter of the short story therefore provides an overview of the psychological lives of certain dwellers of Shanghai, whereas the other people, surrounding them, extend indifferent, so that the average inhabitant of Shanghai is a small person, incapable of managing their fate. On the other hand, they should cope with their bothers without any support from outside.The second chapter narrates about a typical Saturday iniquity in Shanghai, or the skilful underground life, heated by neon, alcohol and cigarettes Red streets, green streets, gritty streets, purple streets City clad in strong colours leap neon light multi-coloured waves, scintillating waves, colourless waves a sky fill up with colour. The sky now had everything wine, cigarettes, high-heels, clock-towers (Shiying, 1992, p. 10). Human mores become increasingly more relaxed at this time, and people are about to do unusual t hings, as such conducts are not likely to happen in the daylight.In the terzetto chapter, Shanghai is described in merely two colors grisly and white, that symbolize purity and dust, but flow together into a wizard glamour of the night club. In addition, one can note a mixture of different cultures in nine settings the club itself is designed in European style, as the idea of night amusements in such settings derives from this continent, whereas the customers are Chinese and the dancers who entertain the visitors are Russian princesses (Shiying, 1992, p.11). This pre-arranged chaos influences the characters almost magically their dreams seem to come true. The idea of saving night resembles the fairy story theme at daytime, the characters remain ugly beasts, whereas at night they turn into young and attractive princes and princesses, who become rich and are as a result surrounded by their admirers.In this sense, night is remedy against all daily troubles, as they all are reso lved or immovable very quickly and naturally, as if the natural force that throws the characters into the depth of misfortune and misfortune calms down at night this magic conversion can be compared to ignominious and white colors, which seem to be the major imagery in this place By the white tablecloths sit men spiffed up in formal evening attire layers of black and white black hair, white faces, black eyes, white collars, black ties, white starched shirts, black jackets, white waistcoats, black pantsblack and white (Shiying, 1992, p.10). The author seems to recognize alone if extremes, rather than the golden middle that balances the positive and invalidating forces and protects human forefront from excessively strong feelings and emotions. The city, in turn, also experiences a kind of conversion whereas at daytime it looks like a huge technocratic monster that has further concrete and asphalt inside and is inhabited by people, who hurt separately other with their apath y and indifference at night it alters into a real paradise, filled with the radiance of happiness, kindness and friendliness.Noticeably, the characters in the night club act with one another very dynamically and seem united by this atmosphere of customary joy and relaxation. Nevertheless, this illusion of amusement seems unrealistic aft(prenominal) the events, which took place in the afternoon in spite of the miraculous better of all human hardships, it contains the after-pains, which give the idea of the possible return of all daily problems once this wonderful night comes to its logical end.The depiction of the common excitement only reinforces the readers expectation of the future negative events, which will take place in the following morning or afternoon and shatter this positive emotional atmosphere. As for the characters in the nightclub settings, they are described as fragments, successfully integrated in an entity, as all of them manifest their self-confidence in almost the same way. For instance, Daisy re-gains her youth and beauty, so that nobody recognizes her, except her companion, Junyi, a gold baron Ive never been more sane in my life said Daisy, who had regained her composure. curtly she laughed again I will always be young. Oh, Junyi, lets make a real night of it Daisy pulled Hu Junyi out onto the dance root word (Shiying, 1992, p. 12). Later, Zheng Ping enters the club, looking rum and smart because this time he has another girlfriend and therefore seems protected from the negative remembrances, which can be caused by Ninas presence. Similarly to Daisys case, Zheng experiences a very short exit of nerves, but finally retakes self-control and focuses on his new girlfriend.Although Miaos problem is not solved yet, he also joins the party and soon becomes drunk and happy. Whereas at first, Daisy and Hus joy seems natural, later the company is gradually falling into absolutely inhuman and unexplainable ecstasy that can be caused only by the overuse of spirits Everyone laughed with her open babbles, open mouths, open mouth gaping holes that with every passing moment seemed less human ((Shiying, 1992, p. 14). The characters have already joined to the nightclub atmosphere, primarily because all of them have come with partners, so that they are no loner lonely and miserable.Ji Jie, patronage the demonstrative happiness of the other four persons, is slowly sinking in the marsh of his own thoughts, in his hard mental work. Nevertheless, he is no longer depressed, as his visit to the club will probably allows him to let out his identity and understand himself better. Moreover, he is described by the customers as a happy person Customer D He who has nothing to do after dinner and who can come here to break matchsticks is a happy man. Customer C Even the drunkard with him is happy Hes the guy who spilled the drink after badging in here.A while ago he was picking fights, now hes telling jokes (Shiying, 1992, p. 1 8). Towards the end of the night the delight of the five characters begins to disappear, and the sensation of this night never seems to come again, as the problems, experienced by the five persons at daytime, are becoming more real. The sixth character, Jonny, later gets to know that her wife and newborn son are dead, but he is not allowed to abjure the work and must continue entertaining the visitors with his music. The five personalities, who seemed cheerful to religious cult in the evening, are now described as popped balloons (Shiying, 1992, p. 20).All the characters later reconcile themselves to the fact that they are losers in this life, only Hu Junyi kills himself. His death is a milestone, after which the other characters open their true faces and confess to their tiredness of living. The night was nothing more than an attempt to repair the shattered lives, whose pieces turned out so small that it was impossible to paste them together. To sum up, the new perception of Sha nghai is presented as never-ending rolling down, a journey through the severe daily reality and exaggeratedly euphoric night parties, which, however, recreate human degradation.Whiteness and blackness are never to mix together in Shanghai, so that its dwellers are fated to swinging between the two extremes, which are pain and delight. Either sooner, or later, the life of this small person will be shattered by the large city, as the short story narrates. Works cited MacDonald, S. The Shanghai Foxtrot by Introduction. Modernism/modernity, Vol. 11 (4) pp. 797-807 Shiying, Mu. Five in a Nightclub, Renditions Spring 1992, pp. 5-22.
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