Wednesday, August 26, 2020
NBA vs. Owners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
NBA versus Proprietors - Essay Example For example, in 2009 he paid $2.73 in fines to the government to settle asserts that were put on him with respect to separation towards the African Americans and Latinos. Donald Sterling has likewise been sued in the past by his own 22-year trough on cases of provocation, separation, just as unjust end. This case turns into an ethical issue in light of the fact that the account that Donald Sterling has been blamed for was discharged to the press unlawfully and his discussion was recorded without his assent. This has prompted Sterling asserting that his privileges were damaged. The picture cognizant NBA has a few alternatives that can be taken against the very rich person who has since kept up that he isn't supremacist. This issue turns out to be all the more confounding in light of the fact that Donald Sterling has been engaged with activities to help the minority gatherings. In any case, one of his own supervisors has kept up that he accomplishes something hoping to profit in anothe r manner. For example, helping the minorities and having a sweetheart from a minority gathering would be successful in demonstrating that he isn't supremacist and in improving his own picture. In spite of the fact that the NBA has a reasonable constitution, a few changes ought to be fused in it to guarantee that decisive moves are taken against people who offer bigot comments. Because of the malicious that is engaged with bigotry, NBA ought to rebuff such people as Donald Sterling as needs be to guarantee that such occasions don't happen again later on and to guarantee balance in the American culture. Forestalling a re-event of the equivalent in the association, NBA should screen the conduct of the group proprietors, make a domain that advocates for fairness, respond quickly to bigot practices, and uphold prejudice cases with respect to the class in the U.S constitution. The NBA should screen the conduct of the group proprietors just as their activities to guarantee that activities that may discolor the name of the association and the picture of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Pursuit Of Truth Through Religion And Science Religion Essay Example
The Pursuit Of Truth Through Religion And Science Religion Essay Truth as characterized in the dictionary is something that compares to certainty or world. In ongoing acculturated history, logical and otherworldly positions have regularly tangled with each other. In any case, truth can be demonstrated in army ways. Strict musings are typically introduced chief, thus adequate logical grounds accumulates to make intense profound convictions. The 2008 Mumbai attacks were a delineation of solid and committed otherworldly convictions by Islamic psychological oppressors from Pakistan. In add-on, 90 for every centum of the universe s populace has faith in religion of God go forthing the others sing logical order and grouped positions. Albert Einstein and Galileo Galilei had a more prominent logical range and regarded it had an answer to about everything. These finds of logical order are met with surprise and most are viewed as a difference. Life of Pie by Yann Martel and Robert Zemeckis film Contact, contribute essentially in seeing fairly, the meaning o f truth. These two representations and the individuals included are depicted by their dubious heads to happen the pursuit of truth. All in all, what is truth? The ethos of logical order was ever been tied in with looking for reality. Science is shown obviously and has a discernable point in the two comparings. Mr. Satish Kumar from Life of Pie is an Atheist. He says, I do nt put stock in confidence. Religion is haziness. ( Martel, 29 ) . This announcement demonstrates that he dislikes confidence and does non hold religion. He puts stock in logical order since he is a Biology educator. Mr. Okamoto and Mr. Chiba questioned the being of religion since they do non trust Piscine Patel s ( Pi ) account about the meat eating island floating bananas. In this way, he has a progressively logical position. Dr. Eleanor Arroway from Contact, a committed truster of logical order was resolved to happen different signifiers of life using radio uranology. She says, It s like you re expressing that logical control executed God. Imagine a scenario where logical control simply uncovered that he neer existed in the primary topographic point. Contact. This exhi bits she has a higher range towards logical control, and thinks about that logical order can turn out that God neer existed. Michael Kitz, has a profound logical head and requests Ellie about her involvement with the wormhole and, if to have confidence in religion. Dr. Arroway and Mr. Okamoto both have comparative builds and request themselves about What is truth. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Pursuit Of Truth Through Religion And Science Religion explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on The Pursuit Of Truth Through Religion And Science Religion explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The Pursuit Of Truth Through Religion And Science Religion explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Confidence is comprehended to be an unconfirmed cognizance that is recognized and accepted through confidence missing the interest of relevant proof. At times, confidence is exhibited fundamentally, by fear based oppressor act Acts of the Apostless and dissent. Pi s male parent has confidence in confidence and acknowledges it as truth. He only needs Pi to have faith in Hinduism. He articulates, But Muslims? It s completely unfamiliar to our convention. They re outsiders. He is devoted to one confidence and needs Pi to be connected to it other than. Joseph from Contact who is an energetic truster in confidence spoke to himself significantly by executing a foolish strategic. He did that to give any new informations found on the show. Joseph is the pioneer of an association that precludes the use of logical order and simply puts stock in God. This strong demonstration shows his mastery of religion and being of the God. David Drumlin from Contact professed to have confidence in God yet i s uncertain of truth. Along these lines, is truth confidence? The Center of the range, both incorporates otherworldly and logical convictions. Pi acknowledges and thinks about both in the being of God and the review of logical control. In add-on, he other than examined fauna and confidence. He petitions three diverse Supreme creatures. He says I simply need to cherish God ( Martel, 69 ) . His discernment about God and confidence encourages him last the varying hindrances he faces on the raft. Pi other than considers approaches to last using the logical perception educated by his teacher. Palmer Joss from Contact consumed his time on earth looking for truth through the religion in God. He answers, Ironically what individuals are generally ravenous for, essentialness is the one thing that logical control has nt had the option to give them Contact. This announcement shows that he has confidence in confidence at the same time, he other than considers logical control since he is bound for truth using the two signifiers of data what's more an author of a space science book. Truth is better comprehended by these people. Truth plays an of import work in the characterizing of a single character. This is spoken to in interminable manners and has army accounts. Religion and logical order have ever been in clank with each other on the grounds that they each show direct inverse standards. Religion is generally acknowledged since 90 for each centum of the universe s populace puts stock in religion of God. Most researchers accept that logical order can explain that God neer genuinely exists and there is nil like religion or expectation. Along these lines, what is truth?
