Wednesday, October 30, 2019
History of the American Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
History of the American Economy - Essay Example They used to grow tobacco, potato, tomato, and cotton when Europe and the rest of the world had not even heard about their names. Colonists, however, did not come in search of these newfound ‘treasures’. They came in the search of gold and silver. Spain became the major colonizer of the Americas, starting from 1550s. French followed suit and established their bases in the present day Canada and Mississippi river delta. England, however, did not come in the initial stages of colonization. They came in the mid-seventeenth century and established a trading post at Jamestown, Virginia. Spanish, however, again took lead in colonizing the resources-rich South America with dozens of gold and silver mines. England, with grave poverty issues back home, decided to colonize present day United States and benefit from its resources and labor (both slave and Native Indians). The colonization resulted in an economic upheaval. The true roots of the American economy lie in the same period. Initially, British settlers concentrated on fur trade and trappings. The King, however, soon granted the permission to establish â€Å"charter companies†in the United States. These companies had to find private financiers for their growth but had the royal authority to colonize land and further British goals. Thus began the advent of â€Å"Mercantilism.†Mercantilism, in its true sense, acted as the basic source of colonization. The initial trade revolved on importing clothing materials and exporting tobacco, rice, and tomato, among other agricultural production. The economic depression in the Untied Kingdom and relative prosperity in the colonial United States encouraged the settlers to start exploring further avenues of economy. Apart from the agricultural produce, which they had established to some degree, shipbuilding became a major profession, especially in the New England region. The New World was rich in
Monday, October 28, 2019
Grief, Loss, and Finding Meaning and Purpose Essay Example for Free
Grief, Loss, and Finding Meaning and Purpose Essay Death is something that is out of human’s control, and it can produce all kind of feelings, and attitudes. The following paper discusses critical issues associated with understanding and facing death. There are various feelings and emotions that a person can experience after they loss someone special in their lives. Through out this paper we will try to identify, express, and find what had been discovered through out grief, and loss. There are several major issues associated with death, but we will focus only on two of them. For instance when a person is facing death, that person would experience denial, isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance; but the two major factors that will be discussed on this paper are depression and anger. According to the Merriam-Western Dictionary Death is the act of dying, the end of life, and there are several ways of coping with the emotional reaction when facing death. We all experience many losses through our lives, and when the loss is the death of someone really close to us, someone who we love and care aboutâ€â€perhaps a family member, a coworker, neighbor etc. That loss can cause a grieving process that can surely affect the way se see things and continue our lives. One of the issues associates with understanding coping and facing death is anger. Lets say for instance that if the cause of death of a family member was something unexpected, anger feelings can take control over that person. Anger is a wide range of emotions, is a strong feeling of displeasure, and belligerence aroused by a wrong, wrath, ire. ( On the other hand, when facing an early death of a love one, the dominant feeling present on the rest of the family is anger, leading them to a bitter indignation at having been experience the unfairly death of one of their family members. The anger of a person who is experiencing a loss, can be targeted many things, or personsâ€â€perhaps anger at God for allowing that situation, anger over what seems unfairly and unjust. Another issue associated with understanding, coping, and facing death is depression. Individuals who are depressed use to isolate or withdraw them selves, they feel hope less and they are not ready to go back to their usual activities; they feel hopeless. A person’s attitude, beliefs, and values about death are according to his/her cultural influence, and this will contribute with the way they respond when facing death and grief. An individual’s culture would influence the way that individual will respond when phasing death. Culture can influence a person on the way they perform the ceremonies or rituals when grieving. For instance in some countries, when a child died the parents are allow to bath and dress the child with their own cloths, when in different countries it is not permitted even to cry. These two different ceremonies show the different ritual people have according with their culture, values and beliefs. Finding meaning and purpose can be part of the grief process for those who faced a loss. Even though is not an easy process, that crisis can be turn into an opportunity to find true meaning. Many people can grow through grief, and learn to appreciate the value of life, and become better persons. In many cases the grieving process can be an opportunity to unify the family who is suffering. There is always family issues that could separate a family, but the death of a member can be an opportunity to reunite that family, and that is when meaning and purpose take place in the grief process. Grief and loss are universal, and it cannot be controlled by any human kind. The stage of grief and loss occurs in respond to the death of a value personâ€â€emotions and attitudes take control of those who are facing it. Loss is an unavoidable part of life, and grief is the healing process of those wounds that a loss could leave an in an individual’s life. References Kubler-Ross, E. Death: The Final Stage of Growth. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1975. Developmental theory. (2006). In Elseviers dictionary of psychological theories. Retrieved from
Friday, October 25, 2019
James Joyces Trieste :: James Joyce Trieste Essays
"And trieste ah trieste ate I my liver" -- Finnegan's Wake "The average traveler would not make a point of staying long in Trieste" -- Cook's Handbook The idea was born underground, one February morning in the Paris Metro. Weaving through tunnels the color of fluorescent light, we halted, stumbling over ourselves, before a yellowing tourism poster that was strangely symbolic amongst perfume advertisements and scrawled graffiti: a photograph of a violent fairy-tale, a photograph of a castle white and turreted, balanced upon a jagged cliff and reaching sharply towards the limits of a fierce, dark body of water, at the depths of which was inscribed once simple and mysterious word: Trieste. We knew the word. We stopped short not for the incongruous beauty of a faded poster, but for the faded beauty of a fabled city: James Joyce's Trieste, where he wrote most of Dubliners, all of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and much of Ulysses. Still I could see the stark outline of his words in my mind, still I could remember reading them for the first time in the white stillness of my bedroom, bound for Oxford the very next day, eyes squeezed tight in desperate gratitude, and yes, ecstasy, and above all, physical relief that as it turned out, reading is like this: ...and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes. And then, nearly inseparable, simply, and in italics: Trieste-ZÃ ¼rich-Paris, 1914-2 So that the word Trieste, gently italicized and right on the tail of Molly's final affirmation, becomes a part of the text: an unknown place and an unknown noise, hissed sound silently, meditatively, a word that rests dream-like on the floor of one's mind, giving space, pause, to the nothingness that floods before thought: somewhere that must be somewhere in this world, but perhaps not as one has known it. "Yes. Trieste", I said, and we went. It was not our first literary pilgrimage, or even our first Joycean pilgrimage. If you ask Jon why he decided to spend his junior year abroad at Trinity College, Dublin, he will first joke about his trouble with foreign languages, and next tell you about the excellent English department.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Madame Bovary: Romantic to Realist Conflict
Emma Ovary is a very complex character with multiple changing aspects to her personality which creates conflict. She begins as a romantic illusion but then morphs into a realist idea. Gustavo Flatter focuses on objectivity more than subjectivity in order to render Judgment to the reader. He reveals the mall conflict through key character elements and dominant symbols; each haltingly the Ironic and romantic illusions of the novel, helping to complete the author's purpose. Utilizing Enema's appearance, past, psychological and emotional elements, Flatter charts the conflict f her romantic illusions versus her reality through the first major emphasis, key character elements, revealing the undercurrents of irony that flows throughout the novel. â€Å"But a knife was wanted; Charles offered his. ‘Ah! ‘ she said to herself, ‘he carried a knife in his pocket like a Peasant†(88). Here, Charles is referred to as a peasant to show her ties to the country-like backgroun d that she wants to escape from. In â€Å"Madame Ovary: Beauty out of Place†, R.P Blackman explains: â€Å"We also see how the great illusion of life to come is part of her revolt against society, and how it wows as a force working outside her-self. Her Vapors' persuade Charles to give up his success-full practice at Totes and go to Honeywell, Into the unknown as If a new routine might provide Emma the force to work out her Illusion Into reality. It Is only Emma who cannot know that It would have made no difference†(484). These attempts are also seen when Flatter writes â€Å"Charles was surprised at the whiteness of her nails.They were shiny, delicate at the tips, more polished than the ivory of Dipped, and almond-shaped†(14). Enema's hands and fingernails seem polished and manicured; however, the hands of a farm girl would be more like those described later on of a girl from the agriculture fair- â€Å"And from the sleeves of her red Jacket looked out two l arge hands with knotty Joints, the dust of barns, the potash of wash- inning the grease of wools had so encrusted, roughened, hardened these that they seemed dirty†¦ †(127). The two sets of hands have obvious contrasting details that yet again bring attention to Emma Ovary's efforts.Not only are they displayed through ere past and physical appearance, but they are also seen through her mental and Inner elements when, during the carriage ride episode, Flatter states â€Å"a bared hand passed be-neat the small blinds of yellow canvas, and threw out some scraps of paper that scattered in the wind, and farther off lighted like white butter-flies on a field of red clover all in bloom†(205). Emma had written in the letter that she could not be Loon's mistress, but she gave in before he read it, and ripped the letter into pieces.In addition to characterization, the symbolism further conveys the undercutting of he illusory ideas that the work has through the dominate exa mples that portray the way her thinking alters from illusions to a sordidness especially in the story of the wedding bouquets, Hypothesis leg, and the beggar's song. â€Å"The orange blossoms were yellow with dust and the silver bordered satin ribbons frayed at the edges. She threw It Into the fire. It flared up more quickly than dry straw. Then It was, Like a red bush In the cinders, slowly devoured. She watched It burn†(58).This finding of her old wedding bouquet symbolizes the disappointment and unhappiness of her f her own bouquet died, and then later on she ends up dying. â€Å"Then Homage represented to him how much Jollier and brisker he would feel afterwards, and even gave him to understand that he would be more likely to please the women; and the stable-boy began to smile heavily' (148). Here, they try to convince Hippest that amputating his leg would be a good idea, but in reality, it was extremely painful and unnatural because he had already become accustomed to the limp.Also discussing this topic, Robert Stableman writes â€Å"Nor is Homage, the apothecary, without illusions- namely, his faith in Progress, a faith which he shared with his century. And, finally, there are the illusions of the bourgeois (their faith in religion, science, government), which are summed up for them in the speech of the councilor at the cornices escaroles†(Three Meanings of Symbolism, 198). To foreshadow Enema's fate, the blind beggar wrote a song about the transformation of her life from a romantic illusion to a sordid idea. ‘†The wind is strong this summer day, Her petticoat has flown away. She fell back upon the mattress in a convulsion. They all drew near. She was dead†(271). The end of the song exposes her and the new realist illusion as her petticoat flies away and she falls to the bed and dies. Throughout the novel Enema's character is transforming from one thing to the next. Beginning as a romantic and ending as a realist in or der to give the reader more of their own opinion. All in all, Gustavo Flatter gives away the central conflict through devices such as key character elements and dominant symbolism to emphasize the different illusions.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Freudian Analysis of Melancholia Essay
