Friday, May 31, 2019
The Manifesto of the Communist Party Essay -- Politics Political
The manifesto of the commie Party Drafted in 1848 by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, the pronunciamento of the Communist Party outlines the views, tendencies, and aims of the communist party through the so-called philosophy of historical materialism (Distante). These views were expressed throughout four distinct sections of the Manifesto of the Communist Party. The first section describes the relationship between the bourgeois and the proletarians. The next section depicts the relationship between the proletarians and the communists. The third section of the document presents socialist and communist literature. The Manifesto is ended with a section stating the position of the communists in relation to opposition parties. The first section begins with a brief history of the bourgeois in respective(a) societies. Marx shows that like earlier civilizations, the bourgeois, or modern capitalists and employers, has oppressed the proletarian class, or the workin g class of the society. Comparisons are made regarding ancient Rome as intumesce as the middle ages with the modern bourgeois. Marx claims that the modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudalistic society . It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression (Marx). During the feudal period, the feudal lords monopolized industry. As time progressed, this system was insufficient for the growing needs of the nation. A new manufacturing system took the place of the monopoly system and soon provided for the natural exploitation of the capitalist class. Due to increased work and efficiency, the markets continued to grow to the point that even the manufacturing system was not sufficient. Industrial revol... ...tionary movement against the existing social and policy-making order of things. In all these movements they bring to the front, as the leading question in each, the property questionWorking men of all countries unite (Marx) plant life Cited1. Brians, Paul. Communist Manifesto Study Questions. http//www.wsu.edu8080/brians/hum_303/manifesto.html (19 Oct. 2001).2. Distante, Patrick. Evolutionary Philosophy---the Late 19th Century. http// (19 Oct. 2001)3. Kuhn, Rick. The Communist Manifesto. http// (19 Oct. 2001).4. Marx, Karl and Engels, Freidrich. The Manifesto of the Communist Party. (New York Monthly Review Press, 1964)5. Marxism Made Simple. http// (19 Oct 2001).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
History Of Haiku :: essays research papers fc
In Japan, short poems have a long history. The earliest Japanese poetry such as that of the Manyoshu, pen in 759 A.D., includes stirring narrative, dramatic and short lyrical poems which scholars believe were originally written as part of the pre-Buddhist or early Shinto ceremonial rituals (Haiku). This anthology includes anonymous songs and prayers designed to celebrate and pacify the gods, prayers for safe voyages, formal eulogies on the death of an Emperor or Empress and courting, marriage, planting and harvesting rituals. The 5 syllable, 7 syllable, 5 syllable haiku has evolved and been reinvented many a(prenominal) times over the centuries. One such form is the 31 syllable waka composed of five 5-7-5-7-7 syllable phrases. Developed as the early imperial court of the late ordinal century consolidated cultural, social and political forms, the waka took its place as one of the important regularized poetic forms of the period. Within imperial circles, minor officials and scrib es gained recognition as poem-providers and war cry specialists due to their ability to compose waka (Haiku). Nevertheless, early Japanese poetry went beyond official usage. In the 14th century, an intellectual game developed where one individual would write the first half of a waka-like poem, and another would complete it, adding the two 7-syllable stanzas.As many as four people took part in composing such poetry in what developed as a serious poetic form, with many complicated rules to ensure that the elegant court-poetry diction and aesthetic ideals were maintained. However, in larger social gatherings where Japanese rice wine, or sake, was often served, participants became inebriated and started writing haikai, comic linked verse, which ignored many of the rules and allowed any subject matter at all, from the truly crude and erotic to pure slapstick, daffy comedy. According to Dr. Kerkham, it was this lower-level poetic form which Matsunaga Teitoku, haikai master, tried to cl ean up and popularize and teach to his student Matsuo Basho (1644-1694). Bashos haiku, written fleck travelling around Japan, made him one of Japans most celebrated poets.
The Life And Work Of Anthony Burgess :: essays research papers
The Life and Work of Anthony Burgess "Autobiography Story of ones life, written by oneself."(Halsey 64).Everyone knows what an autobiography is, scarce not so galore(postnominal) people realize thatalthough not all authors write a book that can be called a factual autobiography,many authors frequently allow personal, real life experiences to influence theirfictional writings. An excellent example of such an author is Anthony Burgess.Anthony Burgess is recognized today as an side of meat novelist, critic, essayist,and composer (editor CLC 80). Burgess is such a literary genius, it was oncesaid of him that "... his agent, publisher, and his entry in "Whos Who" couldnot provide the exact number of books he wrote." (Baldwin A8). Some ofBurgesss whole kit and boodle include The Long Day Wanes, The Doctor is Sick, and, perhapsBurgesss intimately famous book, Clockwork Orange. A Clockwork Orange is aninteresting novel that paints a pictur e of a dour violence in the not-so-distant future. The story is based on, and told by the narrator, the fifteen-year old Alex, but it shows many references to the life and experience of itsauthor. In a serial of five books, Burgess also concentrate on his life experiences.Enderbys Dark Lady was the fifth in the series, and that will be the secondbook focused on in this paper. Anthony Burgesss work in A Clockwork Orange andEnderbys Dark Lady strongly reflects significant events or influences in hisown life. Anthony Burgess was innate(p) John Burgess Wilson in Manchester, England inearly 1917. (Stinson 1). Both of Burgesss parents were members of the theatricarts His father was a pianist, his mother was a musical actress. Burgess wentto a Catholic elementary school, and was one of the many victims of the "irondiscipline and largely rote memorization" (Stinson 2) typical in such schools ofthe time. Burgess attended Xaverian College, and later move on to theinexpensive University of Manchester, where he hoped to pursue an education inmusic. He was rejected form the music division because he had failed physics.Instead, Burgess entered the English department (Stinson 6). In 1940, Burgessgraduated with his B.A., with honors, in literature and English language(Stinson 7). Shortly after, Burgess enlisted in the Royal Army Medical Corps,and spent most of his six eld in the service in the entertainment section,playing the piano and writing songs, or in the Army Educational Corps (Stinson7). In 1946, Burgess was discharged with the rank of sergeant-major. Burgessfound himself employed in several different jobs, and living in severaldifferent countries in the years that followed.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Understanding Mathematics Essay -- Math History Learning Papers
Understanding mathematicsThis paper is an attempt to explain the structure of the process of understanding mathematical marks such(prenominal)(prenominal) as notions, definitions, theorems, or mathematical theories. Understanding is an indirect process of cognition which consists in grasping the sense of what is to be understood, showing itself in the ability to impart what is understood in other circumstances and situations. Thus understanding should be treated functionally as acquiring sense. We can distinguish three sanctioned planes on which the process of understanding mathematics civilises place. The first is the plane of understanding the meaning of notions and terms existing in mathematical considerations. A mathematician must feature the knowledge of what the given symbols mean and what the corresponding notions denote. On the second plane, understanding concerns the structure of the prey of understanding wherein it is the sense of the sequences of the applied notions and terms that is important. The third plane-understanding the role of the object of understanding-consists in fixing the sense of the object of understanding in the context of a greater entity, i.e., it is an investigation of the background of the problem. Additionally, understanding mathematics, to be sufficiently comprehensive, should back away into account (apart from the theoretical planes) at least three other connected considerations-historical, methodological and philosophical-as ignoring them results in a superficial and incomplete understanding of mathematics.In an dramatic book by P. J. Davis and R. Hersh, The Mathematical Experience, there is a small chapter devoted to the crisis of understanding mathematics. Alas, this fragment focuses only on the presentation of the d... ...ant learn mathematics without its arrant(a) understanding. My postulate is that, in the process of teaching mathematics, we should take into account both the history and philosophy (with methodo logy) of mathematics, since neglecting them makes the understanding of mathematics superficial and incomplete.Bibliography1. Philip J. Davis & Reuben Hersh, The Mathematical Experience, Birkhuser Boston, 1981.2. Izydora Dmbska, W sprawie pojcia rozumienia, in Ruch Filozoficzny 4, 1958.3. John R.Searle, Minds, Brains and Programs, in Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3, Cambridge University Press 1980, p.417-424.4. Danuta Gierulanka, Zagadnienie swoistoci poznania matematycznego, Warszawa 1962.5. Roger Penrose, The Emperors New Mind, Oxsford University Press 1989.6. Andrzej Lubomirski, O uoglnieniu w matematyce, Wrocaw 1983. Understanding Mathematics Essay -- Math History Learning PapersUnderstanding MathematicsThis paper is an attempt to explain the structure of the process of understanding mathematical objects such as notions, definitions, theorems, or mathematical theories. Understanding is an indirect process of cognition which consists in grasping the sense of what i s to be understood, showing itself in the ability to open what is understood in other circumstances and situations. Thus understanding should be treated functionally as acquiring sense. We can distinguish three canonical planes on which the process of understanding mathematics takes place. The first is the plane of understanding the meaning of notions and terms existing in mathematical considerations. A mathematician must set out the knowledge of what the given symbols mean and what the corresponding notions denote. On the second plane, understanding concerns the structure of the object of understanding wherein it is the sense of the sequences of the applied notions and terms that is important. The third plane-understanding the role of the object of understanding-consists in fixing the sense of the object of understanding in the context of a greater entity, i.e., it is an investigation of the background of the problem. Additionally, understanding mathematics, to be sufficiently c omprehensive, should take into account (apart from the theoretical planes) at least three other connected considerations-historical, methodological and philosophical-as ignoring them results in a superficial and incomplete understanding of mathematics.In an large(p) book by P. J. Davis and R. Hersh, The Mathematical Experience, there is a small chapter devoted to the crisis of understanding mathematics. Alas, this fragment focuses only on the presentation of the d... ...ant learn mathematics without its everlasting(a) understanding. My postulate is that, in the process of teaching mathematics, we should take into account both the history and philosophy (with methodology) of mathematics, since neglecting them makes the understanding of mathematics superficial and incomplete.Bibliography1. Philip J. Davis & Reuben Hersh, The Mathematical Experience, Birkhuser Boston, 1981.2. Izydora Dmbska, W sprawie pojcia rozumienia, in Ruch Filozoficzny 4, 1958.3. John R.Searle, Minds, Brains an d Programs, in Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3, Cambridge University Press 1980, p.417-424.4. Danuta Gierulanka, Zagadnienie swoistoci poznania matematycznego, Warszawa 1962.5. Roger Penrose, The Emperors New Mind, Oxsford University Press 1989.6. Andrzej Lubomirski, O uoglnieniu w matematyce, Wrocaw 1983.