Developing Professional Competence In Health Information Industry
Question: Talk about the Value Of Reflective Practice And Its Role In Developing Professional Competence In Health Information Industry. Answer: Presentation To create proficient capability, the initial step is to create mindfulness and a comprehension of oneself. Intelligent practice is a significant exercise that contextualizes this self with social insurance practice, consequently empowering the improvement of human services administrations, just as advancement of experts having far reaching viewpoint, all the while frightened with wellbeing irregularities, and remembering access, equity and decent variety to medicinal services administrations. The initial step to intelligent practice is an investigation of qualities inside self that assembles wellbeing experts encouraging a discourse through friends, and aides in finding the social and sequential milieus of human services practice. This likewise incorporates the degrees of methodological and applied reflection as including professionals think about moral, principled and recorded structures of their preparation (Gardner, 2009; Hickson, 2011). This methodology likewise offers to methods for hugeness, and preparing improvement procedures in this manner creating included and acknowledged activity as a setting for the advancement of wellbeing experts instructing (Ghaye, 2007; Dewing, 2010). The point of basic reflection practice is to empower researchers and authorities to ask basic inquiries of themselves about their training, and subsequently tending to the noteworthy issues, which were first experienced during their training. Job of Reflective Practice in creating proficient capability Intelligent practice has a broad history in nursing instruction. It created from the endeavors of recognized educationalist, John Dewey, and accordingly practice of reflection was initially guessed as an enthusiastic, persistent, and wary consideration of any conviction or information in the light of the grounds that look after it, and the further ends to which it patterns. Subsequently reflection is an ability just as the inclination, to consider basically around ones own choices and activities, and all the while to understand the bigger settings inside which these choices were made (Fook, and Gardner, 2007). Individuals learn by mulling over as well as by doing: and furthermore by reflecting about things they were doing and the conditions where they were doing it that way. Reflection in this manner, is a piece of the course of accomplishing some work expressly and consequently, to achieve the anticipated outcomes which thusly challenge the speculation at the primary spot. Donald Schn was another academician who drawn-out on along these lines of considering, therefore developing his impression of appearance in real life, as the training through which experts settles on decisions during the time spent their human services work. This thought encourages a consistent collaboration among thought and activity, accordingly expanding the capacity to be proactive progressively, which spoke to the really intelligent wellbeing expert. The methodology, wherein intelligent exercise has determined to be comprehended and applied in the social insurance, is presently far apathetic from its unique origination (Rolfe, 2014). In spite of the fact that human services experts are currently obliged to reflect as a component of their enlisting and concentrated development, for instance over the Nursing Competency Assessment Schedule and the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Board (Levett-Jones et al 2013), this has become a fairly weak application which social insurance specialists utilize once every year, instead of in their ordinary practice. Rolfe cries this unforeseen development, battling that reflection should prompted radical study dependent on the rule that information delivered by human services experts pondering their own understandings, is of at any rate equivalent incentive to information got by scholastics from businesslike research. The intelligent practice had generally been created by wellbeing teachers who comprehended the significance of proof put together practice and data based with respect to scholarly research. During those timings, reflections were centered around clinical occasions and the goal was to distinguish researchable inquiries. This was hard for various reasons. Initially it situated weight of learning on one subject that required understudies to move rapidly and cursorily through self-reflection recognizing research inquiries to really lead and compose scholarly writing surveys. Besides, this methodology set a weight on the school personnel that necessary showing both research and intelligent abilities inside a similar course. At the colleges, with the beginning of a different research subject in the postgraduate projects, the center moved towards creating important and long lasting abilities of basic reflection. Academicians ought to encourage reflection as a lifestyle, not only a coincidental errand. It is just along these lines that intelligent practice could arrive at its capability to be an extreme innovation, equipped for creating medicinal services experts giving individual focused consideration, and go about as operators of social change, at the same time setting wellbeing and health in its more extensive social setting (Nelson, 2012). They should support their methodology with notable hypothesis and techniques for reflection perceiving the one of a kind issues of wellbeing experts as grown-up students (Dewing 2010). This requires increasingly inventive and innovative methods of rehearsing reflection and investigating choices for online portfolios as a methods for learning and appraisal (Ghaye, 2007; Ross, 2011) End In this manner Critical reflection empowers profound examination of moral issues in social insurance practice. Reflection frequently uncovers profound distress of understudies, or different people groups rehearsing inside wellbeing frameworks that depended on chance administration, as opposed to on quiet focused, empathetic consideration. Reflection should point towards giving patient-focused consideration. The patient-focused nursing system could give apparatuses and ideas that understudies could identify with when confronted with moral situations in their training and working environments. Most understudies can firmly focus on giving caring, understanding focused consideration, and basic reflection is planned to approve and fortify morals in nursing calling. This is a predictable topic in understudies reflections which can be tried to challenge understudies directly through the primary evaluation asking understudies to similarly think about the individual, moral, tasteful and obser vational parts of their nursing practice. Along these lines intelligent practice assumes an indispensable job in instilling proficient skill in human services industry.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Factors of Chinese Art Market Essay