The film Melancholia by Lars von Trier gradually develops into the character’s depression through their actions and choices that can relate directly to Lars von Trier’s own depression and unfortunate childhood circumstances. The main protagonist of the movie, Justine, is depressed and this affects everyone around her. Lars von Trier, the writer and director, is depressed was depressed when creating this film and this depression is reflected in Melancholia. Freudian theories relate to Melancholia through Justine’s life as well as her love life. She is constantly unsatisfied and immediately has an extramarital sexual encounter when she is vulnerable. Freudian theories are demonstrated through the depression from the characters in the movie to the writer. Some of Freudian theories that will be discussed are looking at how some of the character experiences are similar to Lars von Triers past and the Oedipus complex. Lars von Trier’s past greatly influenced how and what he wrote for Melancholia. Freud said that â€Å"the notion that human beings are motivated, even driven, by desires, fears, needs, and conflicts of which they are unaware†(Tyson, 14-15) indicates Lars von Trier is motivated by his past experiences. The viewer learns quickly that Justine has an unhappiness that constantly affects her daily routine, and she pretends to be someone else when she’s around others. Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in one’s ability to take care of their everyday responsibilities. Justine shows signs of depression throughout the film for example, when refusing to take a bath or go riding which she usually she enjoys doing. People with depression tend to be exhausted on a regular basis similar to when Justine left her own wedding party to have a nap. Lars von Trier may have experienced the same symptoms of depression in his personal experiences, as well his childhood might have influenced why he became epressed in his later life which could have possibly enhanced his work for Melancholia. Although Lars was diagnosed with depression in 2007, he had a difficult childhood. He did not know who his biological father was until his mother told him on her death bed. Freud believed that â€Å"our unconscious was influenced by childhood events†. Lars von Trier stated during an interview that â€Å"I come from a family of communist nudists. I was allowed to do or not to do what I like. My parents were not interested in whether I went to school or get drunk on white wine. After a childhood like that, you search for restrictions in your own life. †Lars’ childhood relates greatly to the character of Justine. Justine’s parents did not seem to care for her. During Justine’s wedding, her parent’s self-absorption is reflected in their speeches about their marriage problems. As well, her parents did not care or take time for her when Justine specifically asked a few times to talk privately to her father and he could not find the time. In the bedroom, Justine was upset and asked her mother for help but her mother was no help at all. Her mom did not seem to care and her father left the wedding leaving only a note saying that he was leaving with another woman and to â€Å"forgive an old fool†. Lars’ and Justine’s parents have similar responses to their children of not caring. Claire was distraught and acted out of character, she could no longer organize her thoughts and be as calm around Justine as she was before, alike to Lars’ thoughts he quoted â€Å"Everything is going to Hell, but we should smile all the way. †(Lars personal quotes on IMDB) Once Justine realized Melancholia was going to hit the earth she became collected and composed. At the end of the movie Justine, Claire and Leo site together, close their eyes and hold hands as Justine had instructed. This is one of the only scenes where Justine actually genuinely smiles. She appears to be at peace and content even though she knows that the end of the world is approaching. This scene relates to Lars’ quote. Even though Justine knows everything is going to Hell, she is smiling even at the end. Lars’ mentions the restrictions he puts on his life like Justine not allowing herself to have a happy marriage and accept her husband’s love and happiness. Justine becomes very depressed during her wedding and cheats on her newly wedded husband. She will not have a real relationship with her husband but moments later will have a quick sexual encounter with a complete stranger. This relates to Freud’s beliefs in the Oedipus complex, a girl’s desire for her father and anger and jealousy towards her mother. Justine’s father flirts openly with other women in front of his wife and children at the wedding. Justine has a sexual encounter with a stranger trying to mimic a relationship alike to her fathers. This may have influenced Justine’s decision to behave dishonestly with her husband even though her husband loved her very much. Justine’s mother makes a speech during the wedding dinner and expresses her animosity against marriage, while Justine and her sister Claire look at their mother with anger and embarrassment. Justine and Claire disrespect their mother by getting married, knowing to expect her disapproving comments, yet criticize her for it. â€Å"The result is a murderous rage against the Mother†¦ and a desire to possess the Father†(1016) Melancholia is about the world ending and in Justine’s small world she is depressed, Citing Freudians Oedipus Complex one can parallel Lars’ state of depression which is shown throughout the movie. The character’s actions mirror Lars von Trier’s beliefs and experiences through his life and through his depression, which is a huge factor in Melancholia. As well the relationships Justine has reflects the Oedipus Complex through her behaviour and decisions. Therefore Freudian theories relate directly to Melancholia.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How Computer Have Changed Our Lives Essay Example
How Computer Have Changed Our Lives Essay Example How Computer Have Changed Our Lives Paper How Computer Have Changed Our Lives Paper Information Technology Majors in High Demand Overseas: How Computer Technology Have Changed Our Lives? 1. INTRODUCTION The 21st century is the age of computer technology and it has brought about a fundamental change in every facet of our life. It has largely influenced the way we communicate and the way information exchange is facilitated in todays world. An emergent phenomenon that is a byproduct of advances in computer networking technology is the Internet. It has truly transformed the world into a global village, with every part of the world linked to its vast network. This happened out of the evolution of the field of information technology (IT), which harnesses the power provided by computer technology so, why is it Information Technology is in demand not only in our country and how does it affects our lives? 1. 1. Background of Information Technology: In the era of 1960s and 1970s, information technology was limited to people working in the banking sector, mathematical engineers and computer scientists. In 1980s, the arrival of personal computers made it possible to be used in many more sectors and gave rise to a surge in the field of information technology. Previously, for the purpose of business, storage tapes were created by a single network administrator to interconnect employee workstations. The information stored in this workstation was placed in a server farm, located far off from the industry. However, now people have started communicating, using e-mails instead of snail-mails. It is an industry which deals with the usage of computer hardware and software and networking. Information technology has accomplished a lot in the 21st century. IT is a combination of computer and communication technology and a transfer of information from one peer to another. The backstory of information technology precedes the invention of the computer. The abacus, used by Asians, Egyptians, Romans, and the Greek can be termed a source of information technology. Calculators, the first mechanical one built by German polymath Wilhelm Schickard, or the slide rule, developed in 1622 by William Oughtred, also comes under the heading of information technology. Another example would be punch card machines, expanded upon by IBM in the early to mid 1900s, qualifies the term information technology. As time progress along with the advances of inventions and applied knowledge, computing took shape and became useful in a variety of ways other than calculations. Computer science became an academic specialty, creating computer science departments and classes. As these classes took shape, separate branches of computer science became distinct areas of study. Today, Information Technology departments use computers, data centers, servers, database management system, specialized software applications and more, managed by system and database administrators, an Information Technology Manager and other department heads, including a Chief Information Officer (CIO). Even though information technology has a long reach into history, only recently has it been associated with the use of computers. 1. 2. Definition of Information Technology: When the terminology information technology is used, mistakenly it describes the entire industry. Information technology basically refers to the employment of computer hardware and software applications to manage data. The term information technology evolved in the 1970s and if we consider a medium or large company providing goods or services, its information technology department will be responsible for storing, protecting, processing, retrieving and transmitting the information (Information Technology Association of America or ITAA). Information, meaning processed form of raw data, is something to be valued with your life in todays world. A person possessing right kind of information and using it at the right time, can surely work wonders. From the credit card numbers which we use for shopping, to the confidential bank account details, everything is stored in the form of binary digits in computers. These details can be used or misused depending on what kind of people have authorized or unauthorized access to it. With the help of information technology and our increasing dependency on machines, our life has become far easier, but we are more vulnerable now than before. Information Technology (IT) is a wide and varied sector, and is represented in some form in almost all the industries. It is a blend of computers and communication technology where IT professionals perform variety of duties, ranging from development and installation of applications to designing complex computer networks and databases. The information technology industry consists of computers, communication mediums, peripherals, electronics-related organizations, softwares and services. Usage of information technology for the completion of tasks in any organization, speeds up the processing and information mobility, and also improves the reliability and integrity of information. Information technology, while stirring thoughts and visions of networks, the Internet, server rooms, racks of switches and routers, and advanced terms including VoIP, TCP/IP addressing, security and more, the technology doesnt necessarily refer only to computer related issues. Any medium or channel that stores and processes information enters the category of information technology. The brain is an information processor, working to process and manage information that controls our every movement, body functions, and habits. Whichever procedure or attempt to communicate, store and manage information as well as utilize and administer the data will fall under the classification. 1. 