Rape and Responsibility Essays -- Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Rape and Responsibility When I hear the word dishonour, I immediately visualize assault, violence, force, and pain. However, today, there are pills slipped into drinks, thus skipping all of the brutality and allowing the attacker to walk away unscathed. But above all of the pills and physical violence, there lies a nonher story that is more commonly heard of today rape through blame and excuses. What this means is that, more often than not, women wake up from a night of alcohol consumption, drug abuse, or from a situation where they were not strong enough to say No, and they cry rape. It is because of this frivolous definition of rape that women who are actually attacked are finding it harder and harder to present a case for themselves. presently the question of rape has found a new urgency due to a dramatic increase in rape cases on college campuses. Administrators are development terms such as verbal consent and dating codes. These are just two small sections conc erning rules for dating due to the dramatic increase in the cases of sexual assault on campus. Claims of rape and sexual assault are on the rise, and most of these cases are false claims. Many of these mock rape cases clear when a woman is not strong enough to say No and understand that her consumption of alcohol and drugs may impair her ability to act wisely. In these cases, the woman has not been raped. Of course, this does not give a man the right to take advantage of a woman when her judgment has been impaired, simply because it may not be defined as a rape case. However, the fact remains that a woman who puts herself in a vulnerable position should bear several(prenominal) of the responsibility for a sexual assault, both in preventing i... ...ape occurs when one partners words and demands go unanswered by the other. When a woman says No in a clear and strong voice, she means No, there is no other way to define it. The sooner women learn how to use this word a nd mean it too, the sooner they puke save themselves and their male attackers a great deal of grief. Along with this goes the understanding that women should not put themselves in a vulnerable position where they can be taken advantage of. If a woman impairs herself by drinking alcohol or using drugs, and then consents to be alone with a man in a dark room, what exactly does she expect? Sources Gaitskill, Mary. 1998. On Not Being a Victim Sex, Rape, and the Trouble with Following Rules. In Gilbert Muller (ed.). here(predicate) and Now Current Readings for Writers. New York McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., p. 167-180.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
History of the Bahamas Essay -- Essays Papers
History of the Bahamas The Bahama Islands were discovered on October 12, 1942 by Christopher Columbus. Columbus and his Spanish crew stumbled upon the archipelago while looking for a trade route to the wealthiness of the West Indies and named is San Salvador. (Craton, pg. 30) The Spanish settlers encountered the native Bahamians, the Lucayans upon thier arrival. The Lucayans were a primitive race of farmers and fisherman that had migrated north from Venezuela to escape the cannibalistic Caribs.(Bothwell, pg. 27) The hospitality of the natives was not returned by the Europeans and since the lucayans themselves were the only worthful commodity to the Spanish they were all enslaved and sent to Hispaniola to work and die in the mines or sent to dive in the pearl fisheries of Trinidad. (Craton, pg. 187) The name of the Islands originated from the explorer Jaun securer de Leon in 1513 who searched the archipelago for the foun tain of youth. After sailing through the islands he named them Bajamar, the Spanish word for Shallow Waters.(Craton & Saunders, Vol. I, pg. 5) The first English Settlers of the Bahamas were puritans that fled Bermuda after Anglican and Puritan Conflicts arose. The Puritans organise the Company of Elutherian Adventures led by Captain William Sayle and escaped the religious persecution of Bermuda. The Puritans faced times of trouble when their ship was wrecked upon reaching the Islands. They called for aid from their Puritan friends in Massachusetts who undoubtedly saved their lives by sending them a shipment of goods. (Bothwell, 117) Many of the Puritan settlers found life to difficult in the Bahamas and by 1657 intimately of them returned to Bermuda. In 1670, Charles II granted the proprietors from the Carolinas the right to take over New Providence Island. A population close to five hundred settled the islands and grew cotton, tobacco and sugar cane. (Craton & Sau nders, 194) GRAFICAS The lackadaisical approach of governing that consisted of heavy drinking and neglecting crops resulted in an open invitation for pirates. Pirates such as Black Beard ran amuck the throughout the islands for a quarter of a century until order was restored under the first royal governor, Captain Woodes Rogers. (Craton, pg. 251) ... ...of the German U-boat. American investment led to the development of airports and after the struggle the Bahamas became a popular tourist destination. (Craton and Saunders, 300) On January 7, 1964 the Bahamas attained internal self-government through a new constitution. The rise of the Progressive Liberal party created a dual party system along with the long dominant United Bahamian Party. The first leader of the Progressive Liberal Party and the first total darkness premiere was Lynden O. Pindling. On July 10, 1973 under Pindling, the Bahamas was granted complete independence fro m Great Britain. His policies brought prosperity and stability to the Bahamas and the education system dramatically improved under his rule. He has faced controversy over his deliberate ignorance or possible role in the drug crime wave of the 1970s and 80s. (Craton & Saunders, Vol. II, pg. 378) He was outvoted in 1992 and replaced by the current Prime Minister, Hubert Ingraham, a member of the Free National Movement party. Under Ingraham, the country has expanded its economy and foreign industry creating a stronger sense of national identity and preserving peace and prosperity throughout the islands.
History of the Bahamas Essay -- Essays Papers
History of the Bahamas The Bahama Islands were discovered on October 12, 1942 by Christopher Columbus. Columbus and his Spanish crew stumbled upon the archipelago while looking for a trade route to the wealth of the West Indies and named is San Salvador. (Craton, pg. 30) The Spanish settlers encountered the native Bahamians, the Lucayans upon thier arrival. The Lucayans were a primitive race of farmers and fisherman that had migrated northbound from Venezuela to escape the cannibalistic Caribs.(Bothwell, pg. 27) The hospitality of the natives was not returned by the Europeans and since the lucayans themselves were the only valuable commodity to the Spanish they were all enslaved and sent to Hispaniola to work and die in the mines or sent to dive in the pearl fisheries of Trinidad. (Craton, pg. 187) The name of the Islands originated from the explorer Jaun Ponce de Leon in 1513 who searched the archipelago for the fountai n of youth. After sailing through the islands he named them Bajamar, the Spanish formulate for Shallow Waters.(Craton & Saunders, Vol. I, pg. 5) The first English Settlers of the Bahamas were puritans that fled Bermuda after Anglican and Puritan Conflicts arose. The Puritans formed the Company of Elutherian Adventures led by master William Sayle and escaped the religious persecution of Bermuda. The Puritans faced clock of trouble when their ship was wrecked upon reaching the Islands. They called for aid from their Puritan friends in Massachusetts who undoubtedly saved their lives by sending them a shipment of goods. (Bothwell, 117) numerous of the Puritan settlers found life to difficult in the Bahamas and by 1657 most of them returned to Bermuda. In 1670, Charles II granted the proprietors from the Carolinas the right to take over New scrimping Island. A population close to five hundred settled the islands and grew cotton, tobacco and sugar cane. (Craton & Sau nders, 194) GRAFICAS The lackadaisical approach of governing that consisted of heavy drinking and neglecting crops resulted in an clear-cut invitation for pirates. Pirates such as Black Beard ran amuck the throughout the islands for a quarter of a century until order was restored under the first royal governor, Captain Woodes Rogers. (Craton, pg. 251) ... ...of the German U-boat. American investment led to the development of airports and after the war the Bahamas became a popular tourist destination. (Craton and Saunders, 300) On January 7, 1964 the Bahamas attained internal self-government through a new constitution. The rise of the Progressive Liberal party created a dual party system along with the long dominant United Bahamian Party. The first leader of the Progressive Liberal Party and the first Negro premiere was Lynden O. Pindling. On July 10, 1973 under Pindling, the Bahamas was granted complete independence from Great Br itain. His policies brought prosperity and stability to the Bahamas and the education system dramatically improved under his rule. He has faced controversy over his deliberate ignorance or possible role in the drug crime wave of the 1970s and 80s. (Craton & Saunders, Vol. II, pg. 378) He was outvoted in 1992 and replaced by the current Prime Minister, Hubert Ingraham, a member of the Free National safari party. Under Ingraham, the country has expanded its economy and foreign industry creating a stronger sense of national identity and preserving peace and prosperity throughout the islands.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Punjabi Culture
Culture The word gardeninghas numerous another(prenominal) different meanings. For some it refers to an appreciation of good literature, symphony, art, and foodHowever, for anthropologists and former(a) behavioral scientists, goal is the luxuriant chain of learned human behavior patterns. The term was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book, uncreated Culture, create in 1871. Tylor said that acculturation is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, usance, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Of course, it is not hold in to men. Women be in possession of and create it as puff up. Since Tylors time, the concept of civilisation has become the central focus of anthropology. Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a slim phenomenon. It is constantly changing and easily lost because it exists exclusively in our minds. Our written languages , governments, buildings, and other man- do things argon merely the products of culture. They ar not culture in themselves. For this rea watchword,archeologist back end not dig up culture directly in their excavations.The broken pots and other artifacts of ancient people that they uncover are moreover material remains that reflect heathen patterns they are things that were made and used through cultural knowledge and skills. Pakistani culture Pakistan has a mystifying cultural diversity as the society is massive(a)ly multilingual, multi-ethnic and multicultural. The Pakistani society comprises various diverse cultures and ethnic communities that major(ip)ly involve Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Pashtun, Seraiki, Mohair, Kashmiri, Makrani, and the ancient Wakhi and Burusho groups in the north.These Pakistani cultures turn out been greatly influenced by legion(predicate) of the surrounding countries cultures, such as theTurkic people, Persian, Arab and other South Asian ethnic Asi an group of theSubcontinent, rudimentary Asia and the spunk East. Pakistan is in general linguistic eachy heterogeneous, and no single language eject be said to be common to the whole population. Each of its foreland languages has a unanimous regional focus. The languages claimed as mother tongue include Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi, Seraiki, Kashmiri, Brahui, Hindko and Potohohari.Urdu is the national language and one of two official languages of Pakistan (the other universe English). Although only round 8% of Pakistanis speak it as their first language, it is spoken as a second and often third language by al most(prenominal) all citizens of Pakistan. Pakistan is a special interest destination as its main attraction includes adventure tourism in the Northern Areas, cultural and archaeological tourism as order at Taxila, Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa and Swat, and ahead of time Mughal and Muslim heritage of Multan, Lahore, Thatta and Peshawar.From the mighty Karakorams in the North to the vast alluvial delta of the Indus River in the South, Pakistan remains a land sound of adventures and innate(p) beauties having peaceful general masses. The enthusiasm for song exists at a regional level as well, with tight-fittingly all of Pakistans provincial languages continuing the legacy. song is a highly respected art in Pakistan. Since the independence of the country in 1947 and establishment of Urdu as the national language, poetry is mostly written in the Urdu as well as regional languages. The Urdu language has a rich tradition of poetry and Dr.Allama Muhammad Iqbal is regarded as the National Poet of Pakistan. Apart from Urdu poetry, Pakistani poetry as well has blends of other regional languages. Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi, Seraiki, and Pashto poetry chip in all incorporated and influenced Pakistani poetry. The variety of Pakistani practice of medicine ranges from diverse provincial folk medication and conventional styles such as Qawwali and Ghaza l Gayeki to red-brick forms fusing traditional and western music, such as the synchronization of Qawwali and western music by the world renowned Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.In addition, Pakistan is hearthstone to many famous folk singers such as the late Alam Lohar, who is besides well-known in the Indian Punjab. Folk leapings are still popular in Pakistan and they start according to region. The folk dances of Punjab are Bhangra, Luddi and Sammi, while Jhoomar is the folk dance of Seraiki region. Lewa and Chap are the most popular folk dances of Balochistan. The folk dances of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are Attan, Khattak dance and Chitrali dance. enchantment Dhammal and Ho Jamalo are the popular folk dances mostly performed in Sindh. Although Western-style clothing is worn in Pakistan, the national dress, shalwar-qameez, is much common in twain cracker-barrel and urban field of views. Made of cotton, the shalwar-qameez differs for men and women. Men withstand solid, plain colour, and add a coat for formal occasions. For women, the colours are brighter and patterns bolder, with more accommodate common. Women wear a dupatta (scarf) around their heads and sometimes another long scarf around their shoulders. Men only wear shorts for athletic events and women never do. A shingle is the most common greeting, although close friends may embrace if meeting after a long time.It is not appropriate for a man to press men with a woman. A title and last name are used when addressing someone. Visiting between friends and relatives is a very important genial custom and occurs as often as possible. Hospitality is important and guests are made to feel welcome. In small groups, each person is greeted individually. Personal rapport is important. The family is the affectionateness of well-disposed life and support. Although increased modernisation has brought many women into public life, the male continues to reign as head of the home.It is common for the extended family, a father and mother, their sons, and the sons family to live together in the same household. The presiding male of the family has significant influence over the lives of all family members, although women are increasingly taking on expeditious finale making roles. The elderly are highly respected. Pakistani cuisine is as diverse as its people. Pakistani diet, whereas vegetables and beans are as important. The mainstay of the Pakistani diet is chapati or roti. Pakistani food is generally hot and spicy.Rice is part of most meals and desserts. Tea is the most popular drink. Meat plays a much more dominant role in Pakistani food, compared to other South Asian cuisines. Of all the meats, the most popular are mutton, and chicken. Beef is also eaten, and is peculiarly desire after as the meat of choice for Kabab dishes. Punjabi culture Punjabi Cultureis the culture of thePunjab region. It is one of the oldest in world taradiddle, dating from ancient antiquity to the modern era. The Pun jabi culture is the culture of thePunjabi peoplewho are now distributed hroughout the world. The scope, history, sophistication and complexity of the culture are vast. Some of the main areas include Punjabi Philosophy, poetry, spirituality, education, artistry, music, cuisine, science, technology, military warfare, computer architecture, traditions, determine and history. collect to the large number of Punjabi People distributed throughout the world, especiallyPakistanandIndia, many people are increasingly experiencing the culture and becoming influenced by it. Traditional Punjabi culture is being change and expanded in theWestern world. the scope is huge, ranging from Punjabi Philosophy, poetry, spirituality, education, artistry, music, cuisine, architecture etc. People of different languages, cultures, customs and races came to Punjab for various reasons. These immigrants influenced and were influenced by Punjabi culture. Punjabi Literature Punjabi literaturerefers to literary deeds written in thePunjabi languageparticularly by peoples from the historicalPunjab region. The Punjabi language is written in several different scripts, of which theShahmukhi, theGurmukhiscripts are the most unremarkably used.The early punjabi literature whereabouts can be reden in the sufi poetry of Fariduddin Ganjshakar. After which Punjabi Sufi poetry developed underShah HussainSultan Bahu,Shah Sharaf, Ali Haider, Saleh muhammad safoori andBulleh Shah. In demarcation line to Persian poets, who had preferred theghazalfor poetic expression, Punjabi Sufi poets tended to compose in theKafi. Punjabi Poetry is renowned for its deep meaning, beautiful, exciting and hopeful use of words. The large number of Punjabi poetry deeds are being translated worldwide in many languages.ThePunjabi languageis also famous for its rich literature ofqisse, most of the which are about love, passion, betrayal, sacrifice, social values and a common mans revolt against a larger system. In the Punj abi tradition, friendship, loyalty, love are given utmost importance and most of the stories in theqisseare based on such elements. Waris Shahs qissaof Heer Ranjha is among the most famous Qisse of all times which is one of the four popular tragic romances of Punjab. The other triple are Mirza Sahiba,Sassi PunnunandSohni Mahiwal The most popular writer/poet to have writtenPunjabi SufiQissewasBulleh Shah. He is frequently quoted by young and old alike with same respect and on matters of twain love and God. Punjabi Architecture Punjabi architecture is the feast for eyes. Punjab is bestowed with worth seeing architecture all around. The oldest examples of architecture sculpture and painting in the Punjab belong to the Harappa civilization. The dyspnoeal architecture include * Badshahi Mosque is a famous landmark and a major touring car attraction. Badshai masjid was built by sixth mughal emperor Aurengzeb in 1671 and end in 1673.It is the second largest masjid in Pakistan and fif th largest in the world. * Taxilais a town and an importantarchaeological commit in theDistrict of thePunjabprovince inPakistan. The site includes buildings, fortifications, settlements, showing architectural influence. * TheWazir Khan MosqueinLahore,Pakistan, is famous for its extensive faiencetile work. It has been described as a mole on the cheek of Lahore. It was built in seven years, starting around 16341635 AD, during the reign of theMughal EmperorShah Jehan. Rohtas Fortis a historical garrison fort built by kingFarid Khan, dictated near the city of JheluminPakistan. This fort is about 4km in circumference and the first example of the successful amalgamation of Pashtun and Hindu architecture in theIndian Subcontinent. * TheKhewra Salt Mineis located inKhewra, north ofPind Dadan Khan, an administrative subdivision ofJhelum District,Punjab, Pakistan. It is Pakistans largest and oldest salt mineand the worlds second largest. It is a major tourist attraction. Punjab arts and cra ftPunjab has a rich tradition of arts and crafts. The richness of the land is reflected in its peckicraft. The people of Punjab lay much importance on their artistry and the atomic number 42 details of their work. The artistic creations of Punjab are acclaimed all over the world. The skilled and dexterous artisans of the state produce a variety of handicrafts and even the rude women have a major contribution in the production of these fascinating art works. Mud work Mud work is a famous rural practice in Punjab, habitual from the ancient times.It is a trend in Punjab to mud-plaster the walls of the house and then, create motifs and designs on the mudded walls. Metal work Metalwork is also very popular in Punjab. Utensils made of metals are used in households, as also for religious purposes. Basketry work Thin straws of glass are used for basketry works, which is another Punjabi craft that is vastly popular. Mats, rugs, carpets, curtains and hand fans are woven using these str aws. Embroidery Embroidery is another extensively followed work of art, known in the state by various topical anaesthetic names.Phulkari, an compound needle work, is extremely popular and is mainly taken up by village girls. Juttis of Punjab Punjabi juttis represent the traditional footwear of Punjab, which is known worldwide for its pretty design and intricate pattern. Punjab festivals Punjab is well known for its festivals which include Urs The mediocres held at the shut ins ofSufisaints are calledurs. They generally mark the death anniversary of the saint. On these occasions devotees see in large numbers and pay homage to the memory of the saint.Soul inspiring music is played and devotees dance in The most important urs are urs of selective informationGanj BukshatLahore, urs of HazratSultan BahuatJhang, urs of HazratShah JewnaatJhang, urs of HazratMian Mirat Lahore, urs ofBaba FaridGanj Shakar atPakpattan, urs of HazratBahaudin ZakriaatMultan, urs ofSakhi Sarwar SultanatDer a Ghazi Khan, urs ofShah Hussainat Lahore, urs of HazratBulleh ShahatKasur, urs of HazratImam Bari(Bari Shah Latif) atRawalpindi-Islamabad and urs ofShah Inayar Qadri(the murrshad ofBulleh Shah) in Lahore.A big fair/mela is organized atJandiala Sher Khanin districtSheikhupuraon the Mausoleum of SyedWaris Shahwho is the most loved Sufi poet of Punjab due to his claasic work known asHeer Ranjha. The shrine ofHeer RanjhainJhanghas been one of the most visited shrines in Punjabecstasy. The music on these occasions is essentially folk and appealing. It forms a part of the folk music through obscure messages. industrial and commercial fairs Exhibitions and Annual Horse states in all Districts and National Horse and cows Show at Lahore are held with the official patronage.National Horse and Cattle Show at Lahore is the biggest festival where sports, exhibitions, and livestock competitions are held. It not only encourages and patronizes agricultural products and livestock through the exh ibitions of agricultural products and cattle but is also a showy documentary on the rich cultural heritage of the Province with its strong rural roots. Other festivals In addition to the religious festivals, Punjabis may preserve seasonal worker and harvest festivals, which includeLohri,Basant,BaisakhiandTeej. Punjabi CuisinePunjabi cuisine has an immense range of dishes and has become world-leader in the field so much so that many entrepreneurs that have invested in the sector have built large fortunes due to popularity of Punjabi cuisine throughout the world. Sarso ka sag and Maki ki roti are examples of well known dishes. Punjabi cuisine can be non-vegetarian or completely vegetarian. Home cooked and Punjabi cuisine can vary significantly, with restaurant style using large amount of ghee, clarified butter, with home provision concentrating on mainly upon preparations with whole wheat, rice and other ingredients flavored with masala.Within the Punjab region, there are different preferences. People in the area of Lahore prefer stuffed parathas and milk products. In fact, the area is well known for quality of its milk products. The main masala in a Punjabi dish consists of onion, garlic and ginger. Tandoori food is a Punjabi specialty for non-vegetarian dishes. Tandoor, Naan, Pakoras and vegetable dishes with paneer are also derived from Punjab. Punjabi medicinal drug Bhangra is of the many Punjabi art forms that is increasingly being listened to in the west and is becoming a mainstream favorite.Punjabi music is being used by western musicians, in many ways, such as mixing it with other compositions to produce award-winning music. In addition, Punjabi Classical music is increasingly becoming popular in the west. Punjabi music has a diverse style of music, ranging from folk and Sufi to classical, notably the Patiala Gharana. Folk music of Punjab is the traditional music of Punjab produced using the traditional instruments like Tumbi, Algoze, Dhadd, Sarangi, Chimta and