The Chinese have the longest nonstop social history of any of the people groups of the world (Sickman. L, 1968). Lately, pushed by the tremendous financial development in Asia, the artistic work showcase rise pointedly inside Asia, particularly China, changed the topographical structure of the worldwide craftsmanship advertise. The Chinese government set up some special arrangements to advance the artistic work showcase since they see the incredible monetary potential in this flied. In 2011, China has a 49% development of works of art in closeout income, turning into the main worldwide commercial center for the offer of workmanship. Despite the fact that the exchange volume of China (10.8%) was behind USA and France, the sale income (41.4%) was the first of the world (Artprice, Trend of workmanship advertise 2011) . This implies China is turning into the focal of significant expense artistic work showcase. In 2011, a canvas with calligraphy which was painted by Qi Baishi, †Eagl e Standing on Pine Tree; Four-Character Couplet†¦Ã¢â‚¬ was sold for 4.255 Yuan(about 65 million US dollars) in Beijing by China Guardian closeout organization, a record high for contemporary and current Chinese artworks and calligraphy(China Guardian Auctions). As Chinese compelling artwork showcase developing rapidly in most recent couple of years, an ever increasing number of inquires about and considers have been finished by both Chinese and other outside individuals, this article will concentrate on certain variables behind the market and investigation how the elements impact the Chinese artistic work advertise. Furthermore, the investigation can be separating into four areas, societies, history occasions and arrangements, purchasers and advertising channels. Above all else, this paper is going to discover the distinction between the western nations individuals and the Chinese individuals in culture of gathering viewpoint and show-stopper angle. There is some solid culture which is truly to be changed in any nation and this will totally change the manner in which individuals treat works of art in a nation. Because individuals treat works of art in an unexpected way, every country’s artistic work advertise culture is one of a kind, and this can impact the market naturally. For instance when Chinese individuals selling collectibles, they generally leave a huge hole between the statement and the arrangement cost to hold up purchasers to deal since Chinese individuals accept purchasers will feel cheerful and they have acquired the antique a less expensive cost. Also, history occasions and arrangements linkage to the Chinese compelling artwork market will be referenced. Through the history occasions, (for example, the change and open up in 1978 and joining the WTO in 2001) and approaches (like import and fare exchanging arrangements) to examination how these occasions and changes impact the Chinese artistic work advertise. A social repatriation has been at the center of attention a lot from 2000, with the offer of the Yuan Ming Yuan bronze origins, at that point the Chinese government has connect more significance to the artistic work exchange after it(Wang. A, 2012). In reality, present day Chinese compelling artwork advertise begins after the change and open up in 1978 and today turning into the primary spot of the commercial center for the offer of craftsmanship. Additionally agreeing the Tariff usage plan 2012 of China, the import obligation of craftsmanship diminished from 12% to 6% (General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China), this advanced the artistic work advertise, in the main portion of 2012, the exchanging sums arrive at 210.8 billion Yuan (Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China), which implies China has been surpassed the USA, turning into the top workmanship showcase. At that point, this paper will investigate various types of purchasers and discover their buying goal. In this area, it will be a contextual investigation about the various purchasers by having a meeting with a collector and a staff of a worldwide closeout organization. Antique purchasers have diverse buying aim; some of them are shop holders or offices purchasing fine arts for selling, some of them are craftsmanship fanciers purchasing fine arts for gathering, some of them purchasing fine art as venture, and there are a few people simply need to show their economic wellbeing or money related situation through purchasing costly works of art. Through the meeting, additionally buying aim will do with the goal that it will be all the more certain that how various purchasers can impact the compelling artwork showcase all around the globe in an unexpected way. The last area of this paper will discuss the advertising channels angle. Chinese collectibles can be found in closeout houses, exchange fairs, craftsmanship exhibitions, artistic work shops all around the world(Artprice, Trend of workmanship advertise 2011), People meet up to acknowledge or purchase collectibles. Besides, some private exchange happens a great deal without saw by the mass. Diverse promoting channels have its own qualities and value levels with the goal that it could draw in its own intended interest group. In spite of the fact that the market of Chinese collectibles is developing in a rapid, a few researchers despite everything have a few issues to stress. As Audrey Wang referenced (2012), a few examiners accepted that Chinese workmanship showcase is an unstoppable power and become the first spot in quite a while of offer of artistic work. Then again, cynics guarantee that the present pattern as simply an air pocket and today’s China isn't prepared at this point to encounter a full financial pattern of development and decay. At the point when a gathering of Chinese knick-knack vendor visit the 25th of TEFAF which hold in the Nederland, they were not just stunned by the artistic work work’s quality and legitimacy, yet additionally the seller’s trustworthiness and regulating. At the point when they request some foundation and data about a collectible, the seller simply read from the tribute however not making an alluring story. The Chinese artistic work advertise is as yet not develop in light of the fact that progressively standard principles or arrangements are required. Finally, the fast development of the Chinese artistic work market may cause some deceive about the workmanship. A considerable amount of individuals will view significant expense as high caliber in the compelling artwork showcase, this is totally a misconception for the works of art. In this manner a few researchers contend that the incredible development could pulverize the way of life and craftsmanship, this will be likewise talked about in this paper. Book reference: Sickman, L (1968) The Art and Architecture of China, Yale University Press, London Wang, A (2012) Chinese Antiquities, a prologue to the craftsmanship showcase, Lund Humphries, Surrey. TEFAF Artprice, Trend of craftsmanship showcase 2011 (2013-01-07) China Guardian Auctions (2013-01-07) Service of Culture of the People’s Republic of China (2013-01-07) General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (2013-01-07)