3. Components of IT: * Computers: Computers are very important in order to store and process data. Depending on the size, cost and processing ability, computers are divided into four categories. They are mainframes, supercomputer, minicomputers and microcomputers (desktops or personal computers). Servers: A server is a combination of hardware and software, and is used to provide services to the client computers. These services generally include storage and retrieval of information. A standalone computer can also act as a server, provided its running on server operating system. * Database Management Systems (DBMS): Database Management System is basically a set of software programs which ma nages the storage and retrieval and organizes the information in a computer. This information is in the form of a database and is managed with the help of software. The DBMS accepts requests from the application program and instructs the operating system to transfer the appropriate data. There are various departments to monitor the flow of information, which include System Administrators, IT Managers, Database Administrators and Chief Information Officers (CIOs). * Networking: A computer network is a collection of computers and peripherals connected to each other through different modes. These modes can be wired or wireless. The network allows computers to communicate with each other (share information and resources like printers, scanners, etc. ). Network Security and Cryptography: Network security is one of the most important aspects of information technology. It consists of all the provisions made in an underlying computer network, in order to prevent unauthorized usage of information. It also includes implementing the policies adopted by the government and the applicable cyber laws. It is also helpful in providing protection from computer ha cking at the cyber boundaries of an organization. The cost of transmitting information has fallen dramatically, and according to a study, the cost of transfer of one trillion bits of information from Boston to Los Angeles has come down from a whopping $150,000 in 1970 to merely 12 cents today. With the help of internet technology, emailing a document of 40 pages from Chile to Kenya costs less than 10 cents, which is nothing as compared to the faxing price of $10 or sending it by courier for $50. Hence, it can be clearly seen that there are many advantages of information technology and it has drastically decreased the cost of information transfer. It has also increased the efficiency of employees in all organizations, allowing them to focus on core competencies rather than the technological issues. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Using a computer to write about computers is like searching for ‘Google’ on Google! Computer technology is so much a part of our lives, that we cannot imagine a life without it. Computers serve as efficient data storage systems and excellent information processors. They can store, organize and manage huge amounts of data. Moreover, they operate on incomparable speeds, thus saving human time and effort to a large extent. True, they are an integral part of our lives. It is said that inventions change the way we live. Computer technology is a classic example of this adage. It has indeed changed our way of living. . 1 Made IT in demand abroad: Information Technology or IT departments for some of the largest corporations in the world, in an effort to keep up with increased demand for database administrators, computer support specialists, computer scientists, computer engineers and systems analysts, have recently started recruiting graduating IT degree students from top tier u niversities. The shift toward finding qualified personnel prior to graduation is a stark departure from years past when IT gurus were competing for the few available positions that werent outsourced to overseas companies or individuals. Outsourcing has again become a major concern for corporations, not because of increased profits or savings, but because of the lack of IT personnel available in the U. S. and in some countries. In fact, the U. S Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that 8 of the 10 fastest growing occupations between now and 2010 will be computer related. This sudden shift in employment opportunities has led to high demand for IT degree program graduates especially abroad. After a period in which IT was considered a poor career choice following the tech stock fallout of the mid to late nineties and massive job cuts for major IT employers, those graduates are now harder and harder to find. Many corporations have relegated customer support operations to overseas companies while returning their database administrators and network support specialist positions to the U. S and some foreign countries. As security concerns over data theft and system security has become more prominent as of late, many of these positions are returning to these shores as well. The impact this is having on job availability for recent grads can only be described as positive. Enrollment numbers for IT degree programs are on the rise as well, which is a good sign that many are taking note of the current employment market for IT specialists. With the turnaround in IT employment coinciding with an increase in enrollment, many industry analysts are predicting that current shortages will be met over the next several years. In the meantime, many companies are choosing to restructure their existing IT departments to avoid outsourcing jobs overseas that will be temporary at best. For those who are currently grappling with the lack of qualified and well trained IT personnel, it is less a question of if supply will ever meet demand, but when. 2. 1. 1. In demand IT jobs abroad: *Software Developers and Engineers Software developers and engineers perform the important task of developing new software to fulfill the need of the clients of their company. They work hard to create new software for clients in fields such as banking, insurance, financial services, and information technology and telecoms services. Software developers work in teams and report their work to their departmental heads. They work in large IT parks and software development centers of IT majors. A graduation or post graduate degree in computer science or a degree in software engineering can land you a job as a software developer. Software developer salary and software engineer salary can be anything between $55,000 to $150,000 per year depending on their experience. These jobs are always at the top of the computer careers and salaries list. You should also be aware of the application developer job description which involves conversion of software requirements into coding and then the actual execution of programs. System analyst job description, which includes providing solutions for business efficiency and productivity, is challenging and this makes it one of the most sought after IT jobs. On the other hand, the web developer job description consists of managing all the aspects of clients web based systems and databases *Software Testing Professionals The job of a software tester is to check whether the quality of the prepared software is up to the mark and that it is functioning well. He detects the faults in the software and suggests corrections and solutions to rectify the same. Software testers are employed by large as well as mid-sized software companies to do the software testing jobs in a team. A graduation degree in information technology followed by a course in software testing can get you a job as a software tester. Salaries for these professionals vary as per their location and kind of employer. The quality analyst job description involves checking of new as well as old programs for their durability and relevance. *Programmers Among the different IT fields or different IT jobs, the job of a programmer is considered to be a prestigious one. Software programmers prepare programs for fast computation and solving numerical problems effectively. A programmer should have knowledge of the computer programming languages such as C, C++, Java, etc. They can find placements in many multi-national organizations and local software companies and can earn between $40,000 to $100,000 per year. This is surely amongst the different IT careers in demand. Computer programming careers have created ample job opportunities in the US in the past few years. Software development for external clients is a part of the programmer analyst job description. Since it is an important responsibility, the programmer analyst salary is quite good and is in the range of $45,000 to $70,000 per year. *Technical Writers Among the different IT jobs, career prospects for technical writers are believed to be the best. Technical writers are being hired in plenty in the information technology sector due to their expertise in writing down useful information about different kinds of software and preparing manuals and user guides along with online help solutions. An educational background in computer science and software with a course in technical writing from a recognized institute can help you in getting the best technical writing jobs. Having a knowledge of technical writer job description is essential for all budding technical writers. Technical writer can earn around $35,000 to $45,000 in the beginning and in excess of $60,000 per year after five years of experience. In a recent survey, this was regarded as one of the best careers in information technology. *IT Lecturers The job of an IT lecturer also features in the list of different careers and jobs. IT lecturers teach information technology subjects to students in high school, college and universities. They also get the opportunity to teach students in private coaching centers where the pay packages are quite lucrative. To become an IT lecturer, you need to have educational qualifications in the fields of software engineering, computer science and a love for teaching. IT lecturers can earn anything between $45,000 to $100,000 per year depending on their post and experience. *IT Director The job of an IT director is the best of all in the different IT jobs. An IT director job description includes supervising the work done by all IT employees in the organization and looking after the daily operations of the organization. He sees to it that the clients of the company are satisfied and gives suggestions and tips to his juniors for improving their performance. Several years of work experience in the IT field along with a degree in IT is what it takes to become an IT director. They can earn handsome salaries between $80,000 to $160,000 per year. As important as this post is the one of chief information officer of a company. The CIO job description includes developing, executing, and managing computing and information technology strategies of the company. The chief information officer job description can slightly change from one organization to another. *Networking and Technician Jobs in IT Network administrators and database managers also get work in IT firms depending on their capabilities to handle daily operations. Network administrator job description includes planning the network of computers in a systematic way for efficient daily use. IT technicians also have openings in the information technology sector. The computer technician job description mainly involves troubleshooting problems and maintenance of systems in IT offices. Computer technician salary largely depends on your skills, on an average it is between $40,000 to $65,000 per year. *Software Engineers With a bachelors degree in computer science and deep interest in programming, one can get a lateral entry into this career. For senior position in programming field, one requires a masters degree. Just studying computer science is not enough. One must have a flair for programming and must be good at coding, application modules and locating errors in coding programs. In the initial years, the pay scale for junior software engineers would be between US$50,000 to US$70,000, though it may vary depending on several factors. *Database Administrator Maintaining and managing databases of firms and business enterprises has led to the development of database administrator careers. Database administrators are known as DBAs and they design databases, conduct security checks, implement database designs and are actively involved in safeguarding the threat to a firms data security. A bachelors degree in computer science is necessary. In case of certifications and other diplomas, relevant years of work experience are important. The yearly income of database administrators is near about US$50,000 to US$85,000. *System Administrator Good technical skills and knowledge about Local Area Network (LAN) and awareness about the integration of software and hardware with the entire network system are some of the tasks of a system administrator. If you read the system administrator job description, youll know that system administrators must have good knowledge about Linux, Windows and several OS. *System administrators Also look after the maintenance and up gradation of computer systems, hardware and software, if required. Being aware of information infrastructure design in IT is always helpful for system administrators to understand intricacies of computer systems. The system administrator can earn anywhere between US$42,000 to US$65,000. *Web Developers Web developing and web designing are some of the top careers in demand. The need for skilled web designers and web developers has grown since the last ten years. Every firm or e-commerce website that you see on the Internet has been developed by web developers and this field has expanded significantly. Knowledge about XML, HTML and other programming languages is essential to know more about web designing. The web designer salary can be anywhere between US$31,000 to US$50,000. The web developer salary is between US$40,00 to US$65,000. *IT Consulting Jobs As business enterprises have entered in the manufacturing and development areas, the dire need for expert researchers to chalk a strategy for them, to make intelligent decisions, analyze requirements, help in system selection and work for several improvement services for the firm has become important. By handing your projects to an expert IT team, you can focus your attention to the other departments of your firm. IT consulting jobs have become one of the most sought after careers by IT professionals who have years of work experience. The annual income of IT consultants depends on several factors, mostly work experience. Salaries are very high, in case youre a senior consultant. Fresher can expect to earn around US$60,000 as the base salary. With work experience (and high educational degrees), they can even earn around US$100,000 to US$300,000. A career in information technology is rewarding and is certainly an opportunity to make money. Even in IT marketing field, there are several opportunities to work. This was all about some of the top IT careers in demand. If an individual has interest in this area, he can certainly make a good career. 