
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Personal Philosophy Powerpoint Presentation

Broken Promises , Reparations 2Broken Promises , Reparations 1 .there is a renewed willingness on the de-escalate of both governments and corporations to provide requital for injustices in opposite contexts . genuinely much it has taken the lick of cash redeemments or other benefits to victims of Nazi and Japanese atrocities during World War II more or less commence sought to return land to homegrown peoples , duration others eat up simply offered apologies . Apologies wee been offered for a colossal range of ult injustices done to Jews , Korean women , Native Americans , and entropy African blacks . The U .S . government apologized for its role in overthrowing the native government in Hawaii and the elected government in Guatemala (Arthur , 2007In appearing to make believe in the interest of mightiness slaves government raised reparations as a subject and passed constabularys directional compensatory payment after the gracious War . Former slaves necessitate footing to function on an economic and social take in this nation . Laws stipulating fee be disbursed in the form of livestock , monies , lands etc . were passed In 1865 , the authoritative reparations package , the so-called 40 Acres and a scuff was issued . Each black family was hypothetic to receive 40 nation and later was offered the loan of soldiery mules . The same year , congress established the Freedmen s Bureau , which was created to wangle the transition of slaves to freedom . The culture of the Freedmen s Bureau was to distribute 850 ,000 cast aside and confiscated acres of land to former slaves . But the distribution neer happened . Former Confederates were allowed to reclaim the stationHYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol /www .alternet .org / tommyrot /11000 http /www .alternet .org /story /11000Br oken Promises , Reparations 3At its root re! parations was an idea government fictitious to embrace This appears to be observable in taking the saw Actions speak louder than words into work out . The legal mandates for reparations that were voluntarily passed by government were not sceptred to transform the law from writing to realities the former slaves would experience .
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136 years having passed without a marque of grass , a single long horse , mule or apology does not reckon favorably in African American s minds , especially when government is note to devour apologized to other ethnic groups and disbursed funds and resources as a incision of those apolog ies Under the HYPERLINK http /en .wikipedia .org /wiki / courteous_Liberties_Act_of_1988 \o well-behaved Liberties Act of 1988 Civil Liberties Act of 1988 , signed into law by President Ronald Reagan , the U .S . government apologized for HYPERLINK http /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Japanese_American_ internment \o Japanese American internment Japanese American internment during HYPERLINK http /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /World_War_II \o World War II World War II and provided reparations of 20 ,000 to each subsister , to compensate for loss of property and liberty during that period . For some(prenominal) years Native American tribes have received compensation for lands ceded to the United States by them in respective(a) HYPERLINK http /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Treaties \o Treaties treaties . Other countries have also opted to pay reparations for yesteryear grievances (see HYPERLINK http...
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