more. Sufi music includes the vocalizing of Sufi poetry in several genres.Some of the poets whose compositions are often sung include Baba Farid, Bulleh Shah, Shah Husain, Waris Shah and Mian Muhammad Bakhsh. Classical music includes Patiala Gharana and Sham Chaurasia Gharana. Punjabi Dances Owing to the long history of the Punjabi culture there is a large number of dances, normally performed at times of celebration, including harvests, festivals and matrimony. The particular background of the dances can be non-religious and religious. The overall style can range from the high energy Bhangra mens dance to the more reserved Jhumar, the Gidha womens dance.Punjabi dances are an array of folk and religious dances of the Punjabi people native to the Punjabi religion, straddling the march of India and Pakistan. At times of celebration everyone is encouraged to dance. Married Punjabi couples usually dance together. The husband dances in the style of male Punjabi dances, fre quently with arms embossed and the married woman dances in the style of female Punjabi dances. Common Punjabi Folk Dances for Females * Sammi * Giddha * Jaago * Kikli * Luddi Common Punjabi Dances for Males * Bhangra * Jhumar * Gatka * Jalli * Dhamal * Dankara Khatka (Sword Dance) Punjabi Clothes Basically Punjabi dress is simple and easy to use. One can see a variety in the dresses. The people of Punjab wear according to their traditions. Different dresses are used in rural and urban areas. The Punjabi dresses carry out the requirements of climate and religion. turban or a cap is a part of Punjabi dress. The male members of the rural society wear Dhoti, Kurta and Turban. The female members like to wear Shalwar, Kurta and Dupatta both in rural and urban areas. Shalwar, shirt, coat and pant are used in the urban areas by the men. The Western dress has greatly influenced the urban areas.The dress is prepared to fulfill the requirements of pardah. peculiar(a) dress is prepared f o r the bride at the time of her marriage. Punjabi wedding Traditions Punjabi wedding traditions and ceremonies are traditionally conducted in Punjabi and are a strong criticism of Punjabi culture. While the actual religious marriage ceremony among Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains may be conducted in Arabic, Punjabi, Sanskrit, by the Qazi, Pundit, Granthi or Priest, there are commonalities in ritual, song, dance, food, dress. The Punjabi wedding has many rituals and ceremonies that have evolved since traditional times.Punjabi CultureCulture The word culturehas many different meanings. For some it refers to an appreciation of good literature, music, art, and foodHowever, for anthropologists and other behavioral scientists,culture is the full range of learned human behavior patterns. The term was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book,Primitive Culture,published in 1871. Tylor said that culture is that complex whole which includes know ledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Of course, it is not limited to men. Women possess and create it as well. Since Tylors time, the concept of culture has become the central focus of anthropology. Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a fragile phenomenon. It is constantly changing and easily lost because it exists only in our minds. Our written languages, governments, buildings, and other man-made things are merely the products of culture. They are not culture in themselves. For this reason,archeologist can not dig up culture directly in their excavations.The broken pots and other artifacts of ancient people that they uncover are only material remains that reflect cultural patterns they are things that were made and used through cultural knowledge and skills. Pakistani culture Pakistan has a rich cultural diversity as the society is largely multilingual, multi-ethnic and multicul tural. The Pakistani society comprises various diverse cultures and ethnic communities that majorly involve Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Pashtun, Seraiki, Mohair, Kashmiri, Makrani, and the ancient Wakhi and Burusho groups in the north.These Pakistani cultures have been greatly influenced by many of the surrounding countries cultures, such as theTurkic people,Persian, Arab and other South Asian ethnic Asian group of theSubcontinent,Central Asia and the Middle East. Pakistan is in general linguistically heterogeneous, and no single language can be said to be common to the whole population. Each of its principal languages has a strong regional focus. The languages claimed as mother tongue include Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi, Seraiki, Kashmiri, Brahui, Hindko and Potohohari.Urdu is the national language and one of two official languages of Pakistan (the other being English). Although only about 8% of Pakistanis speak it as their first language, it is spoken as a second and often third language by almost all citizens of Pakistan. Pakistan is a special interest destination as its main attraction includes adventure tourism in the Northern Areas, cultural and archaeological tourism as found at Taxila, Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa and Swat, and early Mughal and Muslim heritage of Multan, Lahore, Thatta and Peshawar.From the mighty Karakorams in the North to the vast alluvial delta of the Indus River in the South, Pakistan remains a land full of adventures and natural beauties having peaceful general masses. The enthusiasm for poetry exists at a regional level as well, with nearly all of Pakistans provincial languages continuing the legacy. Poetry is a highly respected art in Pakistan. Since the independence of the country in 1947 and establishment of Urdu as the national language, poetry is mostly written in the Urdu as well as regional languages. The Urdu language has a rich tradition of poetry and Dr.Allama Muhammad Iqbal is regarded as the National Poet of Pakistan . Apart from Urdu poetry, Pakistani poetry also has blends of other regional languages. Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi, Seraiki, and Pashto poetry have all incorporated and influenced Pakistani poetry. The variety of Pakistani music ranges from diverse provincial folk music and traditional styles such as Qawwali and Ghazal Gayeki to modern forms fusing traditional and western music, such as the synchronization of Qawwali and western music by the world renowned Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.In addition, Pakistan is home to many famous folk singers such as the late Alam Lohar, who is also well-known in the Indian Punjab. Folk dances are still popular in Pakistan and they vary according to region. The folk dances of Punjab are Bhangra, Luddi and Sammi, while Jhoomar is the folk dance of Seraiki region. Lewa and Chap are the most popular folk dances of Balochistan. The folk dances of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are Attan, Khattak dance and Chitrali dance. While Dhammal and Ho Jamalo are the popular folk dance s mostly performed in Sindh. Although Western-style clothing is worn in Pakistan, the national dress, shalwar-qameez, is more common in both rural and urban areas. Made of cotton, the shalwar-qameez differs for men and women. Men wear solid, plain colour, and add a coat for formal occasions. For women, the colours are brighter and patterns bolder, with more tailoring common. Women wear a dupatta (scarf) around their heads and sometimes another long scarf around their shoulders. Men only wear shorts for athletic events and women never do. A handshake is the most common greeting, although close friends may embrace if meeting after a long time.It is not appropriate for a man to shake hands with a woman. A title and last name are used when addressing someone. Visiting between friends and relatives is a very important social custom and occurs as often as possible. Hospitality is important and guests are made to feel welcome. In small groups, each person is greeted individually. Personal rapport is important. The family is the centre of social life and support. Although increased modernisation has brought many women into public life, the male continues to reign as head of the home.It is common for the extended family, a father and mother, their sons, and the sons family to live together in the same household. The presiding male of the family has significant influence over the lives of all family members, although women are increasingly taking on active decision making roles. The elderly are highly respected. Pakistani cuisine is as diverse as its people. Pakistani diet, whereas vegetables and beans are as important. The mainstay of the Pakistani diet is chapati or roti. Pakistani food is generally hot and spicy.Rice is part of most meals and desserts. Tea is the most popular drink. Meat plays a much more dominant role in Pakistani food, compared to other South Asian cuisines. Of all the meats, the most popular are mutton, and chicken. Beef is also eaten, and is part icularly sought after as the meat of choice for Kabab dishes. Punjabi culture Punjabi Cultureis the culture of thePunjab region. It is one of the oldest in world history, dating from ancient antiquity to the modern era. The Punjabi culture is the culture of thePunjabi peoplewho are now distributed hroughout the world. The scope, history, sophistication and complexity of the culture are vast. Some of the main areas include Punjabi Philosophy, poetry, spirituality, education, artistry, music, cuisine, science, technology, military warfare, architecture, traditions, values and history. Due to the large number of Punjabi People distributed throughout the world, especiallyPakistanandIndia, many people are increasingly experiencing the culture and becoming influenced by it. Traditional Punjabi culture is being strengthened and expanded in theWestern world. the scope is huge, ranging from Punjabi Philosophy, poetry, spirituality, education, artistry, music, cuisine, architecture etc. Peopl e of different languages, cultures, customs and races came to Punjab for various reasons. These immigrants influenced and were influenced by Punjabi culture. Punjabi Literature Punjabi literaturerefers to literary works written in thePunjabi languageparticularly by peoples from the historicalPunjab region. The Punjabi language is written in several different scripts, of which theShahmukhi, theGurmukhiscripts are the most commonly used.The early punjabi literature whereabouts can be seen in the sufi poetry of Fariduddin Ganjshakar. After which Punjabi Sufi poetry developed underShah HussainSultan Bahu,Shah Sharaf, Ali Haider, Saleh muhammad safoori andBulleh Shah. In contrast to Persian poets, who had preferred theghazalfor poetic expression, Punjabi Sufi poets tended to compose in theKafi. Punjabi Poetry is renowned for its deep meaning, beautiful, exciting and hopeful use of words. The large number of Punjabi poetry works are being translated worldwide in many languages.ThePunjabi languageis also famous for its rich literature ofqisse, most of the which are about love, passion, betrayal, sacrifice, social values and a common mans revolt against a larger system. In the Punjabi tradition, friendship, loyalty, love are given utmost importance and most of the stories in theqisseare based on such elements. Waris Shahs qissaof Heer Ranjha is among the most famous Qisse of all times which is one of the four popular tragic romances of Punjab. The other three are Mirza Sahiba,Sassi PunnunandSohni Mahiwal The most popular writer/poet to have writtenPunjabi SufiQissewasBulleh Shah. He is frequently quoted by young and old alike with same respect and on matters of both love and God. Punjabi Architecture Punjabi architecture is the feast for eyes. Punjab is bestowed with worth seeing architecture all around. The oldest examples of architecture sculpture and painting in the Punjab belong to the Harappa civilization. The breathtaking architecture include * Badshahi Mosque i s a famous landmark and a major tourist attraction. Badshai masjid was built by sixth mughal emperor Aurengzeb in 1671 and completed in 1673.It is the second largest masjid in Pakistan and fifth largest in the world. * Taxilais a town and an importantarchaeologicalsite in theDistrict of thePunjabprovince inPakistan. The site includes buildings, fortifications, settlements, showing architectural influence. * TheWazir Khan MosqueinLahore,Pakistan, is famous for its extensive faiencetile work. It has been described as a mole on the cheek of Lahore. It was built in seven years, starting around 16341635 AD, during the reign of theMughal EmperorShah Jehan. Rohtas Fortis a historical garrison fort built by kingFarid Khan, located near the city of JheluminPakistan. This fort is about 4km in circumference and the first example of the successful