2. 2. The importance of IT: For many years after 1960, when the third generation computers were created, desktops remained to be popular for personal and business use. Research in computer technology continued, giving rise to the development of laptops, palmtops, miniature tablet PCs and PDAs. As we see today, they serve as ‘personal digital assistants’ in the literal sense of the term! Their small size endows them with portability, thus adding to user convenience. As they can be operated on batteries, they provide computer users with mobile computing capabilities. How has this affected our lives? Well, we can remain connected to the world at all times. Work is no more location-dependent! Computer operating systems are a vital component of the computer technology. They help in the management of a variety of computer operations and in the sharing of computer resources. They handle the scheduling and execution of computer programs, help in the management of files and handle interrupts. They manage multiple user profiles and user accounts, thus playing a major role in maintaining computer security. Certain types of operating systems offer distributed processing capabilities and support multitasking and multi-user operations. The most important role of an operating system is to provide the users with an interactive interface. They have made the interaction with computers, a user-friendly experience and made it easy for the common man to make friends with the computer technology. Computers, as we all know, can perform complex mathematical operations and process large amounts of information. Thanks to their computational powers, long and complex calculations can be performed within seconds. They can be programmed to execute complex instruction sequences through the use of programming languages. That reminds me of the software industry, one of the most progressive industries of the world. Computer technology gave rise to this industry and changed the face of the world. The multimedia capabilities possessed by the computers make them one of the ideal audio-visual media. They can be made to play movies and music. They offer support to a variety of storage media like CDs, DVDs, floppy disks and USB drives. Computer hard disks are also capable of storing and playing audio and video. And how has this affected our lives? Well, it is due to these storage and audio-visual media, that we can maintain soft-copies of data. Gone are the days, when we used to document on paper! Gone are the days when students maintained traditional notebooks. Many of them possess notebook computers today. Today’s education is about PowerPoint presentations and e-homework assignments. TVs and radios were once, the only means of entertainment, but not any more. Today’s entertainment is about the computer and Internet technology! Perhaps, one of the major advantages of the computer technology is its ability to provide us with Internet access. Computers possess networking capabilities, which makes it possible to connect multiple computers and achieve an exchange of information between them. Network communication is possible, thanks to the networking features offered by the computer technology. 2. 2. 1. The importance of IT in Businesses: There are many businesses which are in need of the software packages for satisfying their operational as well as functional needs. For fulfilling this requirement, these companies sign deals with the software manufacturing companies. Information technology is useful in ensuring the smooth functioning of all the departments in a company such as the human resource department, finance department, manufacturing department and also in security related purposes. With the help of information technology, the companies in the automobile manufacturing sector are able to get rid of any sort of errors or mistakes in the proper functioning of the tools used for designing and manufacturing purposes. Due to the development of the information technology sector, the companies are being able to keep themselves aware of the changes in the global markets. Read more on IT jobs. The software applications and the hardware devices are known to be the main elements of the use of information technology. The web browsers, the operating systems, ERPs and special purpose applications are the software which are used in information technology. Information technology plays an important role in easily solving the mathematical problems and also in the project management system. Information technology has a great use in the automated production of sensitive information, automated up gradation of the important business processes and the automated streamlining of the various business processes. It has also played an important role in the areas of communication and automated administration of entire systems. 2. 2. 2. The importance of IT in Education: Importance of information technology in educational sector is well known. Information technology helps the students as well as the teachers in studying the course material easily because of fast access. Studying the subjects with the help of online libraries and dictionaries has made grasping and increasing the knowledge easy for the students. The inclusion of information technology in the syllabus in schools, colleges and universities has helped them in grasping the subject well and getting their basics cleared. Since, many educational centers have the online grading system; it has been a boon for the parents of the children to keep a tab on their performances. Parents can also get the details of the attendance record of their child in schools These were some of the important effects of computer technology on our lives. The list can go on. However, the very fact that you are on a computer reading about the effects of computer technology, which I have typed into a computer, speaks a lot about the effects of computer technology on our lives. Don’t you think so? 2. 3. The advantages of IT: The advantages of information technology are many. True globalization has come about only via this automated system. The creation of one interdependent system helps us to share information and end linguistic barriers across the continents. The collapse of geographic boundaries has made the world a global village. The technology has not only made communication cheaper, but also possible much quicker and 247. The wonders of text messages email and auto-response, backed by computer security applications, have opened up scope for direct communication. Computerized, internet business processes have made many businesses turn to the Internet for increased productivity, greater profitability, clutter free working conditions and global clientele. It is mainly due to the IT industry that people from diverse cultures are able to personally communicate and exchange valuable ideas. This has greatly reduced prejudice and increased sensitivity. Businesses are able to operate 247, even from remote locations. Information technology has rippled on in the form of a Communication Revolution. Specialists in this field like programmers, analyzers and developers are able to further the applications and improve business processes simultaneously. The management infrastructure thus generated defies all boundaries. Among the many advantages of the industry are technical support post-implementation, network and individual desktop management, dedicated business applications and strategic planning for enhanced profitability and effective project management. IT provides a number of low-cost business options to tap higher productivity with dedicated small business CRM and a special category for the larger operations. Regular upgrades have enabled many businessmen to increase productivity and identify a market niche that would never have been possible without the connectivity. With every subsequent increase in the ROI or Return On Investment, businesses are able to remain buoyant even amidst the economic recession. Not only do people connect faster with the help of information technology, but they are also able to identify like-minded individuals and extend help, while strengthening ties. This segment revolves around automated processes that require little or no human intervention at all. This in turn has minimized job stress levels at the work place and eliminated repetition of tasks, loss due to human error, risks involved due to negligence of timely upgrades and extensive paper-intensive business applications that result in the accumulation of unnecessary bulk. The sophistication of the modern work stations and general working conditions is possible only due to the development of Information Technology.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Brett Favre essays
Brett Favre essays The title of my book is Brett Favre by Chris Havel. Brett Favre was born on October 10,1969 in Gulfport, Mississippi. He was born a big baby, he was twenty-one inches long and weighed nine pounds fifteen ounces. Both of his parents were teachers. His father taught physical education and drivers education at a local high school. He was also the football coach. His mother taught special education. Brett has an older brother named Scott and a younger sister named Brandi. As a teenager his sister was named Miss Teen Mississippi. When Brett was a year old, his dad gave him his first football uniform and gave him some advice. He said, Son, keep your head down and your pants up. Brett Favre thinks he got his athletic skills from his dad and his intelligence from his mom. His mom can throw a football pretty well though. Brett has such a strong-arm that he threw a football so hard when he was 11 years old that when the guy went up to catch it he flew back 2 feet. Brett met his wife Deanna in high school. They were high school sweethearts and went to college together. She got pregnant when they were in college and gave birth to the baby. They thought about having an abortion, but it was to hard for them. They named her Brittany. Bretts parents helped them out financially so Brett never had to give up football. His senior year was tough because he didnt know which college he wanted to go to. He got offered scholarships in all the big schools such as Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss, Mississippi Sate, and Louisiana State. He thought that they would put him in as a safety instead of as a quarterback so he didn t want to go to any of them. Bretts dad called up one of his friends who is a coach on the football team at Southern Mississippi and asked him to come and see his son throw a football. So he went down and saw him throw a 65-yard pass. His chin dropped and said, I have never see...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
7 Common Body Language Mistakes People Make During Interviews