Ask Me Anything! Responses
Ask Me Anything! Responses Hi Everyone! In my previous post, I announced a blogger AMA on Thursday, 10/26, 7-9pm EDT. Thats over now, but youre welcome to email me with additional questions or ask them in the comments below. I cant promise to get to them soon, but Ill try my best. For reference, Ive done this before on the application process here. This time, however, I wanted to talk about more than just The Process. Every college is different, so its important for you all to take the time to find out what MIT can offer, and if it is right for you. I can think of at least one excellent school (once my #1 choice) where I wouldve been miserable, had I decided based on reputation alone. So, this AMA was about life, the universe, and everything! Note: on Thursday, 10/26, this post was updated live. Ive highlighted all the questions so you can read only whats relevant to you. Make sure to scroll down to the comments as well! _______________________________ Last week, Allan K. 17 and I did a Facebook Live AMA about studying social sciences at MIT on the MIT Admissions page. Below are some questions in the comments we didnt get to answer (watch the webcast for the ones we did). Do you ever meet young students on campus? Maybe 16-17 year olds? Do you think they would be accepted by classmates? Yes! My hall has several residents who were not 18 entering MIT. One of our 2018s is turning 21 a week before graduation, and she is one of the most competent and coolest people I know. Beyond the legal hurdles (e.g. you cant get a piercing/tattoo with your friends under 18 or go to a club under 21), age doesnt really matter. Were you always interested in attending MIT? Confession: no. At first, MIT was my #1. When I first moved to the U.S., the idea that I was closer to MIT kept me going (that, and the idea of getting a real American boyfriend things were very different back then). But then I realized my true interests werent in STEM, and by senior year, I had a new dream. I wasnt even sure Id go to CPW (Campus Preview Weekend) once I got accepted, but a local Central Ohio MIT get-together changed my mindâ€"everyone at the get-together was so lovely! A day into CPW, I could really see myself on campus and caught myself planning classes and student groups. I felt confident that, even if I didnt plan to work in a STEM field, I could find my place at MITâ€"I did enjoy learning STEM after all! Two weeks later, I went to my #1 schools CPW, came back crying because it was such a poor fit, and immediately comMITted. How are people involved with music at MIT? What are some music activities taking place on campus, and is there an MIT band? We answered this on the webcast, but I wanted to provide some links to support the answer. Some popular for-credit activities are: MIT Symphony Orchestra, Concert Choir, CMS Jazz Combos, Emerson Program (which includes a scholarship for students for private lessons with professional musicians). There are many others as well. Freshmen have a credit limit of 54 units, which is enough for 4 full classes + 6 extra units people often apply to one of these musical endeavors. 21M Music and Theatre Arts is not an uncommon minor/concentration, and the professors in the department are pretty excellent (despite the technological focus of MIT in general). Some of my music minor/concentrator friends have had to compose original pieces for their final class projects, and these were later performed at an open recital by professional guest musicians, which was pretty cool. Outside of the formal activities, plenty of students do a capella and other musical things. Ive been to several friends a cap ella concerts, which were amazing! Each group has a special focus, and all of them are awesome. Theyre also excellent communities, from what I hear. Make sure to check out the big a capella concert over CPW if youre on campus! What has been the greatest challenge you have faced at MIT? For me, it has been maintaining a reasonable sleep schedule. And Im using the word schedule very loosely here. Really, getting reasonable sleep has been tough. Thats not an MIT issue per se, but it is pretty common. Ive been trying to encourage the freshmen to get 7+ hours of sleep consistently. Otherwise, the body eventually crashes, and then its really hard to recover. I cant tell you how many times Ive slept through pretty important activities and had to write apology emails. So Im working on getting those 7-8 hours in a reasonable time frame (i.e. not starting later than 3am). But, sometimes, you sit down for a bit to talk to people in the lounge, and next thing you know, its 3:07am! I know some people who have managed to get through MIT with enough sleep and no all-nighters, but they did have to make some social sacrifices. Are there any interesting Halloween events or traditions at MIT? Yes! Theres the annual Pumpkin Drop from the Green Building (blog post about it here), which features multiple pumpkins dropped from the highest building in Cambridge, and most of the pumpkins are frozen with liquid nitrogen. Theres also Spooky Skate, organized by the student group SaveTFP, where people wear Halloween costumes and skate on the campus ice rink for free (blog here). This year, Spooky Skate will feature: Costume Contest! Win BEAVER SQUISHABLES! Eat Pizza! Skate on Ice (for FREE)! Cookie Decorating! Pumpkin Carving and Painting! and More! Also notable is Next Haunt: Escape the House, an event that gets filled almost immediately after sign-ups open. It is a chance for you, and five of your friends to try your cunning and nerve against an escape the room haunted house built [by students] right in the basement of Next House. For seniors, theres Boos Cruise (an actual cruise). The East Campus head of house and GRTs (graduate resident tutors) do trick-or-treating every year, and theres a costume contest as well (blog with pictures here). A friend of mine won two years ago for dressing up as a stack of post-it notes (complete with a marker that people could use to write on the costume). Im guessing other dorms have trick-or-treating as well. Besides those, there are plenty of smaller events that Ive gotten emails about: Spooky Grams care packages from the Latino Cultural Center, a Halloween party from the SPXCE Intercultural Center (for queer folk), pumpkin decorating from Art Club and other groups, Spooky Night from SaveTFP (with snacks, face paint, and jump scares from your favorite horror films!), Halloween Mystery Mafia from the Live Action Mafia