amalgamation of Pashtun and Hindu architecture in theIndian Subcontinent. * TheKhewra Salt Mineis located inKhewra, north ofPind Dadan Khan, an admin istrative subdivision ofJhelum District,Punjab, Pakistan. It is Pakistans largest and oldest salt mineand the worlds second largest. It is a major tourist attraction. Punjab arts and craftPunjab has a rich tradition of arts and crafts. The richness of the land is reflected in its handicraft. The people of Punjab lay much importance on their artistry and the minute details of their work. The artistic creations of Punjab are acclaimed all over the world. The skilled and dexterous artisans of the state produce a variety of handicrafts and even the rural women have a major contribution in the production of these fascinating art works. Mud work Mud work is a famous rural practice in Punjab, prevalent from the ancient times.It is a trend in Punjab to mud-plaster the walls of the house and then, create motifs and designs on the mudded walls. Metal work Metalwork is also very popular in Punjab. Utensils made of metals are used in households, as also for religious purposes. Basketry work Thi n straws of glass are used for basketry works, which is another Punjabi craft that is immensely popular. Mats, rugs, carpets, curtains and hand fans are woven using these straws. Embroidery Embroidery is another extensively followed work of art, known in the state by various local names.Phulkari, an intricate needle work, is extremely popular and is mainly taken up by village girls. Juttis of Punjab Punjabi juttis represent the traditional footwear of Punjab, which is known worldwide for its exquisite design and intricate pattern. Punjab festivals Punjab is well known for its festivals which include Urs The fairs held at the shrines ofSufisaints are calledurs. They generally mark the death anniversary of the saint. On these occasions devotees assemble in large numbers and pay homage to the memory of the saint.Soul inspiring music is played and devotees dance in The most important urs are urs of DataGanj BukshatLahore, urs of HazratSultan BahuatJhang, urs of HazratShah JewnaatJhang, urs of HazratMian Mirat Lahore, urs ofBaba FaridGanj Shakar atPakpattan, urs of HazratBahaudin ZakriaatMultan, urs ofSakhi Sarwar SultanatDera Ghazi Khan, urs ofShah Hussainat Lahore, urs of HazratBulleh ShahatKasur, urs of HazratImam Bari(Bari Shah Latif) atRawalpindi-Islamabad and urs ofShah Inayar Qadri(the murrshad ofBulleh Shah) in Lahore.A big fair/mela is organized atJandiala Sher Khanin districtSheikhupuraon the Mausoleum of SyedWaris Shahwho is the most loved Sufi poet of Punjab due to his claasic work known asHeer Ranjha. The shrine ofHeer RanjhainJhanghas been one of the most visited shrines in Punjabecstasy. The music on these occasions is essentially folk and appealing. It forms a part of the folk music through mystic messages. Industrial and commercial fairs Exhibitions and Annual Horse Shows in all Districts and National Horse and Cattle Show at Lahore are held with the official patronage.National Horse and Cattle Show at Lahore is the biggest festival where sports, e xhibitions, and livestock competitions are held. It not only encourages and patronizes agricultural products and livestock through the exhibitions of agricultural products and cattle but is also a colourful documentary on the rich cultural heritage of the Province with its strong rural roots. Other festivals In addition to the religious festivals, Punjabis may celebrate seasonal and harvest festivals, which includeLohri,Basant,BaisakhiandTeej. Punjabi CuisinePunjabi cuisine has an immense range of dishes and has become world-leader in the field so much so that many entrepreneurs that have invested in the sector have built large fortunes due to popularity of Punjabi cuisine throughout the world. Sarso ka sag and Maki ki roti are examples of well known dishes. Punjabi cuisine can be non-vegetarian or completely vegetarian. Home cooked and Punjabi cuisine can vary significantly, with restaurant style using large amount of ghee, clarified butter, with home cooking concentrating on mainl y upon preparations with whole wheat, rice and other ingredients flavored with masala.Within the Punjab region, there are different preferences. People in the area of Lahore prefer stuffed parathas and milk products. In fact, the area is well known for quality of its milk products. The main masala in a Punjabi dish consists of onion, garlic and ginger. Tandoori food is a Punjabi specialty for non-vegetarian dishes. Tandoor, Naan, Pakoras and vegetable dishes with paneer are also derived from Punjab. Punjabi Music Bhangra is of the many Punjabi art forms that is increasingly being listened to in the west and is becoming a mainstream favorite.Punjabi music is being used by western musicians, in many ways, such as mixing it with other compositions to produce award-winning music. In addition, Punjabi Classical music is increasingly becoming popular in the west. Punjabi music has a diverse style of music, ranging from folk and Sufi to classical, notably the Patiala Gharana. Folk music of Punjab is the traditional music of Punjab produced using the traditional instruments like Tumbi, Algoze, Dhadd, Sarangi, Chimta and more. Sufi music includes the singing of Sufi poetry in several genres.Some of the poets whose compositions are often sung include Baba Farid, Bulleh Shah, Shah Husain, Waris Shah and Mian Muhammad Bakhsh. Classical music includes Patiala Gharana and Sham Chaurasia Gharana. Punjabi Dances Owing to the long history of the Punjabi culture there is a large number of dances, normally performed at times of celebration, including harvests, festivals and wedding. The particular background of the dances can be non-religious and religious. The overall style can range from the high energy Bhangra mens dance to the more reserved Jhumar, the Gidha womens dance.Punjabi dances are an array of folk and religious dances of the Punjabi people indigenous to the Punjabi religion, straddling the border of India and Pakistan. At times of celebration everyone is encouraged to dance. Married Punjabi couples usually dance together. The husband dances in the style of male Punjabi dances, frequently with arms raised and the wife dances in the style of female Punjabi dances. Common Punjabi Folk Dances for Females * Sammi * Giddha * Jaago * Kikli * Luddi Common Punjabi Dances for Males * Bhangra * Jhumar * Gatka * Jalli * Dhamal * Dankara Khatka (Sword Dance) Punjabi Clothes Basically Punjabi dress is simple and easy to use. One can see a variety in the dresses. The people of Punjab wear according to their traditions. Different dresses are used in rural and urban areas. The Punjabi dresses fulfill the requirements of climate and religion. Turban or a cap is a part of Punjabi dress. The male members of the rural society wear Dhoti, Kurta and Turban. The female members like to wear Shalwar, Kurta and Dupatta both in rural and urban areas. Shalwar, shirt, coat and pant are used in the urban areas by the men. The Western dress has greatly influenced the urban areas.The dress is prepared to fulfill the requirements of pardah. Special dress is prepared f or the bride at the time of her marriage. Punjabi wedding Traditions Punjabi wedding traditions and ceremonies are traditionally conducted in Punjabi and are a strong reflection of Punjabi culture. While the actual religious marriage ceremony among Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains may be conducted in Arabic, Punjabi, Sanskrit, by the Qazi, Pundit, Granthi or Priest, there are commonalities in ritual, song, dance, food, dress. The Punjabi wedding has many rituals and ceremonies that have evolved since traditional times.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Relationships And Communication In A Classroom Education Essay
The schoolroom is comparable to the Broadway phase for so many teachers. It is their topographic point to reflect and stand out in their chosen c every last(predicate)ing. They both atomic number 18 greeted with an audience, who expect them to execute to the best of their abilities, they are frequently placed under examination but as an perceiver, if we take a cadency back, it get red inks clear that many factors play a portion in these performing artists shows.Learning is imperative in schoolrooms, it is the instructor s responsibility to guarantee that scholars are larning, as yet it is also of import, that within a schoolroom scene, the instructor besides learns from/ about the pupil. Learning would non take topographic point without communicating in the schoolroom. often times you hear statements such(prenominal)(prenominal) as she knows the content, she merely ca nt learn us , this is due to a dislocation in communicating between the instructor and their pupils. Thi s dislocation wad be a consequence of a hapless teacher-student relationship, which once more affects pupils larning. It is obvious that these tercet factors are connected with relation to the schoolroom, nevertheless for the intent of this essay, I bequeath discourse each factor separately. I give try to associate my findings to my capable sphere, Physical Education, and as a consequence, become assured of the factors that provide act upon acquisition, relationships and communicating in my PE schoolroom.From looking at journal articles, it seems there is rather a positive correlativity between degrees of swelled head regard and academic accomplishment ( Torres, 1995 ) . Those who are confident and comfy in themselves t suppress to clear better classs than those enduring with low self regard. Research has shown that relationships hold an consequence on ego regard. Bowlbey ( 1982 ) identified that pupil s self esteem issues are rooted from place, if a reboot-child relationsh ip was secure, caring and supportive, this would hold a positive impact on the young person, therefore increase their self-pride. Agirdag ( 2012 ) create this thought farther and identified that pupil s ego regard can increase due to a positive relationship between them and their instructor, taking to an addition in academic public presentation and motive. For this ground, the student-teacher relationship is of the highest importance in schoolrooms. It is critical, as pedagogues that we do our uttermost to better and increase our pupils self esteem as we want each pupil to accomplish their possible.Assorted surveies get looked at what adolescents position as the most of import constituents of self-esteem. They have found that physical visual aspect tops the list, followed by societal credence ( Kutob, 2010 ) . As a preparation physical pedagogue, I liveliness this is highly of import to our subject and it is an country where we can do a existent impact on pupils. We have th e flexibleness within our capable to cater for both constituents, particularly physical visual aspect. As a PE instructor, I will seek to better ego regard and assistance overall pupil buzz offment by learning my pupils the healthy manner to do a difference to their visual aspect. Whetestone ( 2007 ) carried out a raft of over 5000 young persons and found that male childs who perceived themselves as either underweight or overweight were significantly associated with self-destructive actions or ideas as were misss who saw themselves as corpulence. Keeping this in head, I can present some of my lessons through the course of write up theoretical account of Health related Activity foregrounding the benefits of exercising to them, what is meant by BMI, how to accomplish a healthy BMI etc. I can besides concentrate on nutrition and forage and overall, sum my pupils with the chance and cognition to alter their current behaviors which may be taking to their low ego regard, therefore bettering their ego regard. To heighten my pupil s opinion of societal credence, I will present a strand utilizing the Sport Education course of study theoretical account. This theoretical account will heighten each pupil s engagement within my PE category. Each pupil will be a member of a squad, this will feast them with a sense of belonging, assist them develop feelings of individuality, learn that they are of import to their squad and their changeless interaction will better their societal accomplishments. Integrating such theoretical accounts and thoughts into my PE category should ensue in an addition in pupil s ego esteem taking to improved dealingss between the instructor and pupil and besides amongst their equals.Communication within a schoolroom is of import in the overall development of pupils and their acquisition. It is the transportation of information and procedure of making intending for two or more people, it can be carried out through assorted different mediums in cluding face to face, in groups, over the phone