7 Common Body Language Mistakes People Make During Interviews You may talk a big game, but you might be surprised to know that talking makes up a small part of human communication. Some people are great listeners, but by nature, we receive more information from our eyes than from our ears. When it comes to job interviews, even with the perfect outfit, amazing credentials, and a fantastic introduction, if your body language is poor, you’re damaging your chances of landing the job! Here are seven body language mistakes to avoid.1. SlouchingIt doesn’t matter how comfortable the chair is- sinking into it will give a bad impression. Sit and stand upright, and hold your shoulders back. If you look too relaxed, your interviewer may get the impression that you aren’t taking the interview seriously, and in turn, won’t take the job seriously.2. Getting fidgetyFidgeting is a nervous habit for many of us. Interviews are very trying on your nerves, especially if you’re particularly excited about the prospective job. Ref rain from fidgeting- no jittery, nervous hands or bouncing legs. Keep yourself calm.3. Forgetting to make eye contactEye contact and trustworthiness go hand in hand. When establishing a connection with your interviewer, you should make eye contact. On the other hand, staring into someone’s eyes without taking a break can read as creepy and make your interviewer uncomfortable, so just make eye contact for a few seconds here and there while you’re speaking.4. Nodding excessivelyYou may want to seem agreeable, but constantly nodding while someone is speaking can actually give them the impression you’re merely waiting for them to finish talking because you have something to say. If your interviewer feels like you’re rushing them through, they’ll get the impression you don’t care about the current conversation. Listen attentively without moving around. Just focus on the information being relayed to you.5. Crossing your armsIf the chair youâ€℠¢re sitting in doesn’t have armrest, it can be difficult to figure out where to put your arms. Crossing them may translate as hostile, as you’re metaphorically closing yourself off from the situation. Fold your hands and place them in your lap, or better yet, carry a notepad and a pen so you can jot down important things. Give your hands something to do that isn’t distracting.6. Not showing expressionWhen someone’s meeting you for the first time, they may not be familiar with your subtleties. A quick wit and clever jokes are usually appreciated in most social settings, but it’s important that the person you’re talking to knows how to interpret your humor. Your facial expressions need to match your desired intention- this means smiling, raising your eyebrows, or making other emotive gestures that match your dialogue.7. Breaking the bubble of personal spaceThere are certain formalities that involve people being close, such as hands hakes, or even high fives, depending on the culture of the company you’re interviewing for. What’s important is that physical closeness is limited only to these occasions. Never lean over the desk or stand too close to your interviewer. You might think you’re coming across as friendly, but you could be making someone uncomfortable.When you’re running through your example interview questions and preparing your answers, try delivering them in front of a mirror as you watch your body language. If you want to hit home with your delivery, you need to present yourself as the complete package.Kelly Smith is an experienced writer and tutor working at Career FAQs. She’s keen on new motivational tools and productivity hacks. She’s also interested in the new media.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Divisions between the British tabloid and the serious, quality Press Essay
Divisions between the British tabloid and the serious, quality Press - Essay Example In as much as these media publications have different names and are no longer in circulation; they have something in common which lacks in the current media newspapers that we have today. The old publications represented the partisan ‘radical press’ that agitated for the betterment and improvement of the society (Stephens 2006, p. 23). They influenced the beliefs and the attitudes of the working class. This is because it defined the society to be made up systems of exploitations and not as a series of disjointed events. Additionally, the radical press played a significant role in undermining the social order normative support through challenging the validity of the economic and social institutions in which the social order was based (Seymour-Ure 1991, p. 150). The radical press obtained funding from subsidies from social movements and sales it made from the circulations of the publications. This is contrary to the independent press of the recent times which obtains its f unding from advertising revenues and sales of publications. Introduction Several debates revolving around the current state of British newspapers are being conducted. However, recent findings reveal that the traditional news values that dominated the media have become revolutionized and reformed (Negrine 1994, p. 87). In the recent times, the dominance of social and celebrity news, the blurring of the line separating reality shows and news, as well as the advent of civilian journalism, demonstrates that the nature of news and news values are changing; and that the traditional values of news are becoming irrelevant. It is worth noting that the old traditional news values are being replaced by the tabloid news values. These values represent the interpretive work of journalists, and they cut across the broad sectors of public life. For instance, this news revolves around crime, sports, scandals, pop culture, just to mention but a few (Hampton 2008, p. 98). On the other hand, pertinent issues such as public affairs and politics are given minimal attention. The tabloid news stories are normally personified in order to impart high emotions and sensation (Franklin 2008, p. 23). According to media historians, tabloid news values are present in the English newspapers in the recent times because of two factors, namely; media ownership and advertisements. This is because they contribute to the existent of hierarchies in the journalism profession. It is debated that there is no narrowing in the divide that exists between broadsheets and tabloid newspapers (Keeble 2008, p. 45). This is attributed to the fact that there are several changes in their features. Therefore, this paper shall seek to explicate as to whether tabloids are similar to broadsheets, as well as determine if the ‘quality press’ is concentrating primarily on issues that touch on public interests. In order to make my arguments clear, I will use examples to emphasize on my main points. Discussio n Studies reveal that broadsheets newspapers undergone a tabloidization process. Tabloidization refers to the style of papers that does not pay much attention to foreign affairs and government policies. Instead, it as an entertainment-oriented style of journalism that centers on celebrity, lifestyle, crime/ scandal and entertainment (Sparks & Dahlgren 1992, p. 123). Some of the reasons of tabloidization are
Labor law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Labor law - Essay Example In return, employers gained a loyal â€Å"internal labor market†of semi-trained workers that would save employers money required to recruit, and train. Beyond the implicit contract, unions were also successful in protecting against termination, requiring â€Å"just cause†instead of the more current employer flexibility of â€Å"at will†employment1. The ushering in of the boundaryless workplace has dismantled much of the New Deal labor structure, and has put a premium on individual skills and knowledge. Employees have become free agents in the workforce, needing such skills to compete for prevailing wages with no implicit or explicit guarantee of job security. The strongest protection workers now have is education and training. Stone also notes that those hurt the most by this instability are blue collar and untrained workers2. While the lack of security is tumultuous in itself, Stone argues that the current labor structure does not have answers for many of issues that the changing economy present. Using Stone’s method of chronicling historical changes in the employer-labor relationship, the trend towards a more flexible and boundaryless workforces has worked to improve opportunities for women and minorities. At the same time, however, she believes that, †the new employment relationship makes discrimination hard to identify and difficult to challenge3.†Successful attempts have been made to prevent overt discrimination such as Title VII, of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights law, the Age Discrimination Act of 1967, the Equal Pay Act of 1962, and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act4. This legislation is effective in allowing women and minorities to gain access to the points of entry into an internal labor market, however, due to the breakup of internal labor markets, these acts do not address more modern forms of discrimination. Modern forms of discrimination have become
Friday, October 18, 2019
Public Policy Formation and Analysis Assignment - 2
Public Policy Formation and Analysis - Assignment Example According to Lindblom in 1959 stated that there are certain identifiable barriers to significant Policy Change. For purposes of clarity and professionalism, I will both paraphrase and project these barriers in the way that will benefit a layman. The barriers are due to the fact that the process of making/formulating policies is tough. Neither social scientist, politicians nor even public administrators know everything about the social world we inhabit, so much as to avoid making mistakes/errors in predicting the accuracy or consequences of policy moves. This is the major barrier. (79-88) Thus, the only wisdom that is inherent in policy making, therefore, involves achieving in small parts so as to avoid huge mistakes. Because mistakes in policy decisions are another barrier. So by utilizing the incremental method especially in the areas of Budgeting, the administrator can always adjust/review those policies knowing that the solution lies in gradual steps. Another barrier to policy change is the fact that successful policy changes could only be achieved in steps. If one step fails, the entire process is taken back and the policy is rejected by the public and society, but the successful completion and execution of the first step will quickly lead to a second step. This is usually practiced in democratic Nations like the USA. (86) Thus for significant policy change to occur, a few aspects of the process must be considered and sorted out i.e there must be a level of comprehensiveness in the policy so as to accommodate various agencies, policy change must have a degree of relevance and realism as is practised in Democratic states and there must be continuous comparisons which are typical of the branch method. Also, a line of compromise must be attained between the theorist and practitioners. Multiple Streams according to Zahariadis is a lens or approach that explains how policies are made. This theory was propounded by Kingdon in 1995 and has become a widely speculated formulation policy framework worthy of discussion. This framework deals with agenda setting and alternative speculation.
Strategic Management in a Corporate Environment Dissertation
Strategic Management in a Corporate Environment - Dissertation Example Recent studies have been focusing on linking knowledge transfer and strategic management through competencies development within the corporate environment where increasing global nature of business, technological complexity and knowledge intensive workforce is contributing to the knowledge and competencies of the business. This has been identified in the paper industry by Laukkanen (2008) and can be found applicable to other sectors as well. As knowledge is considered as the most important and strategic resource in an organization, this internal resource is being increasingly managed strategically to derive a competitive advantage for the business. Continuous globalization is forcing organizations to approach its strategic management towards resource-based and knowledge-based economy in a new perspective for sustainable competitive advantage (Ogrean et al, 2009). There is a need to develop a framework that can increasingly tie knowledge management in a corporate environment with the corporate strategy, which seems to be evolving. This effort also determines the success of the corporate’s business strategy in the internal environment as it is the business strategy that focuses on the effective utilization of organizational resources and capabilities (Zack, 1998). While evidence is available that ties the importance of knowledge management to the strategic management of an organization, there is not much research available to empirically link these two concepts. It can be understood that while knowledge management itself is still evolving along with the development of newer strategies for strategic management, there is a need to further study the relation between knowledge transfer and strategy to understand and estimate their... The research aimed at identifying variables that impact knowledge transfer in strategically managed environments. The objectives of research aimed at understanding strategic management concept through the different theories, concepts, frameworks and models of strategic management in the corporate environment. As firms create knowledge of two kinds: explicit and tacit; identifying, developing, sharing and retaining knowledge become necessary for the firms through strategic thinking, as they need to sustain in the chaotic and complex environments. Knowledge transfer within the different locations of the firm or groups of firms is a necessary task if firms need to achieve a competitive advantage in the global market. While explicit knowledge is easy to share, tacit knowledge is ambiguous and complex requiring strategic management tools or models that impact this transfer of knowledge. Identifying suitable frameworks of knowledge transfer becomes important if firms want to achieve a comp etitive advantage through a resource-based and competencies-based approach to strategic management. The different case studies have helped gather data to validate the qualitative information gathered through literature review. It is found that while the dependent variables: market share, business development, relationship development, cost focus, differentiation and collaboration; of strategic management can be measured for their impact on knowledge transfer, independent variables like HRM and performance are loosely tied to strategic management.