club, and many others. Theres a lot going on! As a non-STEM major, do you get judged/criticized by your peers at MIT? Thats a tough one! MIT is not the kind of school where students are commonly criticized, and theres no outright judgement as far as Im aware (thanks to the efforts the Institute takes to avoide competitiveness). The major negative judgement that Ive felt (but, again, not something explicit) is that HASS is simply easier, so a HASS major is an easy way out. Theres also the perception that youre losing employment opportunities if youre not in STEM, but thats a subject for another day (briefly, if you go to MIT, youre probably not going to be unemployed). Ive heard people say that it doesnt make sense to major in, say, Literature, at MIT (which I sort of agree with, if you are not getting financial aid). Together, these perceptions result in most people double-majoring in STEM and HASS fields. In my case, Im double-majoring in two HASS fields, and minoring in STEM. And Ive gotten some positive reactions! People think its fascinating (in a good way) that I chose this path, so its a good conversation starter. It still takes some self-persuasion to not feel like a slacker, but I can honestly say that Ive taken some challenging classes, and they are vastly different from the introductory courses people tend to take to satisfy their HASS requirement. How many different languages are offered at MIT? 9: Chinese, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Latin, English, Japanese, and German (source). Many students also cross-register (for free!) at Harvard, which offers a lot more (see here, page 6). My friends have taken Yoruba and Arabic at Harvard. It takes about 15 minutes to get to class from main campus, so its pretty accessible. Is there a pass/fail grading system for first year? Class duration? Freshman fall, the grading is Pass/No Record: if you get a C or above, you get a P on your transcript. Otherwise, you no record and can retake the class (though, depending on how many classes you no record, you might get a stricter credit limit imposed the next semester, which is an internal-only consequence). Freshman spring, the grading is A/B/C/No Record. Beyond freshman year, there are some other cool grading options, see here. Classes are typically 50-110 mins, though there are some once-a-week evening courses that last three hours (usually 7-10pm). _____________________________________________ Last year, I wrote a post addressed to the 2021 applicants and offered to respond to questions personally. Most of the responses are here, but below are some responses to the backlog of queries by applicants to class of 2022 or above. What counts as an extracurricular? What if we dont have extracurriculars in my country? This is a surprisingly common question, and the above are two of many variations. I wrote a bit about it here already, as someone who grew up in a foreign country and is aware of the differences in the educational systems. MIT is not looking for you to do the traditional activities you might see in an American teen movie (e.g. captain of the football team or student body president). Hobbies, helping parents, and other informal activities also count, especially for MIT. I wrote reading books and playing piano for the Summer Activities portion of the MIT application. Besides not doing much during the summer, I wasnt in any clubs in high school. I went to an alternative (read: hippie) public school, where I got to do some pretty cool but unconventional stuff. And it worked! Also, if youre interested in STEM, you can build stuff and solve puzzles from anywhere in the world! When youve been awarded a need-based scholarship as a freshman, is there a risk of not getting one in a later year? (Apart from being uberclumsy filing documents) No! MIT will provide you a need-based scholarship for as long as there is a need. We have one of the best need-based programs, rivaled only by schools like Harvard/Princeton/Yale. Also, you can appeal your aid award by contacting your financial aid counselor (find yours here). This is helpful for special circumstances, especially for those that occurred after your submitted your aid application. Ive appealed twice, both times quite successfully. If that doesnt help, you can also work with your counselor to figure out ways to pay. Is it feasible to work part-time to pay off what isnt covered by the scholarship? (Self-help $5500, other expenses). Which jobs are usually available? Yes! Many, if not most, students work during college. You can even get paid for doing research through the UROP program. And its common practice to get a higher-paying internship over the summer (or continue with a UROP). Other common jobs are Tech Callers (which pay $14 plus an additional $1 a semester, last time I checked), desks in dorms/libraries (you can work on classwork while you work!), and, more recently, ATI SAT/AP prep tutors, which pay $14 plus an additional $1 every semester you stay in the program. Most of those jobs are possible to start as a freshman, especially Tech Callers. I also have some friends who got paid for dog walking in Boston (theres some sort of Uber for dog walkers app that you can sign up for) or tutoring online for Chegg Tutors. Note also that the expenses calculated by MIT do not necessarily reflect what you will spend. Freshman year, when youre mostly taking GIRs (General Institute Requirements), you can probably get away with buying zero textbooks, which saves money. You can also save a lot by getting off the meal plan and cooking for yourself (more here), or by choosing a cheaper dorm. However, you will probably spend more than whats estimated for travel home, especially as an international student. What is, roughly, the timeline from prospective student to freshman? Decisions for Early Action come out mid-December, and decisions for Regular Action come out on Pi Day, 3/14. In winter, you will also need to apply for financial aid, and the decisions for that come out sometime in the spring. If you get accepted, you can sign up for CPW (Campus Preview Weekend), which is mid-April. You must comMIT by May 1. After that, youll have several tasks to complete over the summer, such as applying for housing or setting up your MIT email account. Theres also a writing test, FEE, and (optional) applications for Freshman Pre-Orientation Programs (FPOPs). Keep track of your emails during this this time! You will arrive on campus ahead of the upperclassmen at the end of August (or earlier if youre doing an FPOP/International Orientation/Interphase) and spend a week doing REX (Residence Exploration) to select your dorm and Freshman Orientation, plus optional things like fraternity/sorority rush, as well as a swim test. Early that week, you will attend Convocation , when President Reif will give a speech and you will officially become an MIT freshman (no longer a prefrosh). After Freshman Orientation, its