etc. ( Regan Morrissey 2012 ) . Within a schoolroom of about 20 five pupils, communicating is cardinal, the instructor must be able to pass on affectively to the category as a whole and besides to each of the pupils as persons. In order for the instructor to retain the categories attending, they must possess schoolroom direction accomplishments and have the ability to pass on efficaciously to their category utilizing non verbal communicating specifically ( Kyriacou 1997 ) . Non-verbal communicating straight affects a instructor s relationship with their pupils therefore it is really of import for them to be sure of the construct of how they can stay an effectual communicator in a professional mode. Tubbs & A Moss ( 2008 ) affirmed that non-verbal communicating can be knowing or unwilled. As an pedagogue, I can implement non-verbal cues in both positive and negative ways in my schoolroom environment. For illustration, with oculus co ntact, I can scan the schoolroom on a reparation footing, oversing the pupil s behavior but besides sing they all feel included in the interaction, therefore economizeing them on undertaking. The opposite can happen if I roll my eyes at a pupil s response, disregarding their efforts, therefore taking to the pupil deviation disengaged from the lesson. It is of import that I get to cognize my pupils and larn to understand how they are affected by different state of affairss. With pattern, I will larn to maintain an oculus out for pupils non verbal cues as their subconscious actions frequently highlight what they are really experiencing at that clip, be it uncomfortable, embarrassed or otherwise. Students may be excessively diffident to talk out and allow the instructor know what they are experiencing. This is backed up by research completed by milling machine ( 2005 ) who found that gestural signals can besides be used to show feelings that are excessively upseting to province othe rwise. In my PE categories, I must be cognizant of the pupils who hate executing presentations in forepart of their equals, they may go really self-aware and bloom, therefore foregrounding their unwilled non-verbal communicating and their undesire to partake in such an activity.The chief precedence in a schoolroom is student larning. Over the last figure of old ages, many course of studies have been farther developed and improved to let for greater pupil larning. Learning in a schoolroom goes beyond a instructor showing information to the pupils and the pupils construing it. Research has shown that non all worlds learn in the same manner. This presents instructors with an obstruction they must provide for the demands of each of the scholars in their schoolroom and show the scholars with the necessary information to win, to the best of their ability.Many pupils feel that Physical Education is non of import to their lives they do nt bask physical activity, do nt take part in it and do nt believe they of all time will. A batch of them are of the sentiment that PE category is merely a otiose chance to acquire more survey done. I believe the administration and end focal point of the pedagogue has a batch to make with this. We hear of pupil s kicking about PE rather on a regular basis, I m bad at all athleticss so I hate the categories , nevertheless the course of study has been designed to integrate something for everyone. If the instructor delivers each facet of physical instruction course of study, providing for all types of scholars through usage of the different acquisition schemes, pupils should see great betterments in their PE lessons and thrive on the benefits of dimension PE in their lives. To do a cross-curricular comparing, Milner ( 2010 ) conducted a survey and found that through usage of assorted larning schemes, she was able to actuate pupils and convert them of the relevancy of Science to their lives therefore, increasing their acquisition in Sci ence Education.Howard Gardener ( 1983 ) introduced the construct of Seven Multiple Intelligences ( MI ) . He introduced his opening to the instruction sector and argued there are septette agencies of intelligence information, giving you seven ways to learn, why would you merely utilize one?Gardener believed that instructors should follow the MI hypothesis as a model for presenting their categories. The theory categorised intelligence as Logical MathematicalLinguisticMusicalSpatialBodily KinestheticInterpersonalIntrapersonalGardener s theory is going of all time more popular among pedagogues due to the important consequences shown by surveies implementing it all over the universe. Kornhaber ( 2001 ) found instructors responded good to Gardener s beliefs as the theory validates pedagogues mundane experience pupils think and learn in many different ways. He believed that Gardener s theory gave instructors a model for organizing their course of study and appraisals, and encourag ed contemplation which, in clip, will better run into the demands of the pupils. I agree with Komhaber, as I feel it is really of import for pedagogues to oppugn their mould and invariably challenge themselves to broaden their focal point and hence, challenge and help their pupils larning.Undertaking SUMIT ( Schools Using Multiple Intelligences Theory ) was carried out in the US in 1999, where research workers examined the performanceA of 41 schools utilizing MI over a three twelvemonth period. Results reported improved standardized trial tonss, reduced disciplinary misdemeanors, increased parent engagement, and increased ability to work with pupils with larning disablements ( Kornhaber, Fierros, & A Veenema, 2004 ) .Similarly, a survey conducted by Schirduan and Case ( 2004 ) , found utilizing MI within a school puting displayed successful consequences. However, this survey focused on pupils with ADHD. The pupils were shown to hold high degrees of intelligence outside of the logi cal and lingual spheres. In many schools, pupils will non hold the chance to expose their intelligence as there are no installations in topographic point for them to make so. As pedagogues we are perpetrating a societal unfairness to our pupils by non planning them with the chance of booming in whatever intelligence spectrum they fall.As an pedagogue, you want to acquire the best out of each of your pupils. Understanding Gardner s theory will help any instructor who is willing to alter their ways for the benefit of the pupil. I believe his theory is really applicable to Physical Educators and will seek to integrate different elements of the theory into my category so my pupils can stand out in their sphere.I will present visuals into my schoolroom, utilizing video cartridge holders as presentations for invasion games and dance public presentations. I will utilize music in dance and gymnastic exercises to assist pupils maintain beat and express themselves through motion. Team/group work will be encouraged to better interpersonal accomplishments during a assortment of physical and mental undertakings. Task cards will be introduced to provide for those whose strengths lie in the lingual sphere. I will reflect systematically on my lessons, cheque has pupil larning improved and from here develop new attacks that may help the pupils larning farther.Due to the restrictions of the essay size, I have non been able to discourse all the plausible factors that influence the rubric. I did, nevertheless, choose the three factors that I believe have the greatest influence self-esteem, multiple intelligences and non-verbal communicating. I provided a elaborate treatment whilst doing mention to the PE environment. In decision, communicating, larning and relationships interlink and accumulate to supply a positive acquisition environment for both the instructor and the pupil. A hiccough in the concatenation can ensue in maximum larning non cosmos attained. Teachers must endea vor to better and retain the positive flow that occurs when the chief factors interlink at the right balance as this is when pupil acquisition is at its greatest. By invariably taking towards a end like this, instructors can stay motivated within their profession and protract their passion for learning.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Ice Cream Lab
January 26, 2013 Ice Cream Lab Purpose The purpose of this expe coastent is to learn and investigate chemical and physical properties of food, such as flavor, texture and consistency while producing folderol cream. Materials ? cup pasteurized egg 1 cup of sugar 1 cup whipping cream 2 cups half and half 1 tbsp mint extract ? cup of chocolate chips 1 cup table salt 1 bag of ice 1 whisk 1 measuring cup, 2 cups size 1 large bowl 1 medium bowl 1 empty coffee washbasin Method In a medium bowl, whisk pasteurized egg. When thoroughly mixed, then add half and half, the whipping cream, sugar and mint extract. Mix thoroughly.In a large bowl add a two inch layer of ice, a layer of salt. Place the contents of the medium sized bowl in the coffee can and submerge the can in the ice. Fill in sides evenly with ice and the remaining salt. Spin the coffee can in the ice. In 15 minutes you will be able to feel the mixture hardening on the sides of the can. In one hour the entire mixture should be soli dified enough for consumption. Results/Summary This was second attempt at this lab. Each time I had two little helpers, aged 11 and 7 in the kitchen that helped measure, mix and assemble. This time we had a can with a lid so they were able to help more this go around.Our mixture came up over the rim of the coffee can and when spinning, some of the mixture leaked out. The mixture was continuously moving this time in a metal can, which I think helped the freezing abut happen more quickly. Once again, in the end, the kids liked it but I thought it thawed rather quickly again. I used sugar or else of honey this time and liked the flavor more. I forgot to add the chocolate chips so we sprinkled them on top instead. Always an improvement for the future(a) time. So, if we do this again, next time, I will add the chips before spinning. Questions 1. Saltwater is a homogeneous mixture.A homogenous mixture is defined by our text as a issue with uniform composition throughout the sample. A motley mixture is defined by our text as mixture that does not fetch uniform composition. (Page 57) 2. The ice cream was a homogeneous mixture and each of the ingredients was uniform throughout. If I would have added the chocolate chips, it would not have been uniform and would have been considered a heterogeneous mixture. 3. The saltwater solution from my large bowl was unsaturated. This time as well, there was no undissolved salt remaining in the bowl and I could have added much more salt to the water.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Internal and External Constraints Affecting Top Gear plc Essay
In this task I shall discuss the many difficulties facing gain flip plc and the internal and external constraints that may scratch the company. I will similarly take on constraints that the force out carriage will seduce to keep in mind when he is preparing job advertisements, and, use examples to show how these constraints will affect the decision makers of twitch Gear plc.I will discuss internal constraints low and later go on to discuss the external constraints that affect both Top Gear plc and the strength motorbus.When preparing a job advertisement the Personnel Manager will ingest to look at several internal constraints before hand. One thing the Personnel Manager may do is check at that place is actually a job for a peeled employee or that a b atomic number 18-assed employee is needed. There is no point in recruiting much employees if there be already sufficient employees to do the amount of take on that needs to be d nonpareil. He will also have to look a t the payment of new employees. The Personnel Manager will have to discuss this with the manager of the department looking to recruit new employees, or whichever department is paying for the new recruits, and recognize whether their budget screw afford to pay for a new recruit.An opposite playing area the Personnel Manager would have to think about is whether the company can agree new employees. For example if the job required an office to work from, and Top Gear plc didnt have any offices remaining, they would be unable to accommodate a new employee. Also the company may be required to have parking spaces for each individual employees. Also the Personnel Manager would have to examine if there are enough resources for a new recruit to carry out the job they have been hired for. If Top Gear plc hired mortal to make deliveries, and then found they did not have enough vehicles for the new recruit and existing staff, they would be paying for someone who was doing nothing. The Pers onnel Manager would also have