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Pharmacology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Pharmacology - Essay Example reaches the targeted site, while the remaining fraction of the drug interacts with other sites, with consequences of inefficient drug delivery and undesirable side effects. Insufficient aqueous solubility and protein binding characteristics of that inhibit crossing blood brain barriers are two examples of the manner in which the relevance of some drugs in clinical therapeutics gets limited. It is against this background that pro-drugs and their utility in overcoming the limitations of bioavailability and pharmacokinetics profiles has become a significant subject of study in pharmacology (Shek, 1994). A look at the history of pro-drugs shows that understanding of pro-drugs and their pharmaco-kinetics in the human body came more as a result of after the introduction of the drugs for therapeutic purposes. The introduction of phenacetin as a therapeutic agent dates back to 1887, but it took till 1949 for the realization that paracetamol was the active metabolite of phenacetin, which resulted in the gradual erosion of phenacetin as a therapeutic agent to be replaced by paracetamol, demonstrating that many of the pro-drugs result from metabolism in the human body. (Pleuvry, 2006). This understanding of the possibility of enzymatic action to create active therapeutic agents has now become the basis of overcoming the problems of potential drug candidates demonstrating poor therapeutic effects, because of poor bioavailability and pharmacokinetic profiles. Kratz et al, 2008, define pro-drugs as â€Å"derivatives of a drug that are metabolized or activated in the body to release or generate the active drug – if possible at the site of action†. Thus pro-drugs are chemically modified versions of the pharmaceutical agent that needs to undergo a transformation in vivo for the release of the active drug. This feature of pro-drugs is employed to enhance the bioavailability and pharmacokinetic properties of pharmacologically potent compounds. In a majority of the cases
RFID in Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
RFID in Business - Research Paper Example This research paper seeks to investigate and explore RFID and its application in business field. The first section of the essay seeks to illustrate and describe RFID. This will be helpful in presenting constructive and significant insight for the reader regarding the introduction and background of RFID. Other sections of the essay offer comprehensive review and analysis concerning the advantages of RFID technology in business field. The usage of RFID is traced back in the early twentieth century when Leon Theremin invented an espionage tool for the Soviet Union. This device was a passive secret listening device and is considered to be the forerunner of RFID technology (Landt, 8). The roots of radio frequency identification technology can be tracked back to World War II where the usage of radar was common in order to warn of forthcoming planes. An IFF transponder was developed in Britain which also utilized RFID technology in order to identify unidentified aircrafts. Advancements in radar and RD communication systems persisted throughout the 1950s and 1960s. Mario W. Cardullo claims to be the first person who had received a patent for RFID tag with rewritable memory in 1973. In the same year, Charles Walton obtained a patent for a passive transponder which was used to open a door without using a key (Landt, 9). Los Alamos National Laboratory had also worked on RFID systems in the 1970s. A group of scientists has developed RFID transponder embedded in a truck which was used to identify the driver. This system gained popularity in the 1980s and was installed in entire transportation network. Los Alamos also introduced the passive RFID tags to track cows. IBM engineers had developed RFID system in 1990s and had sold its patents to Intermec which has applied it in several different applications ranging from warehouse tracking to farming. The concept of low cost RFID tags on all products was experimented in late
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Pharmacology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Pharmacology - Essay Example reaches the targeted site, while the remaining fraction of the drug interacts with other sites, with consequences of inefficient drug delivery and undesirable side effects. Insufficient aqueous solubility and protein binding characteristics of that inhibit crossing blood brain barriers are two examples of the manner in which the relevance of some drugs in clinical therapeutics gets limited. It is against this background that pro-drugs and their utility in overcoming the limitations of bioavailability and pharmacokinetics profiles has become a significant subject of study in pharmacology (Shek, 1994). A look at the history of pro-drugs shows that understanding of pro-drugs and their pharmaco-kinetics in the human body came more as a result of after the introduction of the drugs for therapeutic purposes. The introduction of phenacetin as a therapeutic agent dates back to 1887, but it took till 1949 for the realization that paracetamol was the active metabolite of phenacetin, which resulted in the gradual erosion of phenacetin as a therapeutic agent to be replaced by paracetamol, demonstrating that many of the pro-drugs result from metabolism in the human body. (Pleuvry, 2006). This understanding of the possibility of enzymatic action to create active therapeutic agents has now become the basis of overcoming the problems of potential drug candidates demonstrating poor therapeutic effects, because of poor bioavailability and pharmacokinetic profiles. Kratz et al, 2008, define pro-drugs as â€Å"derivatives of a drug that are metabolized or activated in the body to release or generate the active drug – if possible at the site of action†. Thus pro-drugs are chemically modified versions of the pharmaceutical agent that needs to undergo a transformation in vivo for the release of the active drug. This feature of pro-drugs is employed to enhance the bioavailability and pharmacokinetic properties of pharmacologically potent compounds. In a majority of the cases
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Synthetic Rubber Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Synthetic Rubber - Lab Report Example During polymerization the double bonds of the isoprene monomers give way to single bonds which will lead to further increase in length of product chain. Butyl rubber-also known as polyisobutylene (C4H8)-is a synthetic rubber and is produced by polymerization of about 98% of isobutylene with about 2% of isoprene (Wikipedia, 2006) using BF3, H2O, CH2CL2 as reaction activators under -78C temperature. e.g Similarities and Differencies: In both natural and synthetic rubbers production, the monomers can be mixed in various desirable proportions to achieve a wider range of physical, mechanical, and chemical properties through the use additive. The formation of natural and synthetic rubbers are three step Free radical eliminations and substitutions reactions. Both Natural and synthetic rubber reactions require protectants against deterioration during the coagulation and drying (CIWMB). 2. In its natural form rubber is too soft to be used for any useful purposes.Natural rubbers tends to be sticky and soft at high temperatures; while at low temperatures they are brittle and stiff, making them difficult to process. This is due to a high degree of entropy. Therefore, its properties were improved using special processing techniques. During vulcanization, or curing, of rubber, individual polymer molecules are linked to other polymer molecules by polysulphide
Monday, October 14, 2019
Hunger in America Essay Example for Free
Hunger in America Essay Early this year, the talent search reality show American Idol used the popularity of its program to bring to light a problem that most Americans did not realize existed until that point in time. The show presented us with the harsh reality that, although America is the last remaining super power and has the most stable economy on the planet, it has a section of its population that deals with hunger on a daily basis. I found myself sitting in front of the TV set in disbelief. I wondered how some people of America can be hungry all the time and not have enough to eat when food seems so easy to come by. As far as I was concerned, food was aplenty and could be shared by everybody. I knew that the government has a food stamps program in place for those deserving â€Å"below the poverty line income†families. Charitable organizations host soup kitchens and a meal can even be had for a dollar over at McDonald’s. I will admit that times are rough for us these days. Money is tight even for the middle income bracket of society because of the recent financial crunches that have been hitting the nation. Plenty of people have recently lost their homes and jobs. Some people have unexpected financial emergencies that they are not prepared to deal with. When such situations occur, families tend to restructure their budgets and the one part of the budget that is usually hit hard is the food allowance. For most American families who do not have credit cards to time them over from paycheck to paycheck, hunger becomes an ugly monster that not only rears its ugly head but also swallows the family whole. American families usually sacrifice their food supply thinking that keeping the other necessities of life in working order is important in their quest to keep the family from starving. A low to middle income father or mother will choose to spend on car repairs and sacrifice the food supply because the car takes them to the job that pays them cash which in turn buys the food. Medical care is unintentionally put on the back burner while the family tries to cope with rising food prices. When a family member is taken seriously ill and needs emergency care, it is the food budget that will automatically be slashed in order to afford the necessary healthcare. Basically, Americans are hungry because the government miscalculated the actual cost of living allowance for a basic family of 3. Originally designed to figure out the food cost for a started family, it failed to take inflation, transportation, rise in utility costs, and healthcare insurance into the picture. Looking at today’s actual cost of living, a $5 hourly minimum wage is an insult to the worker and his needs in life. I think that the main reason that people in America are going hungry is because after the Welfare Reform Act of 1990 was introduced into law, it became almost impossible for families in need of food aid to qualify for the food stamps. I cannot understand the logic behind that move of the government. Why would a government willingly stop supporting the people who voted them into power? The government collects taxes from us specifically because there are government projects and social needs that need to be addressed for the benefit of the entire population. This includes a more effective food stamp program that does not discriminate amongst the already poor and needy population of the land. Food stamps and soup kitchens should always be open and available to those who need it. If they get a job later on and stop needing the food stamps, well and good. But if they lose their jobs again or need the help of the food stamps to quash their hunger pangs, those tax dollars they paid to the government while working better be ready and available to help them in the form of food aid. After all, nobody chooses to be nor wants to be hungry and we would all want to receive help when we need it the most. Work Cited Valentine, Vikki. (2007). QA: The Causes behind Hunger in America. NPR. Retrieved October 15, 2007 from http://www. npr. org/templates/story/story. php? storyId=5021812.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Importance of Budgeting to Avoid Defaulting on Student Loans Essay