class time! ______________________________________________ How hard is MIT, really? (from the comments) Ill only address the academic side of MIT, leaving out additional committments students normally take on, such as UROPs, jobs, and/or student groups. There are two easy answers to the question: one, it depends on your major(s)/minor(s)/concentration, and, two, you can look at the average number of hours spent per week on each class on Firehose ( Ive taken a class that took about 1.5 hours a week total (with three additional assignments for an additional 6 hours or so). Ive also taken a class where the psets alone could take up to 20 hours every week. Some core major classes, such as 2.009 for Course 2 Mechanical Engineering can take 40+ hours a week. Some people take graduate-level courses, which can take more time just to digest the material. Those are all, in a way, personal academic load choices. Of course, time committment does not equal level of difficulty. The hardest part of MIT is understanding the material. Lectures can be relatively easy, but the psets co uld go into way more depth, and its up to you to make up the gap. Fortunately, there are friends/professors/TAs who are happy to help, and S^3 (Student Support Services) if youre really behind and need to negotiate an academic accommodation. But even with all the support, you might struggle with the concepts. Our 7.012 Introductory Biology (a General Institute Requirement, usually taken by freshmen)) professor told us that a B at MIT is an A anywhere else. A physics professor from Ohio State University told me that the 8.01 Physics I (also a GIR for mostly freshmen) pset problems were OSU honors physics majors-level. Maybe these professors were just trying to make us feel better. Either way, MIT is a challenge, but if youre up for it, it will be fascinating, and academically fulfilling. Hows your experience with the campus [architecture]? Anything in particular that you dislike? If so, how does it affect you? (The buildings dont seem as elegant as some of the other universities I visited) When I first toured colleges, architectural elegance held a special appeal. I wanted to be around all the mahogany and ivy. MIT doesnt have that. However, Ive since found that MITs practical buildings are more conducive to informal learningâ€"among other reasons, because you waste no time being in awe of the past. In fact, one of MITs first dorms, East Campus, was specifically constructed to not be like the castles build previously at Ivy League colleges. The donors wanted the dorm to be practical and plain. They also wanted the dorm to include the latest technologiesâ€"a new form of strong concrete was developed just to build EC! And thats the wonderful thing about MIT buildingsâ€"you often dont discover their true appeal right away. For example, building 66, right next to East Campus, is a 60-90-30 triangle. Kresge Auditorium is 1/8 of a perfect sphere, which allows it to be supported at only three points and frees up space for the auditorium underneath. The lighting for the MIT Ch apel is provided solely by hidden windows over the surrounding moat. And then there are Stata and Simmons, which are particularly quirky. Oh, and the Infinites numbering system is worth exploring (you might also spot the hidden puzzles on the floor or the transparent glass labs). So, overall, MIT isnt elegant at first glance, but you discover some great features with time. All the mahogany can get old, but youll always find something new at the Tute. Thanks for your questions! GOOD LUCK! Post Tagged #Course 21M - Music and Theatre Arts #cross-registration #FAQs #Halloween
Ask Me Anything! Responses
Ask Me Anything! Responses Hi Everyone! In my previous post, I announced a blogger AMA on Thursday, 10/26, 7-9pm EDT. Thats over now, but youre welcome to email me with additional questions or ask them in the comments below. I cant promise to get to them soon, but Ill try my best. For reference, Ive done this before on the application process here. This time, however, I wanted to talk about more than just The Process. Every college is different, so its important for you all to take the time to find out what MIT can offer, and if it is right for you. I can think of at least one excellent school (once my #1 choice) where I wouldve been miserable, had I decided based on reputation alone. So, this AMA was about life, the universe, and everything! Note: on Thursday, 10/26, this post was updated live. Ive highlighted all the questions so you can read only whats relevant to you. Make sure to scroll down to the comments as well! _______________________________ Last week, Allan K. 17 and I did a Facebook Live AMA about studying social sciences at MIT on the MIT Admissions page. Below are some questions in the comments we didnt get to answer (watch the webcast for the ones we did). Do you ever meet young students on campus? Maybe 16-17 year olds? Do you think they would be accepted by classmates? Yes! My hall has several residents who were not 18 entering MIT. One of our 2018s is turning 21 a week before graduation, and she is one of the most competent and coolest people I know. Beyond the legal hurdles (e.g. you cant get a piercing/tattoo with your friends under 18 or go to a club under 21), age doesnt really matter. Were you always interested in attending MIT? Confession: no. At first, MIT was my #1. When I first moved to the U.S., the idea that I was closer to MIT kept me going (that, and the idea of getting a real American boyfriend things were very different back then). But then I realized my true interests werent in STEM, and by senior year, I had a new dream. I wasnt even sure Id go to CPW (Campus Preview Weekend) once I got accepted, but a local Central Ohio MIT get-together changed my mindâ€"everyone at the get-together was so lovely! A day into CPW, I could really see myself on campus and caught myself planning classes and student groups. I felt confident that, even if I didnt plan to work in a STEM field, I could find my place at MITâ€"I did enjoy learning STEM after all! Two weeks later, I went to my #1 schools CPW, came back crying because it was such a poor fit, and immediately comMITted. How are people involved with music at MIT? What are some music activities taking place on campus, and is there an MIT band? We answered this on the webcast, but I wanted to provide some links to support the answer. Some popular for-credit activities are: MIT Symphony Orchestra, Concert Choir, CMS Jazz Combos, Emerson Program (which includes a scholarship for students for private lessons with professional musicians). There are many others as well. Freshmen have a credit limit of 54 units, which is enough for 4 full classes + 6 extra units people often apply to one of these musical endeavors. 