to consider, if there were an inadequate amount of resources, whether it would be cost-affective to buy more of the required resources or whether it would be cheaper to not recruit any new employees.Another constraint may be that the company uses a specialist type of equipment or software sheaf and the Personnel Manager would have to include this as part of the job advertisement. For example, Top Gear plc may use a certain graphics package when designing new clothes, so, new employees have-to doe with in the design department of Top Gear plc would have to be able to use that certain graphics package. If they could not use the graphics package then they would require training and this would cost more money, and, if Top Gear plc was only looking to recruit one employee it may be considered a nullify of time and money to train one individual employee.Internal constraints also affect other areas of the company. One instance in which the directors of Top Gear plc are going to have to take internal constraints into very serious consideration will be when they rear their idea of introducing a website to the company into practice. Top Gear plc will have to recruit new people and buy new equipment to use and maintain the new website and other things associated with the introduction of the website such(prenominal) as more vehicles for the expected extra deliveries. Also new recruits, and current employees, if they are to be used, will have to have the right skills and qualifications required to make the new website work. These are just a few of the internal constraints that would likely affect a company such as Top Gear plc.There are also many external constraints affecting businesses such as Top Gear plc. When preparing a job advertisement the Personnel Manager will also have to take several of these into consideration. Some of the major constraints that will have to be focused on are included in Employment Legislation. Such principle includes Acts such as the Health and Safety at Work Act, Race Relations Act, fitted Pay Act and the Sex Discrimination Act. These mean that the Personnel Manager cannot be either sexist or racist in his advertisement and that he will have to be careful that he doesnt inadvertently produce an advert containing anything that could be interpreted as though he was being racist or sexist or discriminate to other such individuals as disabled people.The Personnel Manager mustiness make sure the payment for the job is fair otherwise he is going against the Equal Pay Act. If one person is being paid 500 a month in Top Gear plc and a job vacancy appears for someone to do the alike job for only 400 this would be unfair to the new employee. It is very unlikely an employee would work for less money than someone doing the same job and would be a bad idea to pay them less as Top Gear plc would get into trouble and would soon find themselves with one less employee and another vacancy.The enviro nment were the company is based will also have an affect on the company. If Top Gear plc were based in an area with high employment, such as London, the chances of getting a high skilled worker for a low payment are quite slim as there will probably be many other jobs that are willing to pay more to have highly skilled employees, so the Personnel Manager will have to take this into consideration when deciding and publishing the amount which the job will pay.If the vacancy requires new offices to be built, or an involution of factory space, Top Gear plc will have to adhere to local government planning regulations and may also annoy some local environmental pressure groups which will try and stop the new buildings being built. The Directors, as well as the Personnel Manager, would have to decide whether it is worth having new buildings, or current buildings extended, and whether the possibility of causing local pressure groups to take action against the company is likely. Top Gear pl c want to have a good reputation. If environmental pressure groups take action against the company it will spoil Top Gear plcs reputation and construction would be slowed if not completely stop as the people complain about the company.Other pressure groups will also be considered in decisions of the company such as Trade Unions and Consumer Groups. Top Gear plc will not want Trade Unions taking action against them so they will probably employ people to make sure the work environment is as safe and as fair as possible so that Trade Unions are happy.Consumer Pressure groups will also be interpreted into consideration and so Top Gear plc will do their best to make sure products conform to Consumer Legislation such as the Trade Descriptions Act, bargain of Goods Act and the Weights and Measures Act. This means that goods sold by Top Gear plc must be as described, be free from any defects, be of a courteous merchantable quality and must be the correct measurement labelled on them.The F inance department also have certain external constraints such as Taxes. There are many taxes including corporation tax and VAT. Top Gear plc has to pay these taxes on the profit they make, the things they buy such as equipment, vehicles etc. Top Gear plc can claim VAT back from customs and excise. The Finance department will also have to take exchange pass judgment and interest rates into consideration when buying or selling items abroad or when taking out loans or other such borrowings.A braggart(a) external constraint is competition. The Personnel Manager may have to take this into account when preparing a job advertisement as if a competing company also have a vacancy for a similar job they may try and make their job seem more attractive by go better payment, better bonuses or other such things. The Personnel Manager may take this into account and try to make the job sound as interesting as possible. Competition will also affect the prices Top Gear plc sells its products at a nd may be the cause for a reduction in prices as Top Gear plc are competing to have more customers than other companies.In conclusion there are many types of internal and external constraints that affect any company especially one like Top Gear plc. The Personnel Manager will have many constraints to consider when preparing for the advertisement and must think carefully about what is included within his final advertisement. The directors of Top Gear plc, who are the main decision makers, will also expected to put a lot of thought toward external constraints also as the wrong decisions could mean disaster for the company.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Organization Behavior and Leadership Essay
The Expectancy Theory of MotivationOne of the most widely accepted theories of motivation is Victor Vrooms Expectancy Theory. Expectancy conjecture argues that the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.208) i In other words, employees will have the motivation to put onward a reinforced effort, if They cogitate the effort will give them positive recognition. (This is c whollyed the effort-performance relationship.)That positive recognition must then lead to some kind of desirable reward, such as more than money or an increase in status or power. (This is called the performance-reward relationship.) That reward must also be something that fulfills a personal goal for the employee. (This is called the rewards-personal goals relationship.) every(prenominal) three components need to be present for a n individual to exert the kind of effort needed to be considered an intense motivation for action and performance of a duty or task.Lets consider the following exampleA company that produces a high quality audio products has recently introduced a new production process in an effort to ease the employees meet a goal of high production standards. executive program As aggroup of employees are not doing well with the production process. Some do not strive to get over the process, those that have mastered it are not putting forth effort to reach the goals, and even top-producers dont seem interested in achieving the goals. After speaking to some of Supervisor As team, Supervisor B has discovered that the following concerns are expressed by the team Some do not feel they can be successful because they believe lack the dexterity needed to implement the process.Some feel that it is not worth the putting forth the extra effort to reach the goals because there is no difference in salary i ncrease for those that meet the goals and those that do not. They believe that performance has to be very slow before it affects the rate of pay. They also utter that when a bonus is given, after the withholdings are taken out, the bonus is so small that overtime actually is seen as better way to earn more money than trying to earn a bonus. This scenario lends itself to the perfect situation to implement the expectancy theory of motivation. The employees feel That there is no recognition for achieving the goal.That there is no reward for achieving the goal.Since there is no recognition or reward, there is no opportunity for employees to evaluated their personal goals to see if reaching the performance goal will help to fulfill a personal goal. The company could implement the expectancy theory by enacting the following steps Create a specific recognition for those that master process. For those that master the process bonuses can be implemented that exceed those monetary rewards tha t overtime would bring.Personally interview each employee to discover what their employment goals are and effect a personalized plan to reach those goals, make mastering the process one of those steps needed to reach the personal goal. This plan would address all three components of the expectancy theory. However the plan should not be created as one-time policy implementation. Rather it should be tested and evaluated to discover what rewards and recognitions created the most effective levels of motivation. i . Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2007). Organization behavior. (12 ed., p. 208). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson Education, Inc.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Owning a car when one turns 16 Essay
There are many advantages and disadvantages to owning a vehicle. A life style variegate faecal matter occur or an empty w all in allet or purse I can almost expect someone leave alone take a leak when they low start driving a vehicle of their own. This impact in ones life can not only change their life style and their money role but also there grades, sports, social life, and most of all their physical health. These advantages and disadvantages can be for the better but most of all the worst. In my opinion, owning a vehicle at a young age develops a good source of financial planning, responsibility, and awareness of what can happen to them if they become an uncontrolled driver.Next, with the acquire of a car there can be a life style change and also a huge financial decrease. If one owns a car, especially a teenager, they become cocky and act like a hot shot because they have a vehicle. With this problem a teen whitethorn start to develop a new driving style. They allow for d rive with only one arm and will constantly change the CD participant to different compact discs and radio station. With having them do this they will increase the chances of not paying attention to the rode and will cause an accident. So, a driver needs to victuals their eyes on the rode to not only protect to their own life but the lives of others.Then, the new driver has already developed the bad habits of driving and this will lead them into a having bad grades, missing practices for sports, and lose a social life. The bad grades can come from driving too much, but if one drives, they will need a job. A job is where a loss in a social life comes together. If they are running(a) to drive, they will not have enough time to spend with their friends. Now that they are trying to find time out of work to drive, hang out with friends, and play sports. Sports are afterwards school each day. I dont expect a driver to play sports all week and only work two years and still have enough money to pay for their vehicle.Finally, the most difficult sacrifice to give up is their physical health being tampered with. By working all the time and constantly trying to join sports and hang out with friends this will affect their health. Where is their time to sleep? One will be doing it all but they do need time to sleep. All of these advantages and disadvantages will change their entirelife style. I believe owning a vehicle will do that but in some cases a change is a good thing so there is always something to look out for. Change can be good but the time will keep ticking away. So, do what makes one happy and make it how you want it.
Aquatic Flora of Pulicat Lake Essay
Pulicat lake derived its name from a vernacular name Palaverkadu means plants with legion(predicate) result of roots. Those plants are mangroves with aerial roots called Pneumatophores. The explicate mangrove is considered to be a combination of the Portuguese word Mangue and English Word Grove. These are salt tolerant plants and are rich in this range and might be the reason for that name. The lake harbours rich and valued floristic wealth because of its varied ecological habitat viz., salt marshes, epithelial ducts, mangroves, islands, low lying areas etc.A careful study of literature revealed that the lake has hardly received management by the botanical explorers and hence it has remained botanically under-explored so far. But its fauna was extensively studied by many zoologists Nanda Kumar . A.R.KSastry and T.A. Rao (1973) in their extensive study on the plant and vegetation of Coastal Andhra Pradesh, have recorded near 15 species from the island of the lake.Pulicat lake derived its name from a vernacular name Palaverkadu means plants with many number of roots. The lagoons boundary limits range between 13.33 to 13.66 N and 80.23 to 80.25E, with a dried decompose of the lagoon extending up to 14.0N. with about(predicate) 84% of the lagoon in Andhra Pradesh and 16% in Tamil Nadu. The large spindle-shaped barrier island named Sriharikota separates the lake from the request of Bengal. Area Three major Rivers which feed the lagoon are Arani river, Kalangi river and Swarmukhi river. The Buckingham Canal, a navigation Channel is part of the lagoon on its western side. It is connected to the sea through three tidal inlets, one apiece at Tupilipalem, Rayadoruvu and Pulilcat resolutions respectively, from north to south.Study was undertaken in the Pulicat lake and data of aquatic flora collected by prevalent visits during 2009-2010. Close up Photographs of as many as possible and associations depicting the richness of the macrophytes of the lake w ere taken. Herbaria of various aquatic plants also collected for future reference. Herbaria-specimens are preserved at N.B.K.R. Medicinal Plant Research Centre, Vidyanagar, Nellore District.Results and Discussions brackish water is more saltier than fresh water and less saltier than sea water. Hence it is biologically more successful than either freshwater or sea water. It shows very rich aquatic population diversity including handsome floating, submerged, suspended, marginal, amphibious plants along with halophytes and mangroves. Region of pulicat lake includes salt marshes, canals and mangroves.Salt marshes often inundated by backwaters are largely occupied by halophytes. They include Aleuropous lagopoides, Etriplex repens, Cressa cretica, Crotalaria retusa, Cyparus haspan, Fimbristylils ferrugenea, Salilchornia brachiata , Sesuvium portulacastrum Etc. Similar halophytic species scattered along the banks of Buckingham canal and Vapenjeri canal flowing with brackish water. Halop hila ovalis popularly called sea grass belong to the family Hydrochariticeae appear prominently all along the margins Buckingham canal.Small mangrove pockets are located at two places namely near Vepenjeri canal slopped to Chandrasikuppam, and near Chengalpalem. Four species of mangroves belonging to four families are prominent over here. They include Aegiceras corniculatus of Myrsiraceae, genus Avicennia marina of Aviceiniaceae, Excoecaria agallocha of Euphorbiaceae and Lumintzera racemosa of Combretaceae. They develop pneumatophores in response to oxygen deficient conditionsSignificance of macrophytes to the lakeMacrophytes provide cover for tip and substrate for aquatic invertebrates, produce oxygen and act as food for some fish and infuriated life. Established mangrove roots provide an oyster habitat and slow water flow, there by enhancing sediment deposition. The fine anoxic sediments under mangroves act as sinks for a variety of heavy (trace) surface with colloidal particl es in the sediments scavenged from the water. They protect coastal areas from erosion, storms and tsunamis. Their massive root systems are efficient at dissipating coil energy.ConclusionA decline in the macrophytic population may indicate water quality problem. They may be the result of excessive turbidgidy, pollutants including herbicides or salinization. It may lead to a major socio economic problem. ane village in Tamilnadu was protected from tsunami destruction. That village is Naluvedapathy planted 80.244 saplings to get into the Guinness Book of World Records. This created a klick wide belt of trees of various varieties. When the tsunami struck, much of the land around the village was flooded but the village escaped form minimal damage. Many conservative methods have to be practiced to protect the macrophytic flora of the lake.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Chemistry of Cancer
Molly HubnerPeriod 1Extra Credit Paper Chemistry of crabby person Cancerous cubicles develop when conditions for cells be favorable, therefore next the divisions to continu on the wholey occur, never stopping. When this happens, a tissue big bucks of cells c all(prenominal)ed a tumor is formed and does not respond to convening controls regarding cell growth. Cancer cells have the following characteristics profound stirs in the plasma and membrane cytoplasm, abnormal growth and division weakened capacity for adhesion, and lethality. The membrane permeability is intensified and some proteins may be altered or added.Enzyme activities may likewise change and the cytoskeleton shrinks, causing a chaotic atmosphere. Controls are lost and cell populations will dramatically increase. New proteins creator abnormal increases in small blood vessels. Due to the high numbers, the cells nookie no longer adhere itself to the parent tissue. Unless the crabby personous cells are remove d, they will kill the individual. Cancer is the number unmatched killer in the States to mean solar day. We squeeze out say the cognise coiffures of flush toiletcer are radiation, sunlight, pollution, cigarette fume and improper conk outts. I will explain the major causes of sack upcer, but before I proceed let me define the endpoint cancer. To be defined cancer is an abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells that can spread beyond their natural boundaries to otherwise parts of the body. Cancers can develop in numerous parts of the body. At first oncogene, genes with highly alter functions were said to be the cancer genes . This of course was wrong as oncogene promote normal cell division and growth as well as the rep origin and replacement of damaged cells. Cancer starts when one out of as many as one trillion cells goes awry. When first damaged the cell loses its orthogonal controls and then the internal controls defect.From this it tries to develop a new set of internal controls by multiplying at a rapid pace which spreads colonies doneout the body. Cancer has been said to have two steps fun and promotion. During mutation the cell has been hit and permanently damaged the cell is primed and ready to be molded known as a cancer cellPromotion is the cell division of the cancerous cell which then loses its controls- it then compensates itself by becoming an autonomous body Cancer can take 10 15 long time to function fully certain, this depending on the cause or the ggressiveness of the tumor. Mature cells tend to progress slower. Metastases is the closing stage when cancer is spread through the body by blood vessels or lymphatic channels. Single metastases can be cured usually by surgery or radiotherapy and multiple metastases is cured by chemotherapy . Metastases follows a path- from the primary tumor to a specific organ or organs. Lung Cancer is a disease pronounced by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. The abnormal cells may no longer do t he track down of normal cells and in turn crowd out and pulverise the healthy tissue.Most of the victims of cancer die from lung cancer. Many of these cases could have been avoided because it most a lot occurs in people over the age of 50 with a history of smoking. There are different types of lung cancer involving different parts of the lungs. They have different symptoms and are all treated differently. If the cancer is located in one of the bronchi it can irritate the lining of the bronchial tube and cause a chronic coughing. Otherwise known as smokers cough. In heartrending conditions of this cough some might actually cough up blood.If the cancer spreads it may fill up the bronchus so air cannot easily pass in or out. Repeated lung infections and pneumonia are common with this condition. The lede cause of lung cancer is smoking. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 different chemicals, many of which are carcinogens (may cause cancer). The third of the most damaging to xins are nicotine, tars, and carbon monoxide. Second-hand smoke inhaled by both smokers and nonsmokers is another important cause of lung cancer. Smoking is responsible for 90% of lung cancer finishs among men, 79% among women.Also smoking accounts for about 30% of all cancer deaths. Smokers that inhale two or more packs of cigarettes a day, have a cancer death rate rate 12-25 times greater than a nonsmokers. It has been estimated that if all the smokers in America stopped smoking, lung cancer would be virtually gone. The best known carcinogen is asbestos. Others include nickel, chromate, and vinyl chloride. Risk of lung cancer is greatly increased when combine with smoking. It is obvious that cigarette smoking is the maven most powerful cause of lung cancer.The increase in pretend has been observed not only in men, but more recently in women, for smoking has bewilder engage in activities formerly considered the domain of men. Depending upon the number of cigarettes smoked, an d the number of cigarettes smoked each day can increase the risk of lung cancer. It is clear that there is a definite and direct dose-response relationship between the smoking dose and the development of cancer. I believe that if someone smokes even a pack of cigarettes a day it will increase the risk of getting cancer. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer.It is a radioactive gas found in the earths rocks and soil, formed by the natural breakdown of radium. Excessive characterization of registered nurse in the home may increase the risk of lung cancer especially in smokers. If the radon levels are found to be to high, remedial actions should be taken. Another cause of cancer is on the job exposure to carcinogens . You cant see radon. And you cant smell or taste it, but it may very well be a problem in your home. It is estimated to cause many thousands of deaths each year. Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas, and when you breathe air containing the gas, you can get lung cancer.In fact, radon has now been declared the second leading cause of lung cancer in the fall in States today. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high. Radon can be found all over the United States. It comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water and gets in to the air you breathe. Radon can get into any type of building, homes, offices, and schools and build up to high levels. But you and your family are most apt(predicate) to get your greatest exposure in your home because that is where you spend most of your time.In recent years Cancer is disease that has seemed to scared and infected Americans. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U. S. with more than 1 million new cases occurring a year. With each day scientific findings give a better understanding of the causes of the disease. These findings have opened doors to stand by treat ca ncer patients more efficiently. Scientists have gained a more specific knowledge of individual cancers and now through the wonders of science have found effective give-and-takes for the disease. To treat Cancer doctors and scientist need an understanding of what the disease actually physically does.Cancer is defined as new growth of tissue resulting from a continuing proliferation of abnormal cells that have the ability to invade and destroy other tissues. Cancer is not restricted to what type of cell and tissue it may emerge from. Therefore, they recognize the disease as a large number of diseases as opposed to just on single disease. Because Cancer involves cells that can easily enter the blood burgeon forth the disease has the ability to spread quickly through the body making it an even more dangerous disease and harder to stop. The idea behind surgery for interference of cancer patients is to remove all malignant cells and tumors.With new, more precise, surgical advances, f ar less tissue is demand to be removed thus resulting in a quicker recovery and less chance for serious disability. Surgery is most effective if done in the early stages of Cancer, although it is effective in more developed stages in relieving symptoms. Surgery is also used to make other forms of treatment, such as radiation, more effective. With the simplification of the tumor through surgery radiation treatment may effectively eliminate the tumor. Radiation treatment of cancer uses gamma rays attack Cancer causing tissue.Since tumors are more sensitive to radiation than normal tissue radiation can effectively eliminate or reduce harmful tissues that surgery can otherwise not remove. Since normal tissues are not as easily harmed by radiation, the negative effectuate on healthy tissue are not as severe. If the tumor is reduced through radiation, it may become possible for a doctor to eliminate the tumor through surgery. Radiation can also sterilize tumors thus preventing or slowi ng the spread of the Cancer through the body. This can also help doctors remove the tumor more easily through surgery, and provides a much less involved, painful surgery.The faction of radiation and surgery, if effective, can offer a cure with fewer negative side effects to the patient. The final traditional means of treating cancer is Chemotherapy. This form of treatment involves the use of drugs. Chemotherapy is used when Cancer has grown passim the body and is no longer accessible through radiation or surgery. Although after chemotherapy, surgery is often used to eliminate waiting Caceres tissue. In this treatment drugs are administered and pass through the blood stream effecting Cancer tissue and healthy tissue.Since the drugs affect healthy tissue the patient will become drift from the treatment but because healthy cells divide faster than malignant cells the patient is able to recuperate. Chemotherapy, like all Cancer treatments, is most effective when administered early t he early stages of the disease. It is also important that the treatment is consistent and administered frequently in order to achieve the most successful results. Cancer is one of the most leading causes of death in women, children and the elderly in the United States of America.Cancer is the number one killer in America today. We can say the known causes of cancer are radiation, sunlight, pollution, cigarette smoking and improper diets. Until this day we can say the causes of cancer are many and definitely complex, while the development of most cancers still remain unexplained. Bibliography Avendano, Carmen, and J. Carlos Mendes. Medicinal Chemistry of Anti- Cancer Drugs ElSever Hardbook. April 2008 Kotasek, Dusan, and Peter Pannall. Cancer and Clinical Biochemistry. UKACB. Venture Publications, 1997
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