The Importance of Budgeting to Avoid Defaulting on Student Loans Students defaulting on their loans will always be a problem for the government as long as there are students taking out loans. There will always be a few that don’t pay off their loans. There are many reasons why students default on their student loans. According Ms. Farrell, the author of â€Å"Reducing Student Loan Defaults: A Plan for Action,†in the Office of Planning, Budget, and Evaluation Survey, said â€Å"The main reason that students default on their loans is that they cannot budget their finances†(Farrell 24). Even though a number of students are working while going to school, they don’t understand the financial burden that loans will place in their lives. In order for students to pay back their student loans, they need to calculate their in school and out of school budgets. If too many students neglect to pay their loans, it can create a serious problem for students that are currently in school receiving financial aid. A school can be dropped out of the student aid program. Under a current law, colleges and universities can lose access to student loan programs if they have default rate of 25% or above for 3 consecutive years. Institutions can also lose access to all programs, including grants, if the most recent default rate exceeds 40%. The Department of Education just released a list of more than 300 institutions that could lose eligibility for some or all student aid programs, and 144 schools are no longer eligible to participate in student loan programs because of high default rates (Dervarics 6). So we can see how important it is for students to pay their student loans back; so that their school will not be dropped from the student... It helps students to compare and match expenses with income to balance out their finances on a weekly, and/or monthly basis. So give budgeting a try, and see your life become less complicated. Works Cited Brownstone, David M. â€Å"Planning your future.†Personal Financial Survival Wiley Interscience Publication. 1981: 5 Deravics, Charles. â€Å"Student Loan Default Rates Fall Dramatically†Black Isues in Higher Education 6 February 1997: 17 Farrell, Mary. â€Å"Reducing Student Loan Defaults A Plan for Action†Dept. of Education Washington D.C. Office of Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluation, 1990 : 7, 24, 27 Finney, Robert. â€Å"Every Manager Guide to Business Finance†American Management Association, 1994: 175 Gray, Ginger. Phone Interview. 23 February 1997. Groza, Maris. â€Å"Where to Live.†Every Womans Guide to Financial Independence. Les Femmes. 1997: 13
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Bahrain Essay -- essays papers
Bahrain History of Bahrain Bahrain was once part of the ancient civilization of Dilmun and served as an important link in trade routes between Sumeria and the Indus Valley as much as 5000 years ago. Since the late 18th century Bahrain has been governed by the Al-Khalifa family, which created close ties to Britain by signing the General Treaty of Peace in 1820. A binding treaty of protection, known as the Perpetual Truce of Peace and Friendship, was concluded in 1861 and further revised in 1892 and 1951. This treaty was similar to those entered into by the British Government with the other Persian Gulp principalities. It specified that the ruler could not dispose of any of his territory except to the United Kingdom and could not enter into relationships with any foreign government other than the United Kingdom without British consent. The British promise to protect Bahrain from all aggression by sea and to lend support in case of land attack. After World War II, Bahrain became the center for British administration of treaty obligations in the lower Persian Gulf. In 1968, when the British Government announced its decision (reaffirmed in March 1971) to end the treaty relationships with the Persian Gulf sheikdoms, Bahrain joined the other eight states (Qatar and the seven Trucial Sheikhdoms, which are now called the United Arab Emirates) under British protection in an effort to form a union of Arab emirates. By mid-1971, however, the nine sheikhdoms still had not agreed on terms of union. Accordingly, Bahrain sought independence as a separate entity and became fully independent on August 15, 1971, as the State of Bahrain. Cultural and Societal To truly understand the society and culture of Bahrain it is necessary to know what it is based on. Society and culture in Bahrain is based on Islamic religious beliefs. These beliefs are not only the moral standards for the country, but they are also the legal standards for all commerce, criminal, civil, and political codes. From a western standpoint this can be very confusing and different to comprehend. To alleviate some confusion the following is a small summary of Islamic beliefs. The following is by no means a complete summary and many beliefs, laws, and other religious criteria has been left out for expediencies sake. Islam One of Islam’s literal meanings is the â€Å"True Religion†. An Islamic fo... ...Force. A male is eligible for the military at the age of 15-49. The availability of military manpower is 220,670. Bahrain spends $276.9 million on military forces annually, which is 4.5% of the GDP. Bibliography: ArabNet, 1-3. Retrieved February 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Bahrain, 1. Retrieved February 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Bahrain: The Pearl of the Arabian Gulf. (Dilmun), 1-3. Retrieved February 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web: CIA -- The World Factbook 1999:Bahrain, 1-8. Retrieved February 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Country Reports on Economic Policy & Trade Practices, 1-7. Retrieved February 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web: gopher:// Lands and People, 1. Retrieved February 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://infoplease/ Solman Al-khalifa, 1997, State of Bahrain: Central Statistical Organisation Directorate of Statistics, State of Bahrain (publisher).
Friday, October 11, 2019
Albinism Essay
Albinism Background Information Albinism is a genetic disorder which affects the amount of melanin produced, in a person’s skin, hair, or eyes. Oculocutaneous albinism, Ocular albinism, and Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome are other names for this genetic disorder. The disorder affects mostly men, because it is a recessive gene. Females are usually carriers. Albinism does not affect any specific ethnic or religious group. Symptoms/ Effects This Genetic Disorder affects the eyes, skin, or hair’s pigmentation. If an organism has albinism, it has little or no color in a specific part of its body. Albinistic skin burns easily. People with this disorder have to take special precautions to avoid sunburns and diseases such as skin cancer. Most types of Albinism also affect the eyes. Symptoms affecting the eyes include Crossed eyes, Light sensitivity, Rapid eye movements, Vision problems, and functional blindness. Albinistic people may have to limit their outdoor activities to avoid too much exposure to the sun. This disorder itself is not life threatening. However albinism affects many animals’ camouflage, and makes them easy prey. A human’s life span can be shortened by lung disease or bleeding problems from a form of Albinism, Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome. Testing/ Diagnostics This disorder can be detected simply by looking for pale or unnatural colored eyes, hair, or skin. To make sure, scientists use genetic tests to affirm that a person has albinism. Ophthalmologists also conduct electroretinograms to detect any optical problems. Causes Albinism is a recessive gene that can only be inherited. It is not sex-linked. Treatments Albinism cannot be cured, but it a person with albinism can wear colored contacts or sunglasses to comfort and protect their eyes. They can wear sun block and stay indoors to protect their skin. Name: Vivian Ray (Vivia)? Age: 17? Gender: F? Appearance: There, you see her first thing you notice when you see Vivia, is her grace. From her delicate structure to her fluid motions, she is elegant and nimble. Vivia has dark black/brown hair pulled into a messy bun with an ornate pen sticking out of it. She has overgrown bangs, that fall into her face. She has an odd way of talking, she looks at you straight in the eyes with her bright grey irises, while speaking with long embellished sentences in a melodic voice. Vivia does not appear to be intimidating or weak. But at the same time, both. She holds herself tall and her eyes seem be a portal to her her inner depths.? Abilities/Talents: Vivia once ice-skated and did ballet. She is moderately athletic. Vivia’s main talent is writing. She often walks around in the park trying to find the perfect word to decribe the leaves slowly falling down, or the prints in the snow. She has her own column in the Elwood High newspaper called â€Å"On the Bright Side†? Basic Likes/Dislikes:? Likes: Vivia like things that are well though out, poems, artwork, and anything else. She loves sour things, and is often sucking a lemon head. When asked her favorite color she thinks of her late mother’s grey eyes (the only trait she inherited from her mother) and replies without hesitation, grey. She loves fruit and would pick it over any other dessert, likes listening to instrumental music . She also likes to reread her dog-eared copies of Shakespeare in her free time.? Dislike: The number one thing Vivia dislikes is being wrong. She does not like the uncertainty and indecisiveness she often suffers from. She also does not like people who stereotype and make assumptions about her. She tends to not work as hard if she is forced to do something instead of herself choosing to do something. Vivia also absolutely hates suspense, and has yet to read a full mystery without skipping to the end.? Personality: Vivia, is usually not the loudest person, and often simply listens in the background. However, her writing truly shows who she is, and wants to be. She is often caught dreaming about what would happen if her life were different. She has a temper if you annoy her enough to find it. She can be stubborn, and is very fair.? Background Information: As a senior at Aberle High, Vivia is being pressured into making the big decision as to what career path she should choose. Her father is pushing her toward a doctorate, while she would rather become an author.? Relationships: Vivia’s mother was a journalist and died in a car accident while driving to the scene of er next story. She lives with her father and little brother. She loves her father and wants to make him proud. There, you see her, leaning against a tree
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Indo-Pakistan Relations
Since independence, relations between Pakistan and India have been characterized by rivalry and suspicion. Although many issues divide the two countries, the most sensitive one since independence has been the status of Kashmir. Born out from the furnace of animosity, India and Pakistan, the twin brothers have a history of unique relations. There is much in common between Republic of India and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The diplomatic relations developed soon after independence but these relations did not ensure good friendship. Roots of Conflict Here are some of the highs and lows in relations between the two counties 1947 – Britain divides its Indian empire into secular (but mainly Hindu) India and Muslim Pakistan on August 15 and 14 respectively. The partition causes one of the largest human migrations ever seen, and sparks riots and violence across the region. 1947/48 -,The blaming process started soon after the inception of Pakistan when during the world’s biggest mass migration both states were unable to provide security to minorities. At that time there were 680 princely states and their future was to be decided according to their own will. Junagadh and Kashmir are two of these states which are still a bone of contention between India and Pakistan. Junagadh was composed of 88% Hindu Majority with a Muslim ruler named Nawab Mahabat Khan. The ruler voted for Pakistan but India did not accept it on the plea of heavy Hindu majority. One the other hand, the ruler of Kashmir, Hair Singh, wanted to join India but the majority of Muslim population was in the favour of Pakistan. Maharaja Hair Singh made a â€Å"stand still agreement†with the Government of Pakistan. However, the rumors spread in Pakistan that Mahraja Hari Singh was going to accede with India. The forces of Pakistan invaded in Kashmir in 1947 and Hari Singh asked India for help. Indian Armed forces violating the provision of their constitution entered into the jurisdiction of Kashmir. 1954 – The accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India is ratified by the state's constituent assembly. 