21M Music and Theatre Arts is not an uncommon minor/concentration, and the professors in the department are pretty excellent (despite the technological focus of MIT in general). Some of my music minor/concentrator friends have had to compose original pieces for their final class projects, and these were later performed at an open recital by professional guest musicians, which was pretty cool. Outside of the formal activities, plenty of students do a capella and other musical things. Ive been to several friends a cap ella concerts, which were amazing! Each group has a special focus, and all of them are awesome. Theyre also excellent communities, from what I hear. Make sure to check out the big a capella concert over CPW if youre on campus! What has been the greatest challenge you have faced at MIT? For me, it has been maintaining a reasonable sleep schedule. And Im using the word schedule very loosely here. Really, getting reasonable sleep has been tough. Thats not an MIT issue per se, but it is pretty common. Ive been trying to encourage the freshmen to get 7+ hours of sleep consistently. Otherwise, the body eventually crashes, and then its really hard to recover. I cant tell you how many times Ive slept through pretty important activities and had to write apology emails. So Im working on getting those 7-8 hours in a reasonable time frame (i.e. not starting later than 3am). But, sometimes, you sit down for a bit to talk to people in the lounge, and next thing you know, its 3:07am! I know some people who have managed to get through MIT with enough sleep and no all-nighters, but they did have to make some social sacrifices. Are there any interesting Halloween events or traditions at MIT? Yes! Theres the annual Pumpkin Drop from the Green Building (blog post about it here), which features multiple pumpkins dropped from the highest building in Cambridge, and most of the pumpkins are frozen with liquid nitrogen. Theres also Spooky Skate, organized by the student group SaveTFP, where people wear Halloween costumes and skate on the campus ice rink for free (blog here). This year, Spooky Skate will feature: Costume Contest! Win BEAVER SQUISHABLES! Eat Pizza! Skate on Ice (for FREE)! Cookie Decorating! Pumpkin Carving and Painting! and More! Also notable is Next Haunt: Escape the House, an event that gets filled almost immediately after sign-ups open. It is a chance for you, and five of your friends to try your cunning and nerve against an escape the room haunted house built [by students] right in the basement of Next House. For seniors, theres Boos Cruise (an actual cruise). The East Campus head of house and GRTs (graduate resident tutors) do trick-or-treating every year, and theres a costume contest as well (blog with pictures here). A friend of mine won two years ago for dressing up as a stack of post-it notes (complete with a marker that people could use to write on the costume). Im guessing other dorms have trick-or-treating as well. Besides those, there are plenty of smaller events that Ive gotten emails about: Spooky Grams care packages from the Latino Cultural Center, a Halloween party from the SPXCE Intercultural Center (for queer folk), pumpkin decorating from Art Club and other groups, Spooky Night from SaveTFP (with snacks, face paint, and jump scares from your favorite horror films!), Halloween Mystery Mafia from the Live Action Mafia club, and many others. Theres a lot going on! As a non-STEM major, do you get judged/criticized by your peers at MIT? Thats a tough one! MIT is not the kind of school where students are commonly criticized, and theres no outright judgement as far as Im aware (thanks to the efforts the Institute takes to avoide competitiveness). The major negative judgement that Ive felt (but, again, not something explicit) is that HASS is simply easier, so a HASS major is an easy way out. Theres also the perception that youre losing employment opportunities if youre not in STEM, but thats a subject for another day (briefly, if you go to MIT, youre probably not going to be unemployed). Ive heard people say that it doesnt make sense to major in, say, Literature, at MIT (which I sort of agree with, if you are not getting financial aid). Together, these perceptions result in most people double-majoring in STEM and HASS fields. In my case, Im double-majoring in two HASS fields, and minoring in STEM. And Ive gotten some positive reactions! People think its fascinating (in a good way) that I chose this path, so its a good conversation starter. It still takes some self-persuasion to not feel like a slacker, but I can honestly say that Ive taken some challenging classes, and they are vastly different from the introductory courses people tend to take to satisfy their HASS requirement. How many different languages are offered at MIT? 9: Chinese, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Latin, English, Japanese, and German (source). Many students also cross-register (for free!) at Harvard, which offers a lot more (see here, page 6). My friends have taken Yoruba and Arabic at Harvard. It takes about 15 minutes to get to class from main campus, so its pretty accessible. Is there a pass/fail grading system for first year? Class duration? Freshman fall, the grading is Pass/No Record: if you get a C or above, you get a P on your transcript. Otherwise, you no record and can retake the class (though, depending on how many classes you no record, you might get a stricter credit limit imposed the next semester, which is an internal-only consequence). Freshman spring, the grading is A/B/C/No Record. Beyond freshman year, there are some other cool grading options, see here. Classes are typically 50-110 mins, though there are some once-a-week evening courses that last three hours (usually 7-10pm). _____________________________________________ Last year, I wrote a post addressed to the 2021 applicants and offered to respond to questions personally. Most of the responses are here, but below are some responses to the backlog of queries by applicants to class of 2022 or above. What counts as an extracurricular? What if we dont have extracurriculars in my country? This is a surprisingly common question, and the above are two of many variations. I wrote a bit about it here already, as someone who grew up in a foreign country and is aware of the differences in the educational systems. MIT is not looking for you to do the traditional activities you might see in an American teen movie (e.g. captain of the football team or student body president). Hobbies, helping parents, and other informal activities also count, especially for MIT. I wrote reading books and playing piano for the Summer Activities portion of the MIT application. Besides not doing much during the summer, I wasnt in any clubs in high school. I went to an alternative (read: hippie) public school, where I got to do some pretty cool but unconventional stuff. And it worked! Also, if youre interested in STEM, you can build stuff and solve puzzles from anywhere in the world! When youve been awarded a need-based scholarship as a freshman, is there a risk of not getting one in a later year? (Apart from being uberclumsy filing documents) No! MIT will provide you a need-based scholarship for as long as there is a need. We have one of the best need-based programs, rivaled only by schools like Harvard/Princeton/Yale. Also, you can appeal your aid award by contacting your financial aid counselor (find yours here). This is helpful for special circumstances, especially for those that occurred after your submitted your aid application. Ive appealed twice, both times quite successfully. If that doesnt help, you can also work with your counselor to figure out ways to pay. Is it feasible to work part-time to pay off what isnt covered by the scholarship? (Self-help $5500, other expenses). Which jobs are usually available? Yes! Many, if not most, students work during college. You can even get paid for doing research through the UROP program. And its common practice to get a higher-paying internship over the summer (or continue with a UROP). Other common jobs are Tech Callers (which pay $14 plus an additional $1 a semester, last time I checked), desks in dorms/libraries (you can work on classwork while you work!), and, more recently, ATI SAT/AP prep tutors, which pay $14 plus an additional $1 every semester you stay in the program. Most of those jobs are possible to start as a freshman, especially Tech Callers. I also have some friends who got paid for dog walking in Boston (theres some sort of Uber for dog walkers app that you can sign up for) or tutoring online for Chegg Tutors. Note also that the expenses calculated by MIT do not necessarily reflect what you will spend. Freshman year, when youre mostly taking GIRs (General Institute Requirements), you can probably get away with buying zero textbooks, which saves money. You can also save a lot by getting off the meal plan and cooking for yourself (more here), or by choosing a cheaper dorm. However, you will probably spend more than whats estimated for travel home, especially as an international student. What is, roughly, the timeline from prospective student to freshman? Decisions for Early Action come out mid-December, and decisions for Regular Action come out on Pi Day, 3/14. In winter, you will also need to apply for financial aid, and the decisions for that come out sometime in the spring. If you get accepted, you can sign up for CPW (Campus Preview Weekend), which is mid-April. You must comMIT by May 1. After that, youll have several tasks to complete over the summer, such as applying for housing or setting up your MIT email account. Theres also a writing test, FEE, and (optional) applications for Freshman Pre-Orientation Programs (FPOPs). Keep track of your emails during this this time! You will arrive on campus ahead of the upperclassmen at the end of August (or earlier if youre doing an FPOP/International Orientation/Interphase) and spend a week doing REX (Residence Exploration) to select your dorm and Freshman Orientation, plus optional things like fraternity/sorority rush, as well as a swim test. Early that week, you will attend Convocation , when President Reif will give a speech and you will officially become an MIT freshman (no longer a prefrosh). After Freshman Orientation, its class time! ______________________________________________ How hard is MIT, really? (from the comments) Ill only address the academic side of MIT, leaving out additional committments students normally take on, such as UROPs, jobs, and/or student groups. There are two easy answers to the question: one, it depends on your major(s)/minor(s)/concentration, and, two, you can look at the average number of hours spent per week on each class on Firehose ( Ive taken a class that took about 1.5 hours a week total (with three additional assignments for an additional 6 hours or so). Ive also taken a class where the psets alone could take up to 20 hours every week. Some core major classes, such as 2.009 for Course 2 Mechanical Engineering can take 40+ hours a week. Some people take graduate-level courses, which can take more time just to digest the material. Those are all, in a way, personal academic load choices. Of course, time committment does not equal level of difficulty. The hardest part of MIT is understanding the material. Lectures can be relatively easy, but the psets co uld go into way more depth, and its up to you to make up the gap. Fortunately, there are friends/professors/TAs who are happy to help, and S^3 (Student Support Services) if youre really behind and need to negotiate an academic accommodation. But even with all the support, you might struggle with the concepts. Our 7.012 Introductory Biology (a General Institute Requirement, usually taken by freshmen)) professor told us that a B at MIT is an A anywhere else. A physics professor from Ohio State University told me that the 8.01 Physics I (also a GIR for mostly freshmen) pset problems were OSU honors physics majors-level. Maybe these professors were just trying to make us feel better. Either way, MIT is a challenge, but if youre up for it, it will be fascinating, and academically fulfilling. Hows your experience with the campus [architecture]? Anything in particular that you dislike? If so, how does it affect you? (The buildings dont seem as elegant as some of the other universities I visited) When I first toured colleges, architectural elegance held a special appeal. I wanted to be around all the mahogany and ivy. MIT doesnt have that. However, Ive since found that MITs practical buildings are more conducive to informal learningâ€"among other reasons, because you waste no time being in awe of the past. In fact, one of MITs first dorms, East Campus, was specifically constructed to not be like the castles build previously at Ivy League colleges. The donors wanted the dorm to be practical and plain. They also wanted the dorm to include the latest technologiesâ€"a new form of strong concrete was developed just to build EC! And thats the wonderful thing about MIT buildingsâ€"you often dont discover their true appeal right away. For example, building 66, right next to East Campus, is a 60-90-30 triangle. Kresge Auditorium is 1/8 of a perfect sphere, which allows it to be supported at only three points and frees up space for the auditorium underneath. The lighting for the MIT Ch apel is provided solely by hidden windows over the surrounding moat. And then there are Stata and Simmons, which are particularly quirky. Oh, and the Infinites numbering system is worth exploring (you might also spot the hidden puzzles on the floor or the transparent glass labs). So, overall, MIT isnt elegant at first glance, but you discover some great features with time. All the mahogany can get old, but youll always find something new at the Tute. Thanks for your questions! GOOD LUCK! Post Tagged #Course 21M - Music and Theatre Arts #cross-registration #FAQs #Halloween
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