1957 – The Jammu and Kashmir constituent assembly approves a constitution. India, from the point of the 1954 ratification and 957 constitution, begins to refer to Jammu and Kashmir as an integral part of the Indian union. 1963 – Following the 1962 Sino-Indian war, the foreign ministers of India and Pakistan – Swaran Singh and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto – hold talks under the auspices of the British and Americans regarding the Kashmir dispute. 1964 – Following the failure of the 1963 talks, Pakistan refers the Kashmir case to the UN Security Council. 1965 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 Full-scale hostilities erupted in September 1965 when Pakistan attacked India forcing India to attack Lahore in retaliation. India and Pakistan fight their second war. The conflict begins after a clash between border patrols in April in the Rann of Kutch (in the Indian state of Gujarat), but escalates on August 5, when between 26,000 and 33,000 Pakistani soldiers cross the ceasefire line dressed as Kashmiri locals, crossing into Indian-administered Kashmir. but as the war expands, Indian troops cross the international border at Lahore on September 6. The largest engagement of the war takes place in the Sialkot sector, where between 400 and 600 tanks square off in an inconclusive battle. By September 22, both sides agree to a UN mandated ceasefire, ending the war that had by that point reached a stalemate, with both sides holding some of the other's territory. In 1965 India launched operation Meghdoot and captured 80% of Siachen Glacier. 1966 – On January 10, 1966, Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahdaur Shastri and Pakistani President Ayub Khan sign an agreement at Tashkent (now in Uzbekistan), agreeing to withdraw to pre-August lines and that economic and diplomatic relations would be restored. 971 – Pakistan and India go to war a third time, this time over East Pakistan. Bangladesh was created out of East Pakistan. 1971 was a black year in the history of Pakistan as she lost its eastern wing as India intervened to favour Bengali people and seized the Qasim part. 90, 000 Pakistani soliders surrendered in Bangladesh. India and Pakistan go to war a third time, this time over East Pakistan. Hostilities lasted 13 days, making this one of the shortest wars in mo dern history. East Pakistan becomes the independent country of Bangladesh on December 6, 1971 1972 -. Pakistani Prime Minister Zulifiqar Ali Bhutto and Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi sign an agreement in the Indian town of Simla, in which both countries agree to â€Å"put an end to the conflict and confrontation that have hitherto marred their relations and work for the promotion of a friendly and harmonious relationship and the establishment of a durable peace in the subcontinent†. Both sides agree to settle any disputes â€Å"by peaceful means†. The Simla Agreement designates the ceasefire line of December 17, 1971, as being the new â€Å"Line-of-Control (LoC)†between the two countries, which neither side is to seek to alter unilaterally, and which â€Å"shall be respected by both sides without prejudice to the recognised position of either side†. Nuclear Arm Race 1974 – On May 18, India detonates a nuclear device at Pokhran, in an operation codenamed â€Å"Smiling Buddha†. India refers to the device as a â€Å"peaceful nuclear explosive†. 1985- In December 1985, President Zia and Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi pledged not to attack each other's nuclear facilities. 986, the Indian and Pakistani governments began high-level talks to resolve the Siachen Glacier border dispute and to improve trade. 1988 – The change in leadership brought a new era of relation between the two rivals. In Dec 1988 Benazir Bhutto Shaheed and Rajiv Gandhi resumed talks on different issues melding cultured exch ange, civil aviation and not to attack each other nuclear facilities. At that time BB said. â€Å"Burry the Hatchet; we have had enough of it. Let’s start a new chapter. India has a new generation leadership. Rajiv & I belong to a new generation. We have some kinship. He father was assassinated and so was my father. He lost his brother and so have I we both can start from clean state. †The two countries sign an agreement that neither side will attack the other's nuclear installations or facilities. Both sides agree to share information on the latitudes and longitudes of all nuclear installations. This agreementis later ratified, and the two countries share information on January 1 each year since then. 1989 – Armed resistance to Indian rule in the Kashmir valley begins. Muslim political parties, after accusing the state government of rigging the 1987 state legislative elections, form militant wings. Pakistan says that it gives its â€Å"moral and diplomatic†support to the movement, reiterating its call for the earlier UN-sponsored referendum. India says that Pakistan is supporting the insurgency by providing weapons and training to fighters, terming attacks against it in Kashmir â€Å"cross-border terrorism†. Pakistan denies this. Militant groups taking part in the fight in Kashmir continue to emerge through the 1990s, in part fuelled by a large influx of â€Å"mujahideen†who took part in the Afghan war against the Soviets in the 1980s. Indo-Pakistani Cold War Bilateral tensions increased in early 1990, when Kashmiri separatists from Pakistan occupied Kashmir backed by the Pakistan's ISI perpetrated violence in Indian Kashmir. Subsequent high-level bilateral meetings relieved the tensions between Pakistan and India, 1991 – A formal â€Å"no attack†agreement was signed in January 1991. The two countries sign agreements on providing advance notification of military exercises, maneuvers and troop movements, as well as on preventing airspace violations and establishing overflight rules. 992 – A joint declaration prohibiting the use of chemical weapons is signed in New Delhi. 1993- but relations worsened again after terrorist bombings in Bombay, in March 1993. Talks between the Foreign Secretaries of both countries in January 1994 resulted in deadlock. 1996 – Following a series of clashes, military officers from both countries meet at the LoC in order to ease tensions. 1997, high level talks were resumed after 3 years. Prime Minister of India and Pakistan met twice and foreign secretaries conducted 3 rounds of talks in which they identified 8 outstanding issues to focuss. These 8 issues were †¢ Kashmir issue †¢ Water crisis †¢ Sir creek issue †¢ Rann of kutch †¢ MFN status †¢ Siachen issue †¢ State sponsored issue †¢ Nuclear Deterrence 1998 – In September 1997 the talks broke down on structural issue where as in May 1998 the situation became harder because of nuclear experiment conducted by Pakistan. India detonates five nuclear devices at Pokhran. Pakistan responds by detonating six nuclear devices of its own in the Chaghai Hills. The tests result in international sanctions being placed on both countries. In the same year, both countries carry out tests of long-range missiles. Improvement in Relations In the late 1990s, the Indo-Pakistani relationship veered sharply between rapprochement and conflict. After taking office in February 1997, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif moved to resume an official dialogue with India. A number of meetings at the foreign secretary and Prime Ministerial level took place, with positive atmospherics but little concrete progress 1999 in feb,Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee meets with Nawaz Sharif, his Pakistani counterpart, in Lahore. The two sign the Lahore Declaration, the first major agreement between the two countries since the 1972 Simla Accord. Both countries reaffirm their commitment to the Simla Accord, and agree to undertake a number of ‘Confidence Building Measures' (CBMs). Some of the diplomatic gains are eroded, however, after the Kargil conflict breaks out in May. Kargil is the first armed conflict between the two neighbours since they officially conducted nuclear weapons tests. 2001 – Tensions along the Line of Control remain high, with 38 people killed in an attack on the Kashmiri assembly in Srinagar. In July, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee meet for a two-day summit in the Indian city of Agra. That summit collapses after two days, with both sides unable to reach agreement on the core issue of Kashmir. On December 13, an armed attack on the Indian parliament in New Delhi leaves 14 people dead. India blames Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad for the attacks. 2002 – President Musharraf pledges that Pakistan will combat extremism on its own soil, but affirms that the country has a right to Kashmir. 2003 – After Musharraf calls for a ceasefire along he LoC during a UN General Assembly meeting in September, the two countries reach an agreement to cool tensions and cease hostilities across the defacto border. 2004 – Vajpayee and Musharraf hold direct talks at the 12th SAARC summit in Islamabad in January, and the two countries' foreign secretaries meet later in the year. This year marks the beginning of the Compo site Dialogue Process, in which bilateral meetings are held between officials at various levels of government (including foreign ministers, foreign secretaries, military officers, border security officials, anti-narcotics officials and nuclear experts). In November, on the eve of a visit to Jammu and Kashmir, the new Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh, announces that India will be reducing its deployment of troops there. 2006 – India redeploys 5,000 troops from Jammu and Kashmir, citing an â€Å"improvement†in the situation there, but the two countries are unable to reach an agreement on withdrawing forces from the Siachen glacier. In September, President Musharraf and Prime Minister Singh agree to put into place an Indo-Pak institutional anti-terrorism mechanism. 007 – The Samjhota express carnage of 18th February 2007 added fuel to fire. the train service between India and Pakistan (the Samjhauta Express) is bombed near Panipat, north of New Delhi. Sixty-eight people are killed, and dozens injured. The fifth round of talks regarding the review of nuclear and ballistic missile-related CBMs is held as part of the Composite Dialogue Process. The second round of the Joint Anti-Terrorism Mechanism (JATM) is als o held. 2008 – India joins a framework agreement between Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan on a $7. 6bn gas pipeline project. A series of Kashmir-specific CBMs are also agreed to (including the approval of a triple-entry permit facility). In July, India blames Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) directorate for a bomb attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul, which kills 58 and injures another 141. In September, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and Indian Prime Minister Singh formally announce the opening of several trade routes between the two countries. In October, cross-LoC trade commences, though it is limited to 21 items and can take place on only two days a week. On November 26, 2008, a series of ten co-ordinated attacks were committed by terrorist which began across Mumbai which is the Indian financial capital and the largest city. The attack was started on 26 November 2008 and ended on 29 November 2008. In these attacks 173 people were killed including 35 foreigner where as 38 were wounded. India blamed Lashkar-e-Taiba .. Another reason was that Obama Discussed to solve Kashmir issue to bring stability in the South Asian region. This attack was done to divert his attention. In the wake of the attacks, India breaks off talks with Pakistan. 009 – The Pakistani government admits that the Mumbai attacks may have been partly planned on Pakistani soil, while vigorously denying allegations that the plotters were sanctioned or aided by Pakistan's intelligence agencies. In August, India gives Pakistan a new dossier of evidence regarding the Mumbai attacks, asking it to prosecute Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the head of Jamaat-ud-Dawa, an Islamic cha rity with ties to Lashkar-e-Taiba. 2010 – In January, Pakistani and Indian forces exchange fire across the LoC in Kashmir, the latest in a string of such incidents that have led to rising tension in the area. In February, India and Pakistan's foreign secretaries meet in New Delhi for talks. This meeting is followed by the two countries' foreign ministers meeting in Islamabad in July. In May, Ajmal Kasab is found guilty of murder, conspiracy and of waging war against India in the Mumbai attacks case. He is sentenced to death. 2011 – In January, Indian Home Secretary GK Pillai says India will share information with Pakistan regarding the 2001 Samjhauta Express bombing. The two countries' foreign secretaries meet in Thimpu, Nepal, in February, and agree to resume peace talks